8/17/2006 4:51 PM |
Mine has to be Slanted And Enchanted By Pavement ....
It Just blew me away .... and still does.
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
8/17/2006 4:54 PM |
a tie between Restraining Bolt by Radish and the predictable Nevermind by Nirvana
8/17/2006 4:58 PM |
yeah nevermind is a given. i went to the gig in the point. just fantastic and also got to see the breeders and teenage fanclub that day. great gig. oh those heady days ....
8/17/2006 4:59 PM |
i also had a ticket for the next gig in the simmonscourt but it was in my wallet that i lost on the waltzers in tramore. ha ha ha
goddamn cider !!!!!
the gig was cancelled but it had the date of his unfortunate death !!!
dudley Basic Member Posts:124  
8/17/2006 5:07 PM |
queens greatest hits
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
8/17/2006 5:10 PM |
My Bloody Valentine Loveless
For me, my life so far is in 2 parts: before Loveless, and after. That's how important it was. I was 16 and I must have listened to it daily for a full year. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing: this extraordinary, beautiful, mindblowing sound. I knew then that music was going to have a profound effect on me for the rest of my life, but it also woke me up to the fact that art can provide this whole new dimension to your existence. Up until then it was just football, school, girls...the usual teenage preoccupations, then Loveless came along and changed everything.
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
8/17/2006 5:16 PM |
The first Crowded House album. I'd been a music nut since my teens but that album was the one that finally made me realise that I wanted to be a songwriter myself.
dudley Basic Member Posts:124  
8/17/2006 5:24 PM |
the first record to actually make me get more deeply involved with music was yank crime by drive like jehu, released in 1994, and which today i still ranks as the finest punk rock hardcore rock record ever made. it made things like beefheart make sense to me, the guitar playing is extraordinary, yet never overblown and histrionic, just vicseral and thunderous.
it's a hard listen at first, but check out some tunes on itunes or whatever. incredible work of art.
nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
8/17/2006 5:26 PM |
Pearl Jam's Ten.
Altered the path of my teenage years quite drastically, stopped me listening to Scooter for one thing and turned me on to rock concerts and other noteworthy bands. Found a whole new world after listening to it. Completely changed my social life to this day in terms of friends etc.
Which is why I can't wait for next Wednesday :)
Flux Basic Member Posts:124  
8/17/2006 5:30 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Antistar
My Bloody Valentine Loveless
For me, my life so far is in 2 parts: before Loveless, and after. That's how important it was. I was 16 and I must have listened to it daily for a full year. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing: this extraordinary, beautiful, mindblowing sound. I knew then that music was going to have a profound effect on me for the rest of my life, but it also woke me up to the fact that art can provide this whole new dimension to your existence. Up until then it was just football, school, girls...the usual teenage preoccupations, then Loveless came along and changed everything.
I feel exactly the same way about it. It just took my whole enjoyment of music to another dimension.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
8/17/2006 5:35 PM |
Well it would have to be the first album that made me want to make music - which was The Bends by Radiohead
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
8/17/2006 5:38 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Basic
yeah nevermind is a given. i went to the gig in the point. just fantastic and also got to see the breeders and teenage fanclub that day. great gig. oh those heady days ....
Yeah, was there also...it was great seeing TF and The Breeders, such great support bands in their own right, I thought Nirvana were slightly disappointing though!!!!!Kurt seemed to be miles away, only Krist and Dave Grohl spoke to the crowd. Little did we know......
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
8/17/2006 5:59 PM |
'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' by The Beatles
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
8/17/2006 6:07 PM |
bob dylan "Blood on the Tracks"
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
8/17/2006 6:08 PM |
Pilchard, that was my second choice!
Garret Basic Member Posts:244  
8/17/2006 6:19 PM |
The Holy Bible by Manic Street Preachers
8/17/2006 6:44 PM |
the holy bible. great choice
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
8/17/2006 6:44 PM |
The Springsteen live 75-85 boxset.
elmo95 Basic Member Posts:156  
8/17/2006 7:43 PM |
Holy Bible would not be my first choice, I only got into the Manics during the Everything Must Go time but once I heard The Holy Bible and read the lyrics coz it is fairly hard to comprehend what the hell James is saying, it just opened up another world in terms of human suffering, tragedy and other things that left me feeling not so sweetly towards the human race.
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
8/17/2006 9:46 PM |
mine was Revolver by The Beatles, made me realise what music could do.
lead me onto absolutely everything else, n nearly everything i've done since, music and otherwise.