Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
9/11/2002 11:04 AM |
To anyone that hasn't had the bad fortune to see it first hand...can I fill you in on the terrible state of affairs that has turned Da2 into a farce?......The venue is being brought to Court (today actually) over the level of sound comng from the building so a sound gauge of sorts has been put in place (you may remember this from a thread on the Thing's Robbie Brady doing a DIY job on it before?)...well the gauge barely takes 100db before it cuts the power off. Totally. Last night Hi.Rise played a lo-fi/semi-acoustic set with this in mind. The gig was a charity night fundraiser and the band barely got to play 4 songs (two of which cut out. There was no drum kit and the bass and guitar amps had to be turned so low as to be nearly off. The engineer himself wasn't impressed himself but there was no DIY jobbie this time....a €1,000 fine to anyone interfering with the corpos handy work (plus the engineer risking losing his job)...
To any bands with gigs booked, to the Soundroom crew...Please make sure you check the venue seriously before considering playing again as you are going to face having to refund money on the door. It's an awful shame too cos it's a lovely venue with a good atmosphere - but if you can't plug in - what's the point?
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
9/11/2002 4:42 PM |
I heard they were having problems in there alright and I had assumed
that all as OK if the gigs finished early enough...
(ie before 12)
I didn't realise that they had actually installed a circuit breaker as such.
It's a shame, cause we really enjoyed playing in there.
Was the audience aware of what was happening or were they blaming the engineer/band ?
9/11/2002 5:10 PM |
i remember ucd havin the same thing because of the bloody barmen's union...pain in 'da(2)' bollix!!!!
Makepiece New Member Posts:10  
9/11/2002 6:21 PM |
holy shit - does anyone know if the venue is going to continue with gigs in the circumstances?
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
9/12/2002 2:42 PM |
No one was really blaming the band to be honest - the woman putting the event on (for the charity) got up and explained what was happening and by all accounts the crowd seemed to be ok about it. However had it not been the night that was in it I'd imagine they would have been looking for their cash back...and rightly so. But it's pretty embarrasing and frustrating for a band to have the power die in hte middle of a song (and it happened two or three times til the gig just got pulled). The level of noise simply from the crowd talking etc makes a reading on this poxy box and once the pa is on it's bye bye love. If you have a gig booked I wouldn't take their word for it that it'll be ok, I'd go up on another night and see it for yourself before hand. Hi.Rise got a call the night before the gig saying you can't use your kit, so they said fine and asked would it be ok to use bass and electric guitar and were told that was fine. The bass knocked the signal off immediately and it was so low it was barely audible. And then at that level it still cut off. I hope it gets sorted cos it's a nice spot but that is a bit much.
9/12/2002 3:48 PM |
that sounds like a big load of poo. the locals must have liked it better when it was the met bar, scumbags fighting puking and pissing all over the streets mugging anybody who got in there way is alot better than bands trying to play music.
if only somebody could come up with an device that could cut of the power when crap music came now that might make the world a better place
snakybus New Member Posts:57  
9/13/2002 12:32 PM |
Well we (Settler) had a gig there with Deputy Fuzz on Friday and now it's cancelled - but not because of the noise limiter! It's cancelled because the Da2 have said that the place is unsafe, as there's a crack in the ceiling of the ground floor, and there will be no gigs until the building is repaired.
all very suspicious....
I'm pissed about the gig, I was looking forward to it.
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
9/15/2002 6:26 PM |
if we all cut out a nice patch of carpet from our front rooms, we could go in there with a bag of nails and soundproof the place - who's up for it. oh yeah, breathing could be a problem...
we await further news....
soundroom New Member Posts:39  
9/16/2002 5:50 PM |
As of today, all gigs are going ahead in Da2 apparently. The venue did have a crack in the ceiling, I can vouch for that and I suspect it was caused by the incredible set from The Things a couple of months ago!! Funny how the "box of satan" shananigans and the cracked ceiling started on the same night? ANyway Soundroom will go ahead on the 2nd (with a blistering line-up may I add) but only when we are assured that the limitor will be running properly, and that the bands will be able to play to their full potential without having to worry about the sound cutting out.
Da2 is a great venue and I really hope this works out!
I will keep you posted as I get information...Please keep your fingers crossed...
9/17/2002 12:27 PM |
According to some, they've officially lost their license due to excessive noise. Dunno how true that is though.....
A gentleman always knocks twice
A gentleman always asks nice
9/17/2002 3:22 PM |
From the PhantomFM messageboard:
"....apparently the PA system has now been removed from the building altogether. That's the good word from someone who used to run weekly club nights there and has given up on the gaff. You might want to check the thread Juno started and see sinister Pete's words of wisdom too. Not looking good for anyone with a booking there, and you can't even contact the sods to cancel"
A gentleman always knocks twice
A gentleman always asks nice
9/21/2002 4:32 AM |
It's such a shame - at the start it seemd like Da2 was going to be a good venue - and it is (was) - pity about all this crap...
YehYerMa New Member Posts:1  
9/23/2002 2:42 PM |
I believe the Subtonics played on saturday and all is well.
So ye no what that means, everyone has to go see the Things
on Friday 27th September @ Whelans, death disco, doors open
11pm. Dj's Alan McGee & BP Falon.