A review of their album 'Return To The Sea'
Forget Manchester, forget London, forget New York and Los Angeles. The most
exciting scene in music right now is Montreal's. Islands' debut album is just
the latest in a long line of wonderful records released by artists from that
city over the last few years.
The Cluas Verdict: 8.5 out of 10.
Full Review:
Once upon a time in a magical place far, far away called Montreal there were
Unicorns. These mystical creatures made some of the most outrageously infectious
indie-pop ever committed to tape and released 2 albums, "Unicorns Are People
Too" and "Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone?", overflowing with musical
gems. Unfortunately that's where the tale of the Unicorns came to an end because
all this happened just before Canada became recognised as a musical hotbed and
the band disbanded citing "exhaustion from touring" and "creative differences"
as the reasons. And it's a good thing too because I've pretty much got
everything out of their fairytale stuff as there is to get.
At the heart of Islands is 2/3's of the Unicorns, singer and guitarist Nick
Diamonds and drummer J'aime Tambeur, but for this album the pair assembled a
bunch of friends to fill in any gaps in their otherwise White Stripes resembling
lineup. It just so happens that that bunch of friends is virtually a who's who
of the Montreal music scene with contributions to the album coming from Dan Boekner (Wolf Parade), pretty much all of
Arcade Fire bar Win Butler and drummer
Jeremy Gera (Richard Reed Parry and Regine Chassagne had both previously worked
with the pair on the last Unicorns album), Pietro Amato (Bell Orchestre),
Spencer Krug (Wolf Parade, Frog Eyes, Sunset Rubdown) and bunch of other people
whose names it isn't yet cool to drop. And the results, well they're pretty damn
Not only are they pretty damn impressive but they're also a collection of
probably the most diverse sounding songs you'll hear on any CD this year that
isn't a CD-R with something like "Dave's Awesome Mix" scrawled on it. Now I'm
looking forward to the new Shins record as much as the next guy with a fringe
and a pair of Cons but this record brings indie-pop to places that James Mercer
and co. for the most part haven't even touched upon. The guest spots here drag
Islands away from what seems to be their natural poppy sound but the core
grouping of Tambeur, Diamonds and bassist Patrice Agboukou have still produced some wonderfully catchy tunes which
just fail to match the very best Unicorns material. But it's the contributions
from others and the resultant nods to country, calypso, post-rock and
underground hip-hop which really makes "Return To The Sea" a special record.
Tambeur and Diamonds certainly know how to pick their collaborators and they're
comfortable enough to allow them to do their own thing without worrying that the
songs are getting away from them. Spencer Krug's fingerprints are all over the
nine and a half minute long opener "Swans (Life After Death)" although his synth
playing here is a lot less visceral than his work with Wolf Parade. Anyone who
has heard Bell Orchestre's "Recording a tape the colour of light" would be
unsurprised to learn of the presence of Reed Parry, Amato and Sarah Neufeld on
the instrumental Tsuxiit, and if you're going to get MC's Busdriver and Subtitle
to guest on your record then you had better give them some decent beats to rap
over then too.
It's always a risk that an album with such a broad spectrum of sounds won't mesh
together and that it will result in a hodge-podge of songs which sit
uncomfortably alongside each other and yes, and with so many different people
working on the various songs this could have easily happened with "Return To The
Sea". However Islands have stumbled across a remarkably easy way to overcome this
problem: simply make sure every single song on the record is good, then it you
don't have to worry about a unified sound. Islands have managed to accomplish
this and in so doing have produced the album of the year thus far. Highly recommended.
Ian Wright
To buy a
new or (very reasonably priced) 2nd hand copy of this album on Amazon just click