Record Labels (Outside Ireland)
Here you will find links to (mostly) independent and small record labels based outside
Ireland. If there are any broken links or you've just happened to have found a really cool
little label that you'd like to see here, please tell us about it (preferably with
a short description of the label in question) by emailing
(Credits: Dromed and Celine for compiling the initial sets of links, Binokular and Klootfan for preparing the HTML)
0123 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Ace Records
Amoebic Productions
Angular Recording Corporation
The Arena Rock Recording
ArtRocker Records
Awkward Silence Recordings
Bar/None Records
Bearos Records
Beggars Banquet
Benbecula Records
Big Plain Records
Boobytrap Records
BPitch Control
Broken Souls
The Bus Stop Label
Candle Records
Captains of Industry
Catsup Plate Records
Chemikal Underground
Chicks On Speed Records
City Slang
Cloud Recordings
Clone Records
Cooking Vinyl
Creation Records
Cigarette Music
Damaged Goods
Devil in the Woods
DFA Records
Dischord Records
Domino Recording Company
Double Agent Records
Drag City
Dreamy Records
Dionysus Records
Eenie Meenie Records
Electric Honey
Elephant 6
Elephant Stone Records
Errol Records
Ersatz Audio
FatCat Recordings
Fear of Music
Fence Records
Fierce Panda
File 13
Flame Shovel
Fortuna Pop!
Fourier Transform
Future Farmer Recordings
Gdansk Recordings
Gentle Electric
Grand Central Records
Gringo Records
Guided Missile recordings
Jonson Family Records
K Records
Kill Rock Stars
Load Records
Lofat Productions
Lone Head Records
Loose Records
Lovitt Records
Low Transit Industries
Magic Marker Records
Matador Records
Memphis Industries
Misplaced Music
Monitor Records
Morr Music
Motion Records
Nervous Records
Norman Records
Omnibus Records
Orange Twin
Oscarr Recordings
Overground Records
Paper Recordings
Perhaps Transparent
Pickled Egg Records
Pointy Records
The Red Flag Recording
Red Roses For Me
Remote Control
Revolver Records
Roadrunner Records
Rock Action Records
Rough Trade
Savage Recordings
Secret Crush Records
Secretly Canadian
The Self Starter Foundation
Seriously Groovy
Setanta Records
Sharing Machine
Shelflife Records
Shinkasen recordings
Shoeshine Records
Shooter Records
Silent Age Records
Sink and Stove Records
Six Degrees Records
Skingraft Records
Skint Records
Solarise Records
Sony Music
Southern Records
spinART Records
Startime Records
Steadycam Records
Sub Pop
Swami Records
Sympathy for the Record Industry
Tbilissi Recordings
Temporary Residence
Three One G
Thrill Jockey
Tiger Style Records
The Track and Field Organisation
Transcopic Records
Trojan Records
Troubleman Unlimited
Twisted Nerve
Underground Resistance
Unpopular Records
V2 Music
Vellocette Records
Version City
Vinyl Japan
Voltage Records
Wall of Sound
Warp Records
Wee Black Skelf
We Love Records
Wrath Records