Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
4/27/2006 11:01 AM |
Si Schroeder's "Coping Mechanisms" album - sweet jesus, what a sound.
over to you people. one tune or album or artist.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
4/27/2006 11:27 AM |
the new sickboy tunes are SHOCKINGLY good
www.myspace.com/sickboyofficial (i think its the first 2 tunes and they are f**king brilliant)
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
4/27/2006 11:52 AM |
The Spinto band is my current pet favourite..
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
4/27/2006 11:54 AM |
Tapes 'n Tapes, The Loon is blowin' mah mind.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
4/27/2006 12:08 PM |
I've only heard bits of tapes 'n tapes but have been very impressed thusfar.
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
4/27/2006 12:30 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Unicron
I've only heard bits of tapes 'n tapes but have been very impressed thusfar.
It's really great. Well worth picking up the album. Not to be talking about albums of the year at this early stage but it's a contender IMHO. I've been listening to it a lot and it haven't reachd burn-out with it yet. Interesting funky guitars, quirky sounds bedded in the background and punchy and pointed.
4/27/2006 12:44 PM |
The best thing I've heard in ages is
Maggot Brain – Funkadelic
I have a feeling tha most of you will have discovered this little gem a long time ago but I only heard it for the first time a few weeks ago when my fella recommended it to me.
Trust me people this album is an absolute must have for any discerning record collection – a masterpiece. It features one of (if not thee) best guitar solos of all time from Eddie Hazel who is without doubt one of the most underrated and under appreciated guitarist around.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
4/27/2006 1:12 PM |
I think the new effort from The Boss is top quality stuff. It more than makes up for last year's disappointing 'Devils & Dust'.
ctrlaltdelete Basic Member Posts:268  
4/27/2006 1:32 PM |
The new Phoenix record has some dandy tunes on it.
and the Band of Horses album is pretty sweet.
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
4/27/2006 1:54 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
Si Schroeder's "Coping Mechanisms" album - sweet jesus, what a sound.
over to you people. one tune or album or artist.
Who's been listening to Donal Dineen, I wonder? Yes, I will be purchasing this very soon also.It's very, very, very good.
Flux Basic Member Posts:124  
4/27/2006 1:57 PM |
quote: Originally posted by benni
the new sickboy tunes are SHOCKINGLY good
www.myspace.com/sickboyofficial (i think its the first 2 tunes and they are f**king brilliant)
Yeah, discovered these yesterday...very good. Diggin that Sex Pistolsy guitar sound.
palace Basic Member Posts:392  
4/27/2006 2:24 PM |
can't do quote things....
i was well impressed by si schroeder at the rednecks gig... din't think they had an album out... pilchard, antistar, any more info so i can go and buy?... thanks...
have you heard 'fingering the devil' by sir richard bishop?... one man and the best guitar playing you'll ever hear
Flux Basic Member Posts:124  
4/27/2006 2:36 PM |
Is that the same guy who used to be in Schroeder's Cat years ago? I've often seen him about and wondered if he still doing stuff. Good sounds.
kavobaggins Basic Member Posts:199  
4/27/2006 2:45 PM |
...that Radiohead and Beck are playin this summer!
dera Basic Member Posts:163  
4/27/2006 3:16 PM |
quote: Originally posted by palace
i was well impressed by si schroeder at the rednecks gig...
Similarly. I imagine the studio suits them rather well.
*scribbles on back of hand before trudging to Road*
nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
4/27/2006 3:25 PM |
Impressed so far by Giant Drag's album
alameda Basic Member Posts:121  
4/27/2006 3:26 PM |
tapes 'n tapes
4/27/2006 3:50 PM |
ooh yes that Band of Horses album is brilliant - Everything All The Time - Tract 4 - Funeral is amazing!!
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
4/27/2006 4:06 PM |
Yep, Band of Horses get a thumbs up from me.
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
4/27/2006 4:11 PM |
Band Of Horses
The Pipettes
Love Is All