9/24/2002 1:30 PM |
Hi all, I've recently read an article about the previous years of grunge rock since dear old Kurt left us. Apparently, Chad Kroeger of Nickleback seems to think that they are the new Nirvana, which prompted a worthy reply from a reviewer and I quote: "I cannot believe that Nirvana and Nickleback are being mentioned in the same sentence. Kurt must be ricochetting off his coffin lid", a comment I think, sums it all up. In my mind, grunge rock went back underneath its rock when Kurt died. These days, you have to be a nu-metal band or a neo-punk band before you'd even get a comparison. Nickleback are by no stretch of the imagination a "new Nirvana". Anyone agree or am I just being naieve?
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
9/24/2002 1:49 PM |
Kurt would be revolving in he grave! Grunge was a strange musical movement in so far as some bloody awful acts came to the attention of thew world instead of playing the yokel bars of But Crack, USA. Nirvana were by far the most successful because they were head and shoulders above the rest in terms of songwriting ability.
Nickelback, on the other hand are just pants. It is like comparing Status Quo to Nirvana. As a matter of fact, I feel like I'm being harsh on the Quo (at least they had the good grace to so copious amounts of drugs).
damo101 New Member Posts:82  
9/24/2002 4:36 PM |
At bus stations you rarely see little metaller kids with nickleback hoodies, its all nirvana. Its probably just DJ's like Larry Gogan that made claims like that but the reality in a little saner
'and jesus did feed the fecophiliacs loaves and fish, more specifically pinched loaves and chocolate salmon'
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
9/24/2002 5:15 PM |
Nirvana V Nickleback?
No comparison.
Nirvana were the best grunge band by a mile, if not the best band of all time. I mean, they did not have bad songs at all. Their lyrics, music and cohesion were unreal even if they werent a great live band. (Never saw them live but got the impression from their live CDs)
I think Pearl Jam ran them close even if their style was quite different.
Cast the pearls aside...live a simple life
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
9/24/2002 5:44 PM |
Nickelprat V Nirvana..
Now that's a laugh...LOL
9/24/2002 5:44 PM |
Interesting point about the hoodies damo, that's very true. I'm glad to see a lot of support for what I'm saying here because a comparison between the 2 is unimaginable. By the way, I believe it was Kroeger himself made that statement along with some unbelievable bullshit like "7 million people can't be wrong". What a dumbass thing for a (supposedly) professional musician to say.
God rest your soul Kurt.
afro1001 New Member Posts:73  
10/7/2002 2:34 AM |
at the risk of sounding like a snobbish singer song writer again that is one of the most ridiculous comparison i have ever heard, while i'll admit to not being a major nirvana fan, ie i never wore the hoodies cos i always new hoodies were naff, at the same time though it is time certain gosts were laid to rest, it is plaintitively obviou that a number of bands at the moment are nirvana wannabe's eg puddle of muds latest offering she hates me. the point i am trying to make is this, there is a whole new blend of music out there which deserves to be listened to, david kitt has an amazing blend of hip hop and rock with a smidgen of hippy thrown in for good measure, damien rice has releaed one of the most accomplished albums of the year and on the intenational scene two people have inall com along with something to say, ie the boss himself and eminem, i know i thought he was a pile of cap too until i actualy listened to the album and it is genuinely moving, as regards the boss find a better verse than "you can call me joe, buy me a drink and shake my hand, you want courage, ill show you courage you cant understand......" and i will buy you a drink. the point i am making is that music demands that we look to the future, while fair enough we should be influnced by the past, it can never and should never becom a place where we can hide from the future
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
10/7/2002 4:14 PM |
i know im contributing to it,but it's really bad that the notion of nicleback bein....... eh, thinki....... eh just the notion of nickleback has generated so much discussion here .let us be vigilant lest they invade any more of our lives.euuugh!