Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
3/16/2006 12:04 PM |
Sun Kil Moon Tiny Cities
Stunningly beautiful reworkings of Modest Mouse's album of the same name. Improves on the original.
Cat Power The Greatest
Her greatest so far. Takes a few listens but works its splendid magic eventually. The fact that she is beautiful helps too.
Mogwai Mr.Beast
Yet another masterpiece from Glasgow's finest. 'Friend Of The Night' is one the most earth-shatteringly sublime pieces of music since recording began. The rest of the album is rather fine too. Live, though, is where they really come into their own. And then some.
The Knife Deep Cuts
The birthplace of the jose Gonzalez phenomenon where he initially found 'Heartbeats'. Great electro-pop with lovely heavy Swedish accented female vocals. Tenner in Tower
The Album Leaf In A Safe Place
An ambient electronic album you can listen to from beginning to end without hitting the skip button. Sublime, dreamy, essential. Tenner in Tower. (I don't work for Tower!!)
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
3/16/2006 12:10 PM |
I do like The Greatest a lot, but I still prefer Moon Pix.
This week I'll probably be listening to "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea" a lot, just like last week, and the week before that. After not liking it at all when I first heard it I'm now becoming scarily obsessed with that record.
mickeyjoe New Member Posts:42  
3/16/2006 12:16 PM |
im listening to the national 'sad songs for dirty lovers' quite a bit this week as well as the guillemots 'from the cliffs'
palace Basic Member Posts:392  
3/16/2006 12:18 PM |
this week, i've been mostly listening to this compilation:
1. serena maneesh - candlelighted
2. ride – like a daydream
3. the russian futurists – your big brown eyes and my big broke heart
4. au revoir simone – through the backyards
5. the magnetic fields – all my little words
6. broken social scene – anthems for a seventeen year old girl
7. wolf parade – I’ll believe in anything
8. volcano! – apple or a gun
9. arab strap – no hope for us
10. andrew bird – fake palindromes
11. iron and wine – sodom south georgia
12. okkervil river – come back, i am waiting
13. deerhoof – our angel’s ululu
14. the noisettes - iwe
15. chris brokaw – blues for the moon
16. martin finke – smash and grab
17. 3epkano – lullaby for isobel
18. destroyer - rubies
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
3/16/2006 12:28 PM |
Fiery Furnaces 'Bitter Tea'
Still need to get used to it but like it so far.
Pretty Girls Make Graves 'Elan Vital'
Sharp, inventive and enjoyable. Gets better with each listen.
The Album Leaf 'In A Safe Place'
I also picked this up for €10 at the start of the week. A really consistent and impressive album.
Minus 5 'The Gun Album'
Excellent stuff. Cameos from Jeff Tweedy, Peter Buck, Glenn Kotche and Colin Meloy. But it's just one of those rare records that is well crafted from beginning to end.
ctrlaltdelete Basic Member Posts:268  
3/16/2006 12:37 PM |
Two Gallants - What the toll tells
Best album of the year so far, imo.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show Your Bones
First impressions are pretty positive, need to give it a few more spins
Monks - it's black monk time
Classic sixties garage rock.
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
3/16/2006 12:57 PM |
This week i am mostly listening to:
The Fall - Peel Sessions Disc 4
Pavement - Wowee Zowee
Liars - Drum's Not Dead
Silver Jews - American Water
The Buzzcocks - Singles Going Steady
The Wrens - Meadowlands
Hmmm, Gar. Did a Google and a look through for
The Minus 5. Never heard of 'em before. My curiosity is aroused. Any particular recommendation on which album of theirs i should pick up first?
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
3/16/2006 1:04 PM |
Thats enough out of you - teddy thompson
poor, pitiful me - jackson browne
cooksferry queen - richard thompson
voice of harold - rem
LooseFir New Member Posts:45  
3/16/2006 1:16 PM |
Andrew Bird - Mysterious Production of Eggs (Best album ever)
Pajo - Pajo (like a lost Elliot Smith album, nice)
Jim Noir - Tower of Love (such an uplifting album)
Beck - Stray Blues (Beck does a mexican cover of Jackass off Odelay,legend)
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
3/16/2006 1:38 PM |
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show Your Bones
Mono - You Are There
Analogue Mindfield - Digital Brainwave
The Vines - Vision Valley
JInx Lennon - Know Your Station Gouger Nation
Leya - Watch You Don't Take Off
The Bleedin Bleedins - Life Without Computers
Graham Coxon - Love Travels At Illegal Speeds
David Ford - I Sincerely Apologise For All The Trouble I've Caused
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
3/16/2006 1:46 PM |
quote: Originally posted by LooseFir
Jim Noir - Tower of Love (such an uplifting album)
He is back in Ireland in June, will catch him then, missed him in February.
This week I have been mostly listening to
Death Cab For Cutie - Plans (very enjoyable i thought)
Regina Spektor - Soviet Kitsch (interesting, some good songs)
off the post Basic Member Posts:284  
3/16/2006 1:48 PM |
Belle and Sebastian - The Life Pursuit. Pop bliss.
amawaster Basic Member Posts:127  
3/16/2006 2:12 PM |
Yeah Minus 5 "The Gun Album" is fantastic (protein this album prob their most polished)
Loose Fur "Born Again in the USA"
The Modern Lovers - "The Modern Lovers"
Talking Heads - "Fear of Music"
REM - "Dead Letter office" cos jules just reminded me of it
MACgirl New Member Posts:52  
3/16/2006 2:28 PM |
Paste Sampler CD with new tracks from Sufjan and Flaming Lips, also stuff from The Avett Brothers, Shawn Mullins, Mugison, Neko Case and Modern Skirts.
Also new Delays album "You see Colours", not grabbing me as much as "Faded Seaside Glamour" but still liking it.
Belle & Sebastian "The Life Pursuit" and Loosefir thanks for reminding me of Andrew Bird, keep meaning to buy it, will treat myself this afternoon!!
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
3/16/2006 2:47 PM |
You See Colours is a bit iffy, but I might grow to like it. LOVING the YYY new record. SO GOOD. Really, really hope they hit Electric Picnic, that would make my year.
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
3/16/2006 3:08 PM |
Sleater-Kinney: "The Woods". (Over and over again).
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
3/16/2006 3:21 PM |
good choice Vandala. Loads of their albums are on special in Tower at the moment - check it out.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
3/16/2006 6:00 PM |
Protein Biscuit - As amawaster said 'The Gun Album' would be your best bet about getting into The Minus 5 (
Una - Are the new efforts by The Vines and Jinx Lennon any use?
stephen Basic Member Posts:201  
3/16/2006 11:07 PM |
Aren't the Yeah Yeah Yeahs the most over-rated band of recent times? I bought their first and was so disgusted at the yelping feel of it that I cannot bring myself to listen to it again.
I'll keep trying with the new Flaming Lips this week...but I am finding it difficult. It's such an angry album to these ears.
I'll also try Fosbury by Tahiti 80 and I've been saving 1970's Green is Blues by Al Green.
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
3/18/2006 3:40 PM |
quote: Originally posted by stephen
Aren't the Yeah Yeah Yeahs the most over-rated band of recent times? I bought their first and was so disgusted at the yelping feel of it that I cannot bring myself to listen to it again.
I'll keep trying with the new Flaming Lips this week...but I am finding it difficult. It's such an angry album to these ears.
I'll also try Fosbury by Tahiti 80 and I've been saving 1970's Green is Blues by Al Green.
Yeah, bought 'Fever To Tell', listened to it once and I have never gone back to it since. There is only one decent song on it. They're another lo-fi, punky, ultra-hip NY outfit that music hacks drool over but on closer inspection the quality of the songs just don't live up to the amount the attention they receive. I like Karen O, though...pity about the music.