12/2/2002 1:28 PM |
i want to vote in the poll but how exactly do you define a debut album, if it's an album by a solo artist who has previously released stuff with a band, or if it's a solo artist who has released various recordings but nothing you could call an album or whatabout someone who's album is out there but the official release date is next yr? help please
dera Basic Member Posts:163  
12/3/2002 2:59 AM |
well Damien Rice won last years Debut performance, and he had previously recorded with Juniper. And this is Mic's debut album, so I reckon it's perfectly legit to vote for it :o)
12/3/2002 11:11 AM |
thanks dera, that's exactly what i was on about, i am now torn though, seeing as you can't put debut's in the best album section, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
afro1001 New Member Posts:73  
12/3/2002 9:48 PM |
why not surely if it is good enough to be best debut album then it can also be considered one of the best albums of the year and therefore be elligible for the best album category
damo101 New Member Posts:82  
12/4/2002 7:52 AM |
probably dont want one band/person to win a heap of categories
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
12/4/2002 10:11 AM |
Thanks to 'em' for kicking off the discussion that raised these points. Allow me to hop in to clarify a few things:
>> Debut albums should only be voted for in the 'best debut album' category (or as we called it on the voting form: the 'Most Outstanding DEBUT Performance in the studio').
>> As with last year, if somebody votes for a debut album in the 'non-debut album' category we will transfer the vote to the 'debut album' album category but ONLY IF they cast no vote in the 'debut album' category. Note however that:
- If the voter in question also cast a vote for the same debut album in the 'debut album' category we will (obviously) NOT transfer the vote to the that category (there is no need). The vote will be then removed from the list of 'best album' (non-debut) votes.
- If the voter in question cast a vote for ANOTHER debut album in the 'debut album' category we will NOT 'over-ride' that vote with the debut album voted for in the (non-debut) 'best album' category. This is motivated by the fact that we are making the assumption that the album voted for in the 'debut album' category is the voter's preferred 'debut album' (it is however appreciated that it be not be the right assumption in any individual case, but we need to set some structure to how we deal with the scenario and then to apply it consistently in all cases). In this case the vote for the debut album made in the (non-debut) 'best album' category will not be counted.
I totally appreciate the argument put forward by afro1001 that a debut album "can also be considered one of the best albums of the year and therefore be elligible for the best album category". It will be clear from what I outlined above that this is not going to be the case in the Readers' Poll vote counting. Damo101's observation that that this is because the site "probably don't want one band/person to win a heap of categories" is bang on. We want to maximise the number of different acts who are in with a chance of getting an award - there is a lot of talent out there and it would be unfortunate (in CLUAS.com's opinion) if one or two acts ran away with the bulk of the awards. The categories - last year and this year - are therefore structured (deliberately) in a manner that should result in a healthy number of DIFFERENT and DESERVING acts getting exposure through votes cast.
And one final explicit clarification. Any votes cast for a debut solo album released by an artist who was previously in a band (that released albums) should be voted for in the 'best debut album' category.
Hope all this is of help. Apolgies that it is long-winded and convoluted but I wanted to clear things up a bit (I probably muddied the waters even more...)
And now you can see why it takes a whole weekend between closing the polls and announcing the winners...
Eoghan O'Neill
Editor and Webmaster (and Returning Officer as well I suppose)
12/4/2002 12:20 PM |
thanks eoghan, i am no happier though as all my best albums turn out to be debuts... someone give me a reminder of this years albums that weren't debuts, i know there's the likes of sigur ros and coldplay (which wouldn't be my cup of tea although i like them more and more) but guidance would be good.
damo101 New Member Posts:82  
12/4/2002 3:40 PM |
the last broadcast by dove - choon-tastic stuff
tommythecatz New Member Posts:43  
12/5/2002 3:59 PM |
Idlewild - The remote part.
Definitly their most acomplished yet...
afro1001 New Member Posts:73  
12/6/2002 1:30 AM |
thanks for the clarification but i think im gone cross eyed you know who my choice would be em, but you have grown and now you must forge your own path in the world, make your own decisions and live by the mistakes you make, god speed my child
12/6/2002 11:57 AM |
i know i know, the boss, he's not for me, oh God help me