Evan Dando
Review of his gig in Whelan's, Dublin February 15th 2001
By the time Evan Dando lollop(alooza)s onto the stage the venue has become a fractious sweat-mart. Those who are not fused by the elbow to their nearest neighbour put their hands together in grateful applause for the man of the evening. Lifting his electric guitar, with no time wasted - launching into an unrelenting slew of pop-country sherbets to remind us of the quantity he has penned. Opening with 'It's A Shame About Ray' and leading us through a medley of favourite Ts, in the midst of which a new song is slyly inserted; a slow burner in keeping with the low-key personality of Lemonheads' last album, 'Car Button Cloth'.
can't believe I slid so far?' So far the songs are given an effectual and even-handed
treatment, but suspicion arises that our protagonist may be playing this one for
himself alone - trashing out the middle eights, leaning between songs into the next
number, and staring ahead for the most part - then? turning to skull two tequila
shots, leaving the empty twin glasses on the amp - back to the centre for 'My Drug
Buddy', followed sharpish by 'Big Gay Heart' and lo? it appears that Evan Dando
is having fun.
On to the end, and an encore, joined by support act Ben Kwellor (and the remainder of the Sauza bottle) for a warmly shared rendition of 'Knoxville Girl'. Two swigs more and a shout for Mike Nesmith' s 'Different Drum' - a Lemonheads live staple - yields a supple reading. A spat at the keyboard (Kwellor's), an hilarious raggedy version of Hank William's 'Setting The Woods On Fire' and? alas poor feet! Giving in to my bad choice of gig-shoes, I leave sweet Evan still playing the lovin' crowd, to the words 'I don't wanna' overstay my welcome'.
Carol Keogh