Ciarán Ryan New Member Posts:47  
9/15/2006 9:30 AM |
Jimbo Carroll clearly not a fan of Humanzi!
9/15/2006 9:55 AM |
Hes Got a point .
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
9/15/2006 10:33 AM |
IMO, he's spot on.
Ruby Basic Member Posts:107  
9/15/2006 11:24 AM |
I Fkn Love Tremors.
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
9/15/2006 11:27 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Ciarán Ryan
Jimbo Carroll clearly not a fan of Humanzi!
Who is? They're awful.
9/15/2006 11:58 AM |
Saw them supporting The Strokes and i just kinda nothing them . Havent liked any of the stuff theve done so far single wise ,havent heard the album but the songs sound hookless and the video,s are boring the exact opposite of the immediate .
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
9/15/2006 12:04 PM |
I don't think it's a question of being a fan or not from Carroll's point of view. He's perfectly objective in the column.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
9/15/2006 12:05 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Pol
Saw them supporting The Strokes and i just kinda nothing them . Havent liked any of the stuff theve done so far single wise ,havent heard the album but the songs sound hookless and the video,s are boring the exact opposite of the immediate .
The new vid is pretty damn class from what I've seen - should be out soon.
They're a completley different kind of band to The Immediate anyway - I dont think ive ever heard their names together in an articel apart fromt the fact that they're both from Dublin. Comparing them is pretty pointless IMO.
Ciarán Ryan New Member Posts:47  
9/15/2006 12:06 PM |
Loads of perils from Carroll here but this is my fav: "The blather about the band over the last year just could not persuade a large swathe of the Irish and British public to purchase this latest take on the emperor's new leather trousers".
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
9/15/2006 12:14 PM |
I think the methodology in comparing them is basically used in order to compare style and substance.
Carroll is coming for a music journalists perspective, and music jornos are fed an awful lot of s**t from record labels in bumf and spin and a lot of the times just funny and ridiulous lies. I'm sure Carroll, like many other journos has had his fill of the PR-ese that has surrounded Humanzi in the past year. In fairness, it's probably not the bands' fault, but their label and their PR machine.
What Carroll proves though in his comparrison is that without a PR machine, if the music is good, it will still reach people, even though it is far harder to get heard.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
9/15/2006 12:23 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
I don't think it's a question of being a fan or not from Carroll's point of view. He's perfectly objective in the column.
Maybe, but unfortunately as he's made a point of singling them out for bashing on a few other occassions - he had a particualar rant about them on the Tom Dunne show that was pretty bitter and personal - it maybe appears more objective than I fear it is. It also looks like he's trying to create a war of words or whatever between the two bands in this particular article and that's pretty off. They're two entirely different bands using two different approaches - fair play to the Immediate for doing as well as they are. I'm pretty sure Humanzi think the same in relation to the Imediate and wish them the best. And one other thing that Jim Carroll has wrong in his article - Humanzi aren't getting the label support in the UK that he claims (what his source is on that I don't know - it sounds more like a presumption - not generally a good journalistic approach) and basically any profile they have they've created off their own back - here and abroad - with not a lot of help from their label.
9/15/2006 12:35 PM |
The new vid is pretty damn class from what I've seen - should be out soon.
They're a completley different kind of band to The Immediate anyway - I dont think ive ever heard their names together in an articel apart fromt the fact that they're both from Dublin. Comparing them is pretty pointless IMO.
Il keep an eye out for the new video / song
Im not bashing them just havent liked what iv heard . 
ctrlaltdelete Basic Member Posts:268  
9/15/2006 12:47 PM |
IMO Humazani are not as bad as Caroll suggests, and neither are The Immediate as good as he suggests.
quote: Originally posted by Una
In fairness, it's probably not the bands' fault, but their label and their PR machine.
Both Humanzi and The Immediate have the same PR company in Ireland. I guess different strategies were taken for both. The press release that accompanied Tremors was a laughable pile of s**te.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
9/15/2006 12:55 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Pol
The new vid is pretty damn class from what I've seen - should be out soon.
They're a completley different kind of band to The Immediate anyway - I dont think ive ever heard their names together in an articel apart fromt the fact that they're both from Dublin. Comparing them is pretty pointless IMO.
Il keep an eye out for the new video / song
Im not bashing them just havent liked what iv heard . 
Ah no of course - Each to their own ma fren! You cant force it if you just aren’t into a band!
But the new video is great!
milkman Basic Member Posts:119  
9/15/2006 1:08 PM |
jim's in danger of overhyping the immediate himself.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
9/15/2006 1:51 PM |
Utterly, utterly, stupid, needless, totally negative article that does nothing foe either band. It's obsessed with how much money was put into PR, record sale, commercial success, etc. None of thes things really say anything about either band that really matters. Sometimes it's luck of the draw, somtimes you don't achieve commercial success despite have everything stacked in your favour and sometimes you get lucky against all odds.
What is this guy, a music journalist or just an industry commentator?
oh messy life New Member Posts:27  
9/15/2006 1:59 PM |
They're a completley different kind of band to The Immediate anyway - I dont think ive ever heard their names together in an articel apart fromt the fact that they're both from Dublin. Comparing them is pretty pointless IMO.
I think you're missing the point.
He never claims to be comparing the music...he's just comparing the facts about 2 albums from Dublin bands that were released at the same time with TOTALLY different approaches.
It is interesting.
In saying that, i'm not a fan of Humanzi or The Immediate (or of Jim Carroll's journalism for that matter) but it IS an interesting comparison.
Although The Immediate AREN'T as *independent* as he'd like to make out...
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
9/15/2006 2:03 PM |
" a music journalist or just an industry commentator?" surely both are interchangable
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
9/15/2006 2:04 PM |
I always take the Revolver and Discotheque columns as personal opinion pieces/rants about whatever is on the writers minds at the time. These articles are generally my favourites in The Ticket as they are, if nothing else, thought-provoking/polarsing from time to time. The main thing i took from this piece was that the writer was satisfied that good tunes outdid uber-hype. Not having heard The Immediate i can't agree or disagree with him. Having heard Humanzi, they don't strike me as being anything special.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
9/15/2006 2:06 PM |
Sorry he's NOT just taking an opportunity to make an interesting case study on two different bands and their respective career trajectories (or lack there of). He's already proved in other instances that he has a particualr gripe with a particular band and is using his position as a journalist with a national paper to vent some spleen. Now fair enough, he's entitled to discuss what he wants in his own column but to dress it up as objective observation is total b****x. Fair criticism is entirely acceptable, having an obvious agenda isn't.