Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
5/3/2006 2:07 PM |
Switched on Tom Dunne last night and again every album that arrives on his desk seems to be 'absolutely fantastic', 'class' and so on. New Pearl Jam is 'class', 'Eyes Open' is 'brilliant', 'Stadium Arcadium' is their best yet, blah blah blah. When the last u2 album came out he proclaimed it to be the best album he has ever heard since he started broadcasting!!!!!!!!!???????!!!!! '.....Atomic Bomb' apart, from 4 tracks, is awful.I like Tom Dunne but the way he showers praise on every new and established album/track/artist is absurd.Is there anything he doesn't like?
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
5/3/2006 2:22 PM |
tom's a recovering muso and they rarely put the boot in. not like those ex-footballers.
obrienian New Member Posts:67  
5/3/2006 2:24 PM |
Tom does alot for the airing of new and upcoming artists both here and abroad. but its a job for him he just cant play he's own favourites all the time. god forbid if he did, we'd never get Couse of the radio. he bores me. never did see the attraction with a-house
5/3/2006 2:32 PM |
quote: Originally posted by obrienian
Tom does alot for the airing of new and upcoming artists both here and abroad. but its a job for him he just cant play he's own favourites all the time. god forbid if he did, we'd never get Couse of the radio. he bores me. never did see the attraction with a-house
Well in fairness it'd be more like Couse, Rilo Kiley, Couse, Rilo Kiley, Jenny Lewis solo, live Couse session, Rilo Kiley, Couse, Jenny Lewis and so on an so bloody on.
elmo95 Basic Member Posts:156  
5/3/2006 2:38 PM |
True, despite Rilo being one of my new favourite bands (though he didnt turn me on to them). But there is a limit when it comes to listening to anything on repeat. I listened to the end of the show and I heard him play a Lewis' B-side. I think the last time I tuned in was last month and guess what he was playing????
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
5/3/2006 2:39 PM |
I like Tom Dunne, he plays good music ....... it's the job of a DJ he can't go slating Snow Patrol et al when he needs to get them in for sessions and interviews. I admit last night he seemed overly eager and happy about everything but then he was just back from holiday!
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
5/3/2006 2:41 PM |
As for the Jenny Lewis thing does anyone like that Grateful Dead cover Cold Jordan she did in session for Tom and that he keeps playing, i don't like it at all.
obrienian New Member Posts:67  
5/3/2006 2:52 PM |
he's always like over eager or something. maybe its a mid lifr crisis thing
ctrlaltdelete Basic Member Posts:268  
5/3/2006 3:00 PM |
And he should just pork yer wan Ann and get it over with.
Tom: "I think you can always judge a band by the quality of their b-sides"
Ann: "Doo doo doo."
Me: "Shut up. Put Leagues back on."
palace Basic Member Posts:392  
5/3/2006 3:03 PM |
well, his music choice is a bit safe... give me leagues or dineen any day... however, it is of course a lot better than most of the crap we hear on the radio and he's done quite a lot to attract listeners through his dj'ing style... agree he seems to love everything but he's kinda above dissing in my book
obrienian New Member Posts:67  
5/3/2006 3:26 PM |
you can't have dj's on the radio just playing all sorts of avant garde crap. it's not about whats exciting. we the listeners dont want to hear 45 mongolian yazoo players giving us a recital of the dark side of the moon. christ it might be euphoric but we want music we can apply our lives to. i dont want to be a nomad for f**k sake
Goat Boy New Member Posts:72  
5/3/2006 4:11 PM |
Leagues is a breath of fresh air when he does the show, he played some great stuff last week, stuff you'd never hear from Tom. Leagues is the John Giles/Liam Brady of radio broadcasting whereas Tom is the Andy Townsend/Ally McCoist. I've no doubt he doesn't want to offend and so doesn't criticise. I don't trust his pronouncements any more. And don't get me started on that humming bint....!
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
5/3/2006 4:14 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Goat Boy
Leagues is a breath of fresh air when he does the show, he played some great stuff last week, stuff you'd never hear from Tom. Leagues is the John Giles/Liam Brady of radio broadcasting whereas Tom is the Andy Townsend/Ally McCoist. I've no doubt he doesn't want to offend and so doesn't criticise. I don't trust his pronouncements any more. And don't get me started on that humming bint....!
no, no, no - leagues is TERRIBLE on the radio (and he was terrible on the TV too) largely because he's too in thrall to a certain kind of indie-ness. you get the same thing with foggy notions, to be honest. as for comparing him to Liam Brady or Johnny Giles - piffle! more like the packie bonnar or john toshack of music broadcasting
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
5/3/2006 4:22 PM |
I think Leagues does a great job when he does sit in for Tom but in some ways it's easy for him, he's probably planning what he'll play for ages, he mightn't be as good if he was on every night.
Goat Boy New Member Posts:72  
5/3/2006 4:27 PM |
Agreed. Perhaps if Leagues was on every night we'd discover other flaws that aren't quite as apparent on his occasional forays. To say he's 'TERRIBLE' though leaves me bewildered! But I really think Tom is too busy trying to be the musicians friend to give a real critical ear to new music. I enjoy Tom's show for the most part, I just wish he'd have some balls when talking about new music and put a gag on humming Anne.
palace Basic Member Posts:392  
5/3/2006 4:30 PM |
an interesting view, pilchard... about leagues... i kinda know what you mean but reckon you're grossly overstating it... he does play a decent variety and other dj's would suffer from the same preferring one style over others - can't listen to jenny huston's show for example...
john kelly is the man with the variety during the evening time, isn't he?
matlock New Member Posts:53  
5/3/2006 4:33 PM |
Tom Dunne is becoming more like Ray D'Arcy every day. That humming wagon has driven me away from the show. And when I do listen to it, it bores the s**te out of me. It's all part of an accelerated move towards lowest-common-denominatorism on the part of Today FM. It's only a matter of time before Dineen will be looking for a new home. Sad but true. Speaking of which, where was he last night? I turned on the radio just after twelve and got nothing but James Blunt.
alameda Basic Member Posts:121  
5/3/2006 4:39 PM |
quote: Originally posted by elmo95
True, despite Rilo being one of my new favourite bands (though he didnt turn me on to them). But there is a limit when it comes to listening to anything on repeat. I listened to the end of the show and I heard him play a Lewis' B-side. I think the last time I tuned in was last month and guess what he was playing????
I really like Rilo as well but they're definitely best when they stick to their own stuff - heard a few songs from the big Elliott Smith tribute night back in '03 and Jenny fairly murdered a few of the great man's tracks 
Haven't heard that Grateful Dead cover she does but I don't think I'll be tracking it down 
Hope she gets back to playing with Rilo soon as am not that into her Watson Twins stuff
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
5/3/2006 5:04 PM |
quote: Originally posted by palace
an interesting view, pilchard... about leagues... i kinda know what you mean but reckon you're grossly overstating it... he does play a decent variety and other dj's would suffer from the same preferring one style over others - can't listen to jenny huston's show for example...
john kelly is the man with the variety during the evening time, isn't he?
the problem with Kelly is that while he plays BRILLIANT music, he talks such utter tosh between tracks. ever since he turned 40, hes been going on and on about age and getting old and his home-life etc etc and its just BORING. more music, less yak
The problem is leagues is that the presentation is too cool for school and as comet and goat boy said, we'd soon tire of it every night of the week.
thats the real test of a nightly music show - can the presenter keep enthused and varied for a long run? in this regard, donal dineen is ace - he's been doing a nightly radio show for nearly 10 years now and you can never secondguess him. with leagues, you always know roughly what the next 6 records will sound like.
Garret Basic Member Posts:244  
5/3/2006 5:17 PM |
I like tom. And if you don't like his enthusiasm for everything just remember, it could be worse, you could be listening to Zane