This review was first
published on CLUAS in 2001
Other albums reviewed in 2001
Dot Creek
A review of the album 'Ill Seen, Ill Said'
We've waited quietly and patiently for Dublin 5 piece Dot Creek to release their impressive debut album 'Ill seen, Ill said', after only two seven inch releases since their formation in 1997. But the time was obviously spent wisely, for here is a document of deep and meaningful imaginings.
and yet timeless, on first hearing the songs are quite familiar; a homely familiarity
that reminds you of all your other loves. This is music born somewhere between city
and country, America and here, informed by a long list of influences from Will Oldham
to the Byrds or fellow Dublin talent Joan of Arse. But what does it matter who Dot
Creek sound like, those bands too came from somewhere.
The first song 'Girl From The Hills' is enchanting, opening the record and exciting you on the first note and though there are some valleys, the tunes which follow mainly keep you on that opening high. Songs like 'Wintering' wrap themselves around you saying leave it all 'til later and just listen now, hear a whisper.
Folky, melodic, inspiring and in places profoundly poetic. Definitely a band worth seeking out and sinking into.
Anna Keeling
seen, Ill said' is released on Independent Records
See also
a review of Dot Creek live
See also
a feature article on Dot Creek