11/26/2001 12:12 AM |
I just read your review of the album 'The Life' by Ginuwine. To put it as sicinctly as I can, let me just say that it is probably not a good idea to criticize a genre of music you so obviously do not understand. Your review was not substantial and obviously lacking in taste. If you are going to make it a bussiness of yours to be a critic, let me suggest that you equip yourself with the full knowledge and understanding of the subject you choose to criticize......if you are looking for classical music, it is probably not a good idea to be looking for it in the R&B section!!! NO, my ignorant friend, Ginuwine is definitly not crap and the millions- literally millions of people who continue to buy his albums don't seem to think so either. Cheers!!
Now U Know
Jupiter New Member Posts:40  
11/26/2001 5:23 PM |
yeh yeh....whasup....yeh...east coast west coast...yeh.
uh uh yeh...cumon!
11/26/2001 5:35 PM |
"sicinctly" ? kindly consult a dictionary, please.
Popularity has no affect on how good music is, I'm afraid buddy. Look at Westlife, eh?
11/27/2001 1:37 AM |
"sicinctly" ? kindly consult a dictionary, please.
Popularity has no affect on how good music is, I'm afraid buddy. Look at Westlife, eh?
Now U Know
Now U Know
11/27/2001 8:13 AM |
Ah poor old S. You've really shot yoursef in the foot here, haven't you! You called Niamh a "crapy critic" because she didn't like Ginuwine's album. Yet you turn around and say "It is a matter of opinion how good a certain kind of music is so.....anyway".
D'uh - OF COURSE IT BLOODY IS. Just cos her opinion doesn't match yours, it doesn't make her a "crapy critic". If she were a "crapy critic", she wouldn't be getting her reviews posted here now, would she. Take your head out of your arse!
That is all.
A gentleman always knocks twice
A gentleman always asks nice
Brautigan New Member Posts:22  
11/27/2001 3:53 PM |
Leave her alone you bully. Niamh Grimes has wrote some fine stuff on this site in the past year or two.
You're probably in Ginuwine judging by your spelling agility. What are Ginuwine anyway, some "genuine" band? And what's "crapy" ? Someone who like crapes?
I dunno.
11/28/2001 9:56 PM |
Oh My God! Is it the altitude in Dublin or wherever you idots are from!! YES music is a matter of opinion but what makes a person a good critic is the KNOWLEDGE AND CLASS with which he/she does his/her job, which this Niamh person did NOT do. Shot myself in the foot? Not exactly, my mentally challenged Dublinians!! So if music is a matter of opinion, why isn't everybody a friggin critic? Listen up, while music is a matter of opinion, NOT everybody has the knowledge of music that is required to actually be a critic!! Is this a hard concept for you to grasp???
Instead of concentrating in menial things like spelling, you should all excercise the brain God gave you and get a clue- "if she wasn't a good critic, she wouldn't be getting her reviews posted here" So, using the same logic you just used, if Ginuwine wasn't a good artist, he wouldn't be selling millions.
I better leave this site before your IGNORANCE seeps through my computer.....but then again, I delight in turning people's ignorance against them. Cheers!!
Now U Know
Jupiter New Member Posts:40  
11/29/2001 12:21 AM |
now hold on a minute here 'S'.
you come in here with your country ways, spilling and spewing your ludicrous opinions and talking down to folks from the big smoke.
who do you think you are? huh? your points are pathetic and I call into question your very existence!
However, I think this is a well thought out statement:
" Ginuwine is definitly not crap "
F U C K !!! Im convinced!
" Is it the altitude in Dublin or wherever you idots are from!! " - coupled with " Stop evading the subject matter ok? " hooohooohooo!
dear boy/girl,
please...have a bit of sense!
and stay out of the city.
11/30/2001 3:30 AM |
Jupiter- You call into question my very existence!!! See how easy you make it for me to prove that you are an idiot? Have you ever tried reading a book? It helps in improving one's vocabulary as to make it unnecessary to use that four letter word you used to show me your intellectual prowess!!
That message was written for those who know how to read and reason so next time you see a post by me, skip right through it before you embarrass yourself again. People from the big smoke is right- big smoke of CRAP. Cheers!
Now U Know
minerva New Member Posts:14  
12/1/2001 2:21 AM |
S, you strike me as a blithering retard.
you have lost this one...and this fact has become very apparent to everyone else but you.
pack it in...before you come out with another brutal one-liner like
"People from the big smoke is right- big smoke of CRAP".
you witty witty person.
to be honest i think everyone will skip over your posts from now on.
TheObligatoryBlackMan New Member Posts:2  
12/1/2001 2:47 AM |
Y'all got to sit down together and make real friendly like. Otherwise, me and the boys gonna' have to teach your, sorry white 'maria carrey' lovin asses some things about real music. Soul Music. And "S", what kind of stupid person are you? What I mean is, what kind of person can claim to be intelligent and then start their point by saying,"Hey Monkey, I thought monkeys were supposed to be intelligent"
I walk were I want to
I talk to who I want to
I dance when I hear music
Cause I is a free man
Jupiter New Member Posts:40  
12/1/2001 12:54 PM |
"See how easy you make it for me to prove that you are an idiot?"
what have you proven?
I see no evidence of my idocy here.
all I see from you are several poorly fought arguments concluded with
"Now you know" each time.
I think if anything you have 'proven' your lack of social decorum and common sense.
and if you have a problem with my using of the word 'F U C K', then kindly f u c k o f f to www.fuckingprudes.com!
good evening.
12/1/2001 6:11 PM |
So what I spelt succintly wrong!
Yes you did, twice. It is succinctly
And I cannot belive you think popularity makes music better. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. That means Westlife and Steps are really good, doesn't it ?
john@soundweb.ie Basic Member Posts:201  
12/2/2001 2:43 AM |
the very fact that niamh grimes has chosen to refrain from entering this pointless "handbags-at-dawn" verbal scuffle demonstrates that she is in fact, quite intelligent (not like me. but i am drunk and its 3.36am).
as for you, S from Canada, i just want to say zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
12/4/2001 1:24 PM |
Wow! You guys actually think you're making a point!! Monkey, you are the only one that gives me hope!!
"you strike me as a blithering retard" Frankly my dear, I don't think anything 'strikes' you since you are obviously working with a limited number of brain cells! I guess the only thing you were able to respond to is that one line about CRAP!!! You responded to that one line because I touched a nerve since you are full of crap. Are you sure everyone will skip over my post from now on? Do you mean just like you did?!! Don't say anything if you have NOTHING worth saying!!
"And "S", what kind of stupid person are you? What I mean is, what kind of person can claim to be intelligent and then start their point by saying,"Hey Monkey, I thought monkeys were supposed to be intelligent"
I am the kind of person who knows that stupid people, much like yourself, do not understand or appreciate the concept of intelligence! By the way, I too am a black person so please stop making us look bad. Think before you write and stop destroying the English language.
"See how easy you make it for me to prove that you are an idiot?" was in referance to your idiotic remark 'I call into question your very existence' but of course you missed that too. "I see no evidence of my idiocy here." Do you mean as opposed to your idiocy elsewhere?!!! Sorry to say your idiocy is blatant and it seems to follow you everywhere!! I just can't stop laughing about you!!! Social decorum and common sense!! Do you read over what you write before you post it? Try taking your head out of your ass for a minute. You might even like it! You might then actually understand and say something of substance. READ WHAT YOU WRITE, my dear ignorant one!! The 'now you know' was obviously not meant for you!!
Just to make you happy, I will do it one more time...SICANCTLY!!
If you read what I wrote, I did not say that popularity makes music better. I said popularity does have an effect on how music is, meaning, the appeal that a certain song has on an audience is closely related to how popular the song becomes. Popular does not necessarily mean good, since 'good' is subjective, but it does mean that a considerable amount of people think it is good. Thank you for writing something that makes sense!!
Cheers everybody...don't get your undies in too much of a knot!!! And stop vying for my attention so much :)
Now U Know
12/4/2001 3:51 PM |
S, you're so obviously one of those select few who managed to dive into the gene pool when the lifeguards weren't looking. You talk about people not making a point? All you've done since you started posting here is to ramble round in circles, carrying that foot that you shot yourself in earlier on. If you're going to attempt to make a point, at least stick to the bloody thing. You've made several ridiculous statements, and your attempts at intelligent conversation are quite frankly laughable. Oh yeah, the word you've attempted to spell correctly 3 times is spelt as follows:
S U C C I N C T L Y - if you're going to try and seem intelligent by using big words, at least have the good sense to spell the damn words correctly.
That is all.
A gentleman always knocks twice
A gentleman always asks nice
12/5/2001 1:46 PM |
RICHIE- Poor old Richie!!! You must be Niamh Grimes!!! What is actually laughable is the fact that you think I use 'big words'!! I suppose the fact that you completely missed the message in my post to Monkey (in regards to the spelling thing, amongst other things!) is a testament to your intellect!! Read it again (SSLLOWWWLLY!) and see if you catch the intended humor!!! As a matter of fact, I will help you out- just to make you happy too, I will spell it for you again-- Cissunctaly!!! I am so glad that spelling is not my strong suit, considering the compromise you all have had to make for it!!! LOL
Speaking of circles, stop rambling on in circles about lifeguards and gene pools and get to your point. Before you bury yourself any deeper, keep in mind that accusing someone of 'trying' to 'seem' intelligent does not hide your ignorance.
The Irish educational system seems to have failed you all (except Monkey)!!! I guess they only teach you people how to spell! Cheers
Now U Know
12/5/2001 2:18 PM |
Yes I got the spelling joke S. Unfortunately I didn't find it funny. Not even the second time. Seems you don't do humour either. Ah well.... in answer to your question, no I am not Niamh Grimes. The reason I replied to the post in the first place was to point out your complete ignorance, which I, and everybody else have been successful in doing! If you want to read what you'd call a good review of the album, review it yourself, send it in, and we'll see if it gets published.
I'll leave it at that!
A gentleman always knocks twice
A gentleman always asks nice
12/5/2001 8:22 PM |
Sure Sure you got the joke. You want a joke? Read your messages!!! I laugh everytime I read one of your ramblings!! Like I said before, stop trying to disguise your stupidity by accusing someone of ignorance. You and everybody else has successfully proven my ignorance?? IN WHICH PLANET? WAKE UP, my delluded opponent!! Of course my review wouldn't get published on this site!!! You wouldn't be able to understand it with all the 'big words' and everything!!! LOL
If you were really as smart as you are trying to convince everyone you are, you would have figured out that a person who so vehemently diagrees with someone, whose review is presented on this site, would not exactly die for the chance to write a review on the same site. Especially when they make it clear to you (repeatedly) that they think the site caters to morons like yourself. Go back to your spelling practices!! Yes, leave it at that!
Now U Know
teenage spaceship New Member Posts:7  
12/6/2001 10:15 AM |
so, you wouldn't write a review of the album for this site, but you would complain about the reviewers opinion (look it up in a dictionary) constantly. and overuse exclamation marks in the process.
you are also guilty of what you claim ritchie is: "that accusing someone of 'trying' to 'seem' intelligent does not hide your ignorance".
the whole point of your argument seems to be: Ginuwine are great because they sell lots of records which means they must be great (?) and niamh grimes is a crappy critic because she doesn't see how great Ginuwine is. go to this weeks NME (or any weeks NME) and you can see 15 year old boys writing in with the same pathetic argument (were you even at the same concert??? etc etc).