Crawdaddy Gigs & Concerts
has been providing coverage of concerts in the Dublin venue Crawdaddy. Below are
links to Crawdaddy gigs that have been reviewed by writers in
that period. For info on upcoming Crawdaddy gigs visit
the venue's official listings. Going
soon to a gig in the Crawdaddy? Or have you recently been to one? Then be sure
to submit a review
of the gig to CLUAS!
Reviews of Crawdaddy gigs...
- Alias Empire (April 2009)
- Port O'Brien (October 2008)
- Plaid (June 2008)
- Midnight Juggernauts (May 2008)
- Devotchka (September 2007)
- Delorentos (June 2005)
- Nouvelle Vague (November 2004)
- Fred (November 2004)
- Fluid Druids (June 2004)