Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
4/27/2006 10:48 AM |
Ever have the urge to pick something up just because of the hype surrounding it and then not buy into what is meant to be so amazing about it? For example, buying 'Funeral' by Arcade Fire because most music critics hailed it as a great release but when you got it you just didn't hear what they heard.
Any recent cases of this?
4/27/2006 10:54 AM |
I thought the Clap Your Hands Say Yeah album was alright but not half as good as it was hyped up to be...
Also have head the Raconteurs new album and think is awful!! Brendan Benson and Jack White doing their own thing = brilliant, but together they just don't gel (imo).
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
4/27/2006 11:00 AM |
always thought the same thing about Morrissey - just dont see what the fuss is about.
agree about Clap Your Hands Say What's The Fuss About - becomes pretty average after 2 or 3 listens
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs is another current one - its just indie avril lavinge, isnt it?
Damien Basic Member Posts:316  
4/27/2006 11:12 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
always thought the same thing about Morrissey - just dont see what the fuss is about.
agree about Clap Your Hands Say What's The Fuss About - becomes pretty average after 2 or 3 listens
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs is another current one - its just indie avril lavinge, isnt it?
I agree about the Morrissey thing. I love the smiths, but had to turn 'you are the quarry' after 3 or 4 songs because it was boring and some of the lyrics were pure piss. Don't think I'll bother with the latest one now.
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
4/27/2006 11:15 AM |
Happened to me with Bloc Party but eventually after listening to the album a lot and seeing them live i ended up connecting to what it was all about. I've came to the opinion that in a lot of cases (but not all) that when a lot of music heads think something is really good and you don't then its worth hanging in there and keep listening to it.
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs is another current one - its just indie avril lavinge, isnt it?
YYYs new album was something that hit a chord with me straight away, have to say after a couple of listens i'm a little dissappointed with the new Flaming Lips one though.
admin Basic Member Posts:399  
4/27/2006 11:22 AM |
Have to say I'm not 100% convinced of the accolades some corners have been dropping on Architecture in Helsinki. This jury here is still out on 'In case we die' (is it just me or do they try a tad too hard to be clever'n'quirky?)
Anyway will see them live for the first time next week (at their gig in Brussels) and see if their live show redeems what I can only call an okay album.
off the post Basic Member Posts:284  
4/27/2006 11:43 AM |
The Artic Monkeys, just does'nt do it for me..Franz Ferdinand are another hyped up band IMO.
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
4/27/2006 11:53 AM |
Yeah, agree with the Architecture in Helsinki one. However, I love Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. I think it's possible to admire something musically, see why there was fuss but just not relate to it. I'm sure there's excellent Doom Metal out there but i'll never hear it!
4/27/2006 11:57 AM |
i agree with everyone....i thinks its a case of the music industry these days with more indi/diy bands coming to the for-front...the critic's are constently searching for next big thing and they wanna be the first to be talking about them, that there picking up anyone with there own website a couple of free downloads and an obscure name..and telling us they are gonna be the next big looks like the one hit wonder effect has crossed over from pop to indie rock......dont get me wrong its great that there are so many new bands coming out...but an awful lot crap is slipping through on hype alone!!
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
4/27/2006 12:10 PM |
I agree with Eoghan on Acrhitecture In Helsinki, I'm also less than enamoured with Arctic Monkeys.
And I just don't understand what people see in The Animal Collective and The Fiery Furnaces.
sleepyglasseye New Member Posts:14  
4/27/2006 12:47 PM |
Like Morrisey said about reforming the Smiths 'i'd rather eat my own testicles'. Thats my feeling on listening to The Arctic boys.
The Animal Collective are superb. Great melodies, wonderful delay guitar sound....really flows over and seeps into you. There's little or no hype about them at all. Word of mouth and good reviews is all..
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
4/27/2006 12:55 PM |
I didnt mind Franz Ferdinand with the first album but I dunno why the new one has gotten so much good press. Every song Ive heard sounds like 3 song ideas patched awkwardly together. The Fallen is a mess!
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
4/27/2006 1:16 PM |
quote: Originally posted by sleepyglasseye
The Animal Collective are superb. Great melodies, wonderful delay guitar sound....really flows over and seeps into you. There's little or no hype about them at all. Word of mouth and good reviews is all..
Have you heard their side project, Campfire Songs? I nearly threw a cup at my stereo because it would have turned the f**king thing off quicker than me walking over to it.
elmo95 Basic Member Posts:156  
4/27/2006 2:56 PM |
Clap your hands say yeah/Arctic Monkeys/ Animal Collective/ Franz Ferdinand/ Architecture in Helsinki = byproduct of overhyped media mongerers of what is 'cool' and 'uncool' for this week. I agree with Kramer in that the alternative/indie scene has become more commercialised which results in a saturation of new bands and they're not all that great. I did buy Funeral on a whim (hacks do sometimes work their magic on us all) but it really stuck with me and its one of my all time favourites now. After years of comlaining about lack of press attention for good bands, now there are more than enough being thrown at us through Pitchfork and myspace.
This has its advantages and disadvantages in that a lot of the bands are medicore, then we're left waiting for the next real thing rather than the next big things who are shoved down our throats faster the NMEs next Arctic Monkeys front page.But it is great in the way that once you do find a new band who are the real thing (at least to you) then it does make it worth all the monkey s**t that hits the fan and has infected everything from the ages of 13 and up
4/27/2006 4:02 PM |
what made me laugh the most..and slightly cry at the same time of the state of music these days or the effect nme is having on that the a.monkey's album was realesed on a monday by thursday's edition on was voted no4 (i think,not sure on postion,but was top 5) in their greatest albums poll!!!...come on after 3 days of release it jumps to top 5 greatest albums..dont get me wrong..good lil album..but no top 5!!..if we are still talking about there album in 20 years...maybe then it deserves its position.
i think it was just hype alone that got it to that position..remember it was the nme that told us that 'menswear' are gonna be the next big thing!!!!
in the great words of public enemy...."dont belive the hype"...!!
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
4/27/2006 4:10 PM |
Yeah Yeah Yeahs are fantastic.
I try not to pay attention to hype, just listen to what your friends recommend or a few critics you trust (for me, that's Kitty Empire), or just something you come across yourself. I have a pretty bad awareness of what's cool or not. I've been slagged for liking some bands or artists, as if people are trying to catch me out for not knowing that they're not cool. On the other hand, I've been slagged for liking bands that are unbeknownst to me RED HOT. If you like the music, you like the music.
I didn't listen to Arctic Monkeys for ages, because I presumed they were just another 'buzz band' but now I love them.
Hype is just PR, and whether you like a band or not has to do with 50% real quality and 50% taste, or some equally scientific equation. There are very few bands that really unite everyone.
4/27/2006 4:30 PM |
i agree with ya 100% there una...dont really listen to that much hype or critics and go for word of mouth...and if i here a song that gets my attention...regardless of who they are..i'll check them moment tiga's new song "far from home" has got my attention...dont know how big he is or obsecure he is..dont know alot about euro dance music...but im gonna get the album today and found out!!
dont think there will ever be a band to unite everyone!!!...but until that day comes...
we may listen to hype/critics/mates/ and then listen to the album and coming to our own conclusion to find out if we can get 3 out of 3 there....
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
4/27/2006 5:02 PM |
Moreso than hype from the media on new bands, I meant to focus on not getting what others (friends, trusted critics etc) do with certain acts. A recent example for me would be the new album by The Zutons. I read a number of reviews that slated it but it's a damn fine record, in my opinion. Are the critics who slated simply just not getting it? Or am I not getting what the album really is like? I suppose that boils down to personal taste but it could be a divine example of 'just not getting it'.......
By the way, I like Architecture In Helsinki's most recent album and they were great in TBMC.
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
4/27/2006 5:35 PM |
they're playing the Village soon, innit?
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
4/27/2006 5:46 PM |
Just don't get:
Arctic Monkeys (Why the mass hysteria????)
Franz Ferdinand
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Pete Doherty/Babyshambles/Dirty Pretty Things
The Futureheads
Maximo Park
The Blizzards (Not in the same league as the others but there's a buzz around them that I'm just not feeling)
The Strokes
I could go on....and on....and on....