8/18/2006 10:19 AM |
Anyone know of any bands that have been selected? I know of a few that haven't made it. I believe there is a strong Canadian presence at this years festival aswell. Any thoughts?
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
8/18/2006 10:33 AM |
think it's going to be announced shortly.
According to their message board discussion, the only ones that are mentioned of getting a call up are A Band Called Wanda and The Shakes.
8/18/2006 10:39 AM |
The Shakes?? I could well be mistaken but are they the lads of "You're a Star" fame? My God.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
8/18/2006 10:59 AM |
My lot didn't get in anyway. Ah well.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
8/18/2006 11:23 AM |
seems like a different buzz to previous years - no longer the weekend cheap wrist band - but now it has separate day tickets and a weekend ticket - for like 25e or summat.....
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
8/18/2006 11:53 AM |
quote: Originally posted by benni
seems like a different buzz to previous years - no longer the weekend cheap wrist band - but now it has separate day tickets and a weekend ticket - for like 25e or summat.....
10 per night, 22.50 for the weekend. I reckon 22.50 is a good price in this day & age. Rarely see ordinary gigs for a tenner.
I'm pretty surprised this is still going to be honest, I heard Brian lost money Hand over Fist on the first 2 HWCHs.
It does seem to be more Industry orientated, showcasing bands for label scouts, rather than the way it started out, but this is a natural progression/highjacking I reckon.
Flux Basic Member Posts:124  
8/18/2006 2:45 PM |
That's good about the one-night passes. My band (Glenwash) got in and I was thinking quite a few people I know wouldn't be arsed spending 25-30 quid for the whole thing.
sonsofnow New Member Posts:44  
8/18/2006 2:57 PM |
we didnt get in anyway cant understand it at all!!
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
8/18/2006 3:01 PM |
hard luck Unicron and well done Flux.
€22.50 is a f**king brilliant price for a weekend ticket - when you think people shell out around €150 for other festivals, yeah, I know you're not going to see The Killers or whatever, but there are usually some awesome bands to check out. Having seperate day tickets is more consumer-friendly too.
Regarding industry involvement, it's inevitable that if a bunch of unsigned bands playing over a short period of time will generate interest from labels and scouts. It's not a bad thing. Irish bands have spent years complaining about not being able to get noticed by labels. Sometimes I think people hint at HWCH as a lamb to the slaughter kind of thing - look at all these poor innocent musicians getting led down a dark alleyway by Sony/BMG. That's bullsh1t in my opinion - everyone wants to get their tunes out there and getting a record deal is the easiest and best way to do it, be the independent or major.
I shall end my spiel by saying that I think HWCH is a great festival for punters, artists and the music industry, and I think the organisers should be commended.
Flux Basic Member Posts:124  
8/18/2006 3:04 PM |
Cheers Una. Yeah, €22.50 is great value...if you're following Irish music at all there's gonna be at least 5 or 6 bands you'd like to see.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
8/18/2006 3:07 PM |
Ah yea its a good festie no doubt - but it is a big change from the kinda DIY attitude it had before - which was something I liked a lot about it.
But I'm not saying its a bad festie at all - its a great oppertunity for lots of bands which is always a great thing.
*edit* - when's the line up announced?
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
8/18/2006 3:15 PM |
If not over the weekend, I'd say it'll be announced early next week. They got 700 demos which is pretty cool.
I hope that the festival gets bigger and bigger - with the focus always on unsigned bands and new talent - until it gets international recognition. I love the idea of a kind of shambolic festival of hundreds of bands and artists taking over a city for the weekend ala SXSW. Of course, it's a long way from that.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
8/18/2006 3:25 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
I love the idea of a kind of shambolic festival of hundreds of bands and artists taking over a city for the weekend ala SXSW. Of course, it's a long way from that.
Yea precisley!
That kinda DIY vibe to a set up like this always attracts my attention!
Flux Basic Member Posts:124  
8/18/2006 3:30 PM |
That could be what'll happen in 5 years if it keeps going. Not just Irish bands...you could have a thousand bands from all over Europe descend on Dublin for a weekend. Europe doesn't really have an equivalent to SXSW, so why not aim for that kind of level?
It'd be madness tho!
Edit; nowhere near enough decent venues.
8/18/2006 3:44 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
Regarding industry involvement, it's inevitable that if a bunch of unsigned bands playing over a short period of time will generate interest from labels and scouts. It's not a bad thing. Irish bands have spent years complaining about not being able to get noticed by labels. Sometimes I think people hint at HWCH as a lamb to the slaughter kind of thing - look at all these poor innocent musicians getting led down a dark alleyway by Sony/BMG. That's bullsh1t in my opinion - everyone wants to get their tunes out there and getting a record deal is the easiest and best way to do it, be the independent or major.
Who are Sony/BMG leading down a dark alleyway? And how are they doing it (if in Ireland??)
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
8/18/2006 3:48 PM |
you don't need amazing venues, just loads. Most of the SXSW stuff is in bars anyway. You'd just need 20 places
Eamon Dorans
Boom Boom Room
Radio City
The Hub
The Mezz
Sugar Club
Meeting House Square
Bleu Note
my bedroom
nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
8/18/2006 3:53 PM |
what are the acoustics like in your bedroom Una? nudge nudge wink wink etc.
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
8/18/2006 3:59 PM |
unfortunately for my flatmates they are FANTASTIC
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
8/18/2006 4:01 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
I hope that the festival gets bigger and bigger - with the focus always on unsigned bands and new talent - until it gets international recognition. I love the idea of a kind of shambolic festival of hundreds of bands and artists taking over a city for the weekend ala SXSW. Of course, it's a long way from that.
its not just a long way, una, its another planet!! theres nothing on earth like SXSW - gigs morning, noon, night and all over again. crazy, crazy stuff. dublin would never be able to do something like that for a gadzillion reasons. HWCH is good at what it does but it has changed a lot of late. i expect the Bud Rising tie-in to cause a lot of problems too
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
8/18/2006 4:02 PM |
what kind of problems? (apart from crap beer)