Red Sea Pedestrians (with Sean Needham)
Review of their gig in Whelan's, Dublin, June 2nd 2003
Monday night, I'm tired after a long bank holiday weekend but I'm determined
to make it down to Whelan's to see one of my favourite new discoveries -Se?
Needham - open a show for a band called the 'The Red Sea Pedestrians'.
I'd heard of 'The Red Sea Pedestrians' but as of yet hadn't the chance to see
them. I wasn't expecting a huge crowd but obviously I wasn't the only one tipped
of to the refreshing array of music which was about to unfold asWhelan's patrons were out in force, hoping to salvage a few gems from the dust
at the tail end of the bank holiday weekend.
Needham was true to form, exhibiting a few track from his upcoming album
with all the integrity and passion that I have come to expect. If he
continues to write to this standard his future is assured.
Appropriately enough the crowd divides making way for The Red Sea Pedestrians to get to the
With that name I was wondered from where in the world this motley crew
fared and lead singer Jude Hegarty was quick to claim the people's republic of Cork
as RSP's refuge.
The start of their set - an imposing melody floated above the fluid drumming of Mr. Karl Downes
- was low-key but confident and well delivered.
I feel it's an unusual start but much of the audience know the song and I'm
in good form. Having already seen who I came to see anything else is a bonus. So I resign myself to the fact that it's laid back atmospheric music for the night.
No sooner had this thought crossed my mind than the RSP's unleash the second
song upon us.
As people begin to gyrate around me I realise I have been lulled into a
false sense of all things mellow...."The Brighter Side" is Chillipepperesque song that has everyone dancing
within the first few riff's. You know it's good when your shoulders start to
move to the music. I don't dance but everyone seems to be having such a
great time I wish I did.
They follow with a flurry of funky melodic songs influenced by the likes of Dave Mathews and the Counting Crows. All presented by their charismatic and
capable lead singer. The house is, if you excuse the clich? rocking. Even the intensely sweet ode to
love of "Coming on down" won't keep the audience form swaying on the waves
of The Red Sea Pedestrians.
They attempt to finish with the frisky "Strange Fish", but the crowd demands
another glimpse of "The Brighter side" before they are sent home content.
Unexpected as it was, the Red Sea Pedestrians certainly managed to float my boat
- the icing on
the cake at this party. A new discovery - a tight, funky good-humoured outfit that put on
one hell of a show.
Martin Hersh
Download a freesong by Sean Needham in the CLUAS
MP3 section