dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
8/12/2002 6:23 PM |
8 Miles to the Nearest Spar – The lowdown
Dublin’ s 24 hour party people have a new war cry ; “8 miles to the nearest spar” A Dark but very tongue and cheek techno anthem conceived as an ode to being out in the middle of nowhere,at a party, a little bit loose in the head, hungry and broke!!!!
Picture this – its 8am on a sunday morning , youre on Donabate Beach, Thinking to yourself “is that northside or southside?” antics have more or less come to a standstill, the last soundsystem is banging out some obscure gabba tune, there are three people dancing like vagrants round a burning barrel, a crusty , an office postboy in a celtic jersey and a mid to late forties earth mother. You root through your pockets only to find out that the crisp 10 euro note you thought u had was actually a crumpled up flyer for Switch with the phone number of DJ Phat Balls on the back, a lesser known tune spinner from Carlow who you spent all night chatting to but wouldn’t be able to identify in daylight if the safety of the state depended on it. You can only look at your friends at this point because the sheer thought of starting another conversation is giving u a worry rash on your brain…everyone is thinking the same thing,.how are we
There is one thing that will make this feeling of detatchment go away, its not a hug from your mother, or paracetemol or , that berocca shite , or even religious intervention. Basically what the abandoned raver needs is a spar within 15 minutes walk with its shutters open, the deli counter staffed up to the eyeballs, a full fridge , a wine shelf, and an infinite selection of corn snacks. Some parties however are just two far off the beaten track, in areas that have not quite made it onto spars hitlist “8 Miles to the nearest spar” is a social commentary about mans great desire for the simple things in life, like Aeros Soleros and Rancheros. Its not comedy it’s a serious TUNE !!!!
The tune 8 miles to the nearest spar will go public in the near future having been doing the rounds on dublins 24 hour house-party scene for the last 10 weekends, the rough demo version has already sold more cd copies than most known irish bands would expect a single release to sell and its only been doing the rounds for two weeks.
The band – the song was conceived recorded and promoted by word of mouth by a yet un-named Dublin supergroup containing members from the Things , The Subtonics , Listo and Miles Judge as well as some independent punters.
The style – primal scream have a scrap with underworld, mike skinner of the Streets tries to break it up and gets glassed by the bloke out of scooter……..electronic punk at its seediest. The Things recently met the aforementioned Skinner on the dublin-belfast, train made him listen to the song on earphones and it made him smile..Hes on our buzz - ARE YOU ON OUR BUZZ??
Available ? not yet ! plans have been put in place for an 8 miles to the nearest spar EP – a demo version can be obtained by email to anyone with realplayer if they mailto: dirtypropaganda@yahoo.com
This is totally underground and designed to scare you.
this is underground and its designed to scare you
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
8/13/2002 9:20 AM |
stick me down for one o'dem ep's and a steak'n'kidney pie lookalike.
8/13/2002 10:00 AM |
I strongly believe that Murfa ag an Souljah loaded with his 8 miles to the nearest spar could rise this country out of its decadent state.
Stick us down for two, Skipper.....
Edited by - gunrack on 13 Aug 2002 11:56:45
8/13/2002 10:18 AM |
Grab a taxi, rob a car.....eights miles to the nearest Spar!
The anthem of a generation of blue-lipped, ranchero-craving youths! A classic if ever I've heard one!
Pay attention people - the best cultural statement I've heard - future generations will study this work of genius in their 'History of Ireland' books!
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
8/13/2002 10:25 AM |
does this mean the EP will be rolling out on the shelves of SPAR next to Johnny Blue??? jaysus, what a distribution deal that would be! Right in the line of sight for every 14 year old in the country....
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
8/13/2002 4:02 PM |
i wish that was the case /// however if the good people of spar knew where this tune came out of they would run a thousand miles from it:::
were looking for a name for the band.. think along the lines of a jumped up snotty nosed version of the reindeer section or an unarmed non bitch-slapping version of so solid crew..basically its a gang that cant decide on a name so if u have any ideas either post them here or give us a shout at dirtypropaganda@yahoo.com
suggestions from within so far:
the yokes
the creamers
the creaming yokers
the dublin city manglers
the come on come ons!!!! -> l like this one
he/or benson
the bent heads
keep in mind im not sure how many people are even in this band..its kinda shrouded in mystery...but be sure of one thing...if u fuck with em you will recieve a smack of the late herald.....jahearme!!!!!!!
this is totally underground and its designed to scare you
8/13/2002 4:16 PM |
An alternative to The Yokes, with a great builtin double meaning........The Tune Enhancers!!
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
8/13/2002 4:31 PM |
the berserkers - check yer history books kids....
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
8/13/2002 7:01 PM |
ah bollix - some yanks got there first.
what about "the gang green" - has a certain flavour to it...
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
8/14/2002 12:48 PM |
the tune is available now in a realmedia file (.rm) to any punter who has realplayer........get your orders in - you will recieve the lo-fi first draft of what is promising to be a historical tune...complete with cockney wideboy snottynosed vocal sylings....Quailty aint great but the sentiments are !!!!
send a friendly note to dirtypropaganda@yahoo.com for your free 8 MILES TO THE NEAREST SPAR demo.
this is totally underground and its designed to scare you
8/15/2002 10:48 AM |
Thanks Mr Propaganda, got the email with the 'tune' - everyone in work has been raving all morning, which is quite strange considering I work in a rather upper class establishment. This anthem seems to transcend all classes!
Anyone who hasnt gotten themselves acquainted with '8 miles' yet, get your arse in gear and get yourself a copy!
One more tune!!!!
Damaged Roots New Member Posts:3  
8/16/2002 12:19 PM |
Christmass No1
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
8/19/2002 8:56 AM |
joe strummer & the mescalero's???!
oh dear...haha
dodgiest lyric ever but an anthem nonetheless...
8/27/2002 11:49 PM |
What about
"The Foaming Mouths"
for the name of the band?
8/30/2002 1:38 PM |
Check out Hotpress (Ash on the cover) - page 33.
Mr Sweeney, indeed it is 'a thumping ode to being cold, hungry and skint after an all-nighter in the middle of nowhere'.
Could this be the beginning of '8 miles' chart
success? Has the underground anthem all gone too commercial?
Here's to knocking Mary Black of the No 1 spot!!!!!
9/2/2002 2:44 PM |
Saw hotpress f u c k i n hell, why don't they, he, she or it put it on sail at the gigs of the bands that took part in this masterpiece.
chocolate man New Member Posts:7  
9/3/2002 2:07 PM |
Listened to "8miles....."- Fuckin brillant. Nice one chief.
I like jam bons