12/14/2007 2:35 PM |
Did anyone see Rufus Wainwright on tour this year? Any fans here? He has become my fave new artist, is great live and each album is better than the last! What can I say!
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
1/29/2008 10:22 AM |
...that he sounds like KD Lang
Quint Basic Member Posts:209  
1/31/2008 7:14 AM |
Welcome Mudbug but Rufus is the most overrated singer-songwriter on the planet. His music is unremarkable and he has an awful, droning siinging voice. Would he be where he is without his famous parents? If he was straight? Take away these two factors and he is very, very ordinary. His sister Martha is far better. Maybe if she was a lesbian she would get more attention.
Careful_Now New Member Posts:8  
2/27/2008 6:31 AM |
Posted By Quint on 31 Jan 2008 7:14 AM Welcome Mudbug but Rufus is the most overrated singer-songwriter on the planet. His music is unremarkable and he has an awful, droning siinging voice. Would he be where he is without his famous parents? If he was straight? Take away these two factors and he is very, very ordinary. His sister Martha is far better. Maybe if she was a lesbian she would get more attention. Possibly the most ignorant music-related statement I've ever had the misfortune to read in my life. To attribute the success of one of the greatest songwriters in modern music to his 'famous parents' and homosexuality is actually flabbergasting and beyond belief. You are extremely ignorant. If you don't appreciate his music, fine - but your reasoning is incredibly lazy, misinformed and generally half-witted. I suggest you listen to his self-titled first album, an album that perfect captures the ache and confusion of unrequited love (amongst other themes) and come back to me with a decent argument about why you don't like Rufus Wainwright. You may even be taken seriously. Cretin.
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
2/29/2008 7:24 AM |
that it may be, but I would side with the 'parents' argument, a nice little helping hand wouldnt you say? PQ
Careful_Now New Member Posts:8  
2/29/2008 7:40 AM |
Hi Peter, Considering that both of his parents weren't exactly mainstream, well-known artists outside the folk world (in itself, a far-from-popular genre), that argument doesn't really hold up.. Also, by his second album Rufus Wainwright had far overshadowed the success of his parents' careers, so it's kind of clutching at straws to suggest that he owes anything to his parents. In fact, [random Rufus fact forthcoming], he had a big bust-up with his father when they were both doing a big magazine shoot (for GQ or Vanity Fair, or something) years ago, and Rufus cheekily suggested that Loudon wouldn't be there if it wasn't for him. Impertinent? Yes. True? Most certainly.
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
2/29/2008 8:06 AM |
I'm glad for you that you like Rufus, its hard to beat loving a musicians/bands music...but for me, whether he had or had not a foot up is neither here nor there...the fact is , he is here and my ears are punished with his kd langesque voice on the airwaves from time to time...does nothing for me I'm afraid, and I am easily pleased any truth in the rumour that its a standard €20/£15 into his shows, but free if you enter via the backdoor? PQ
Careful_Now New Member Posts:8  
2/29/2008 8:16 AM |
Oh wow, how hilarious. Oh no, wait, you're not hilarious at all - in fact, you're an unfunny, homophobic prick who's just lost any respect that I, and I'll bet anyone else who reads this that's not a 15 year old boy. Grow up.
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
2/29/2008 8:40 AM |
cool blood hot momma....its only a bit of fun PQ
Careful_Now New Member Posts:8  
2/29/2008 5:26 PM |
Patronising as well.. you really are quite the catch
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
3/1/2008 1:13 PM |
personally I cannot stand listening to him at all.... His sister is 100 times better
Quint Basic Member Posts:209  
3/2/2008 4:31 AM |
Wicker! What are you doing??? You are asking for a vitriolic and personalised attack from 'Careful Now' if you express any sort of criticism of Rufus Wainright! See his/her hilariously over-the-top reaction to myself and Peter above. He/She is coming for you next. Run for your life!!!!!!
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
3/2/2008 6:27 AM |
"down with that sort of thing...."
Careful_Now New Member Posts:8  
3/2/2008 10:34 AM |
Hi Quint, I see the concept of trying to create an intelligent debate about music without resorting to pettiness, homophobia or misogyny is too hard for you to grasp, too.. It's OK though, having to back up your inflammatory comments is too much like hard work for some people. Are the words I'm using too big for you, maybe?
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
3/3/2008 6:01 AM |
I decree Careful_Now a deliberately created account (yes, insider job)to arouse a bit of debate among the cluasites...I mean this: "Possibly the most ignorant music-related statement I've ever had the misfortune to read in my life. To attribute the success of one of the greatest songwriters in modern music to his 'famous parents' and homosexuality is actually flabbergasting and beyond belief. You are extremely ignorant. If you don't appreciate his music, fine - but your reasoning is incredibly lazy, misinformed and generally half-witted. I suggest you listen to his self-titled first album, an album that perfect captures the ache and confusion of unrequited love (amongst other themes) and come back to me with a decent argument about why you don't like Rufus Wainwright. You may even be taken seriously. Cretin" as a first post out of the blue...not even a bye you or leave you PQ
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
3/3/2008 6:07 AM |
Careful_now, Personally attacking members with your first couple of posts isn't big or clever either.
Ally Basic Member Posts:347  
3/4/2008 3:53 AM |
in my opinion, i see nothing wrong with anything careful_now has posted in this thread, whether he has just registered or not.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
3/4/2008 4:56 AM |
Posted By Ally on 04 Mar 2008 3:53 AM in my opinion, i see nothing wrong with anything careful_now has posted in this thread, whether he has just registered or not. He doesn't need to be so argumentative, he could have made the same points without calling people cretins or accusing them of being rampantly homophobic. A bit on the over-serious side I think.
Careful_Now New Member Posts:8  
3/4/2008 5:06 AM |
Hi Binokular, A personal attack, it was not intended to be (I retract the 'cretin' statement, even though it was called for, in my opinion). My posts were no more inflammatory than Quint's original statements: Would he be where he is without his famous parents? If he was straight? His sister Martha is far better. Maybe if she was a lesbian she would get more attention. If I was gay (which I'm not), these comments would incense me even more than they already have done.. to call Quint ignorant is not a personal attack, but a fact. It's ignorant to dismiss someone because of their homosexuality OR heterosexuality, and this was bandied about in quite a juvenile, immature way by more than one person on this thread. I was hoping for an intelligent debate about Rufus Wainwright, what I got was an offensive gay joke, a thumb of the nose and 'I don't like him, right? So just f**k off. I'm not going to tell you why' attitude.
Ally Basic Member Posts:347  
3/4/2008 5:23 AM |
Posted By Careful_Now on 04 Mar 2008 5:06 AM Hi Binokular, A personal attack, it was not intended to be (I retract the 'cretin' statement, even though it was called for, in my opinion). My posts were no more inflammatory than Quint's original statements: Would he be where he is without his famous parents? If he was straight? His sister Martha is far better. Maybe if she was a lesbian she would get more attention. If I was gay (which I'm not), these comments would incense me even more than they already have done.. to call Quint ignorant is not a personal attack, but a fact. It's ignorant to dismiss someone because of their homosexuality OR heterosexuality, and this was bandied about in quite a juvenile, immature way by more than one person on this thread. I was hoping for an intelligent debate about Rufus Wainwright, what I got was an offensive gay joke, a thumb of the nose and 'I don't like him, right? So just f**k off. I'm not going to tell you why' attitude. i have to agree with this... ...now, it is not the way i would have reacted... i can rarely take anything very seriously... but i think careful_now is well within his rights to have said everything he has said...