This review was first
published on CLUAS in 2002
Other albums reviewed in 2002
A review of their self-titled album
Already a household name in his home country of Spain, lounge lizard Nacho
Mastretta is trying to make a name for himself elsewhere with this new
self-titled LP.
Let me start by saying I'm a sucker for moog-intensified retro-lounge music and this album is chock-full of it. It's what the 'Ultra Lounge' series did without the big names attached. What appealed to me most was the effortless Castilian flare to most of the tracks. About half the songs have Spanish lyrics with a variety of sexy female vocalists that blend very well with the accompaniment.
On a sour note, sometimes things get a little carried away. In the two
tracks, 'I Want to be in Cuba' and 'Trailer' it's a series of repetitive
harshness. A little much for me but I'll tolerate it to get to the good stuff.
If you can get past those mentioned then treat yourself to a cocktail put your
feet up and relax while Mastretta takes you into his quirky world of exotica
So, the only thing I have left to ask is: one olive or two?
Connie Hartmann