Juno Falls (support from Mongoose & The Sneakies)
Cyprus Avenue, Cork, 18 September 2004
Review Snapshot:
Low-key Saturday night gig from up and coming group Juno Falls
promoting their Starlight Drive album, with some great support from local heroes
Mongoose and a fresh-faced bunch called the Sneakies.
Full review:
Located above the Old Oak Pub, it was the 'nice'n'dark' Cyprus Avenue which
played host to this Saturday night gig from upcoming four piece Juno Falls, with
some very impressive support being supplied by local stalwarts Mongoose.
First up however were a frighteningly young bunch called The Sneakies. A fresh
faced three piece employing a bass, guitar and piano, the first question you
find yourself asking about The Sneakies is: how the hell did they get past the
bouncer? The second is: where the hell did they learn to right songs so well?
Their music is melodious piano focussed pop (most of the dongs are about
breaking up with the aul doll, like) and they display a winning happy-go-lucky
attitude and surprisingly confident on-stage presence. A bit like if (the other)
Keane had attacked a bunch of sixteen year olds.
Seeing as Juno Falls are reviewed elsewhere on this
site I'd like to talk for a while about second support band Mongoose. They
cheekily dedicate one of their new songs 'Coming of Age' to the Sneakies - but
it's something they've obviously done a bit of themselves since returning from a
brief tour of New Zealand and Australia last year. A band I would consider to be
one of Cork's best kept secrets, it's hard to know where to begin with them - a
feeling no doubt shared by the soundman - as Mongoose are a seven-headed rebuke
to the theory of 'less is more'.
At this stage veterans of the Cork gigging scene, they are rapidly becoming in
need of bigger stages to hold their talent - in more ways than one. Tonight they
are without the services of their powerhouse drummer, yet there are still six
instruments on stage all baiting you with hooks and vying for attention. It's
easy to think what the hell do they need all those band members for until you
start to look at what each one brings to the table. The chiming melodies between
guitar and mandolin meld perfectly with the woozy fiddle lines provided by Trish
and Ciara, flowing together over an ultra tight rhythm section of bass and
Add in Graham McCarthy's vocals, which have a yearning to them that jerks your
head up from your beer, and you have a cocktail that can both tug on the
heartstrings and whack a powerful punch - often in the same song. They're a hard
band to buttonhole, but perhaps alt.country with a trad twist or nu-folk could
be used as tags. Either way it's a sound that suggests Whelan's could become
something of a spiritual home for them, if they ever actually make it up to the
Big Smoke for a gig! With a classy EP under their belts and another stint in the
recording studio due soon, hopefully it will be sooner rather then later.
Their methods are perfectly encapsulated in older songs like 'Summer Still On',
and distilled further in newbies such as 'Opaline'. Hooks kick in, go off in a
different directions, seemingly get lost on a tangent before bringing you back
to the original familiar hook again. This is clever stuff, at times perhaps a
little toooo clever, and occasionally their songs can be a little overlong and
try and fit too many ideas in. Then again, it's not often you can criticise a
band for trying to fit too many good ideas into their tunes.
There are also times when you wish they'd, if excuse my Irish, grab you by the
b*lls a bit more. With songs this good there's no need for the in-between song
banter to be so self-deprecating. Just for once it would be great to see them
strut onstage and declare "We are the seven-headed beast that is Mongoose, and we
are here to fiddle you pink, djembe beat you stupid and urinate on you with our
chiming mandolin lines". Or something like that.
Juno Falls have no problems with confidence, which could have something to with
having recorded one of the best Irish singles of the year in the shape of 'This
Song is Your Own', while follow up 'Kiss Me' is already getting played on
national daytime radio. Tonight the former song in particular is delivered with
an extra wallop of live energy, pounding drums adding extra momentum to its
already cool swagger.
The band's vocals and melody lines often call to mind Turin Brakes, plenty of
breathy loveliness backed up with twelve string acoustic guitar and complemented
by a Fender Rhodes keyboard that, and sorry for sounding like an anorak here,
comes with rotating speakers and looks sh*t-hot cool. Some of their songs have a
vibe that call to mind the kind of affable American rock sound played by the
likes of Goo Goo Dolls, or indeed Travis when they still used to be considered
cool, while the singer is also prone to the odd Jeff Buckleyism (but shure then,
who isn't these days?). Elsewhere, their more inventive moments at times remind
you of Gomez (and that's enough references for one paragraph).
Again, to paraphrase Tenacious D, they rock you gently and
- er - ball you
discreetly rather than pummel you into submission. "Every now and again we do
like to rock out", the stool-perched singer confides at one point. Well then
do more of it, I say!
Maurice O'Brien
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