Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
3/8/2006 11:13 AM |
woohoo -picked up 3 tickets yesterday. In celebration, I have turned my work screen saver to a photo of Pete Doherty on NewsNight.
Roll on April 13
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
3/8/2006 12:50 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
woohoo -picked up 3 tickets yesterday. In celebration, I have turned my work screen saver to a photo of Pete Doherty on NewsNight.
Roll on April 13
I wouldn't get too excited. Chances are he won't show up.
Actually, I'll start my book now, 6/4 he doesn't show up.
Any takers?
tommythecatz New Member Posts:43  
3/8/2006 1:08 PM |
Personally I hope he dies before it; what are your odds on that?
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
3/8/2006 1:24 PM |
quote: Originally posted by tommythecatz
Personally I hope he dies before it; what are your odds on that?
That's humane of you....
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
3/8/2006 1:34 PM |
quote: Originally posted by tommythecatz
Personally I hope he dies before it; what are your odds on that?
harsh and uncalled for.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
3/8/2006 1:34 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Dromed
quote: Originally posted by tommythecatz
Personally I hope he dies before it; what are your odds on that?
That's humane of you....
Sometimes it's kinder to put suffering creatures down.
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
3/8/2006 1:51 PM |
I can't get my head around what people see in Pete Doherty, as far as i can see he can't sing, he can't play and he looks awful....
he'll go along way.
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
3/8/2006 2:03 PM |
Yeah, seriously over-rated media "darling." He may as well just be a winner of Big Brother for all his "artistic" output matters.
nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
3/8/2006 2:22 PM |
Don't read the tabloids and you'll be blissfully unaware of his private life off the stage.
The album was pretty good. Saw them at glasto, while most of the performance was forgettable, the odd song was good.
Should be a decent gig
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
3/8/2006 3:05 PM |
He may well be an "over-rated media darling" but that hardly equates calling for his premature death...get a f**kin grip
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
3/8/2006 4:02 PM |
who cares about Pete Doherty's personal life? Those stories are just for people who are more interested in celebrity gossip than they are in songs.
People piss and moan about how little Babyshambles have done, when their musical output is far more than most bands who only have one album - just check out their website (.net), and you can download countless tracks.
Down In Albion has some cracking songs on it.
Typical conversation:
"Do you have the Babyshambles record?"
"Pete Doherty is a f**king sap."
"That's not what I asked - have you listened to the record?"
"Er no, but I don't need to, because Pete Doherty is a f**king sap."
Gotta love the way people can think for themselves these days.
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
3/8/2006 4:54 PM |
Eh .. i certainly wouldn't wish death on anyone and i think that was a stupid and humourless comment made by tommythecatz.
I suppose there's a PhD in Pete Doherty and the filter of "tabloid-celebrity" through which he's viewed by the populus. Regardless of whether or not you choose to read such hate-rags it's still impossible to get away from his personal life or, at least, the portrayal of his personal life through that lens. I don't think there's any indie artist out there that garners as much attention as Pete Doherty. I know it's not for his musical output in the main but for his escapades. My over-rated media darling comment was a knee-jerk reaction and shame on me for falling into the trap of considering him based on the b*ll*x printed about him. However, throw enough sh*t at the wall and some of it sticks. There's a general impression of him floating in the ether that you can't help but be affected by, at least on the surface.
I don't suppose it's his fault really if the serpent-tongued tabloid sewer dwellers choose to fix their stare on him.
Musically, he doesn't blow my mind and i don't think he's the genius that he's portrayed as by his acolytes. Of course you can say the same about every other musician in my (or anyones') record collection! So after that shambolic rambling rant of mine i suppose my conclusion is that the old cliché that they'll build you up and knock you down is true. I just hate the infection of so called celebrity in society and lazily tarred Doherty with the same brush.
.....and Una, i hope it's a great gig and you have a ball!
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
3/9/2006 10:05 AM |
THe whole Doherty situation is like watching a f**king car crash. He is a walking disaster and Una's right, people do mostly know about him for all the wrong reasons. I don't find his music particularly interesting and I don't really like the bulls**t that the media constantly bombard us with about him, but at the end of the day he's a junkie (albeit one on a romantic-fuelled deathwish) and baying for his blood, as people are doing these days, is sick.
There is something really tragic about the whole thing - he's backed himself into a corner now. Being held up by these fanatic kids as a romantic wastrel icon they are almost calling for his premature death too, just to fulfil the legend as it were...live fast die young, burn out don't fade away yadda yadda. There's also an under-acheiving thing too...If Doherty never cleans up he never has to really come up with the goods...but can only be thought of as a genius that never had a chance to prove himself. Down In Albion has it's fans but it's no timeless classic - If he cleaned up he'd have a lot to prove. It's a f**kin security blanket...but then for most junkies it is.
In trying to re-enact some kind of 1920s/40s Paris bohemia with romantic drug-induced literary dreams, he falls pretty short of the mark. Baudelaire, Cocteau, F. Scott Fitzgerald et al enjoyed being non-too sober but all left behind outstanding bodies of work that have survived to this day. I don't honestly think he is producing anything of the same quality. But that's no reason to want the guy dead.
I find it kind of amazing that people allow themselves to be so bothered by someone in the media that they'd like to see them die.
But hey..all is not lost, Ozzy Osbourne is apparently gonna have a chat with him..!!
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
3/9/2006 10:38 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
who cares about Pete Doherty's personal life? Those stories are just for people who are more interested in celebrity gossip than they are in songs.
People piss and moan about how little Babyshambles have done, when their musical output is far more than most bands who only have one album - just check out their website (.net), and you can download countless tracks.
Down In Albion has some cracking songs on it.
Typical conversation:
"Do you have the Babyshambles record?"
"Pete Doherty is a f**king sap."
"That's not what I asked - have you listened to the record?"
"Er no, but I don't need to, because Pete Doherty is a f**king sap."
Gotta love the way people can think for themselves these days.
Una, if you don't me saying that last comment is smug and patronising. Anyway, the conversation that you (or any Pete Doherty / Babyshambles fan) would probably have with me would go thus:
"Have you got the Babyshambles album?"
"Good isn't it?"
"No, not in my opinion."
"Oh, well I think its good so it must be."
However, do enjoy the Babyshambles gig on April 13th if the lead signer does show up.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
3/9/2006 10:59 AM |
Think you've hit the nail on the head there Dromed. History is littered with tortured geniuses who struggled with their inner demons. However, clearly absent in this case is any evidence of genius. What is left is a rather tawdry media fixation with a shambolic, sorryful shell of a man self-destructing in a very public manner. So much so that rumour he was a stooge in a Bill Drumond caper had a ring to truth to it. Interesting also is the media toleration of his addiction (presumeably because he has the income to avoid robbing grannies in the street and B&E).
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
3/9/2006 11:11 AM |
Also, Doherty is only 26, to achieve true greatness through dieing young he needs to last another 12 months and join the Janis, Jimi, Kurt club.
melvin cokane New Member Posts:37  
3/9/2006 12:04 PM |
Seen babayshambles before live, heard the album, and have both libertines albums..ah they're alright...interesting given the fact that he is a complete disaster and to be honest i'd be lying if i said wouldn't be curious enough to go along and see.
una's comments were smug and patronising though. people thinking for themselves does not necessarily mean they are agreeable to your're opinions.
the rest of the band are sesson playes/hangers on unless i'm mistaken though?
he'll show up i'd say, watch for a stage invasion by his "pal" shane mcgowan...
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
3/9/2006 12:28 PM |
its a good job for Babyshambles that they have Doherty as a lead singer because otherwise no-one would give a damn about their piss-poor music.
Awful, awful, awful band. A real case of the emperor's new clothes. And we'd be saying that even if Doherty was never even mentioned in passing by the tabloids
But because of Doherty and his inability to take drugs without getting messy or doing it in front of the wrong people or doing it with supermodels, we know too much about him and his pathetic life and by extension his meat and 2 veg band. To me, doherty is on the same level as those junkies on thomas street - and babyshambles are just Turn UK
tommythecatz New Member Posts:43  
3/9/2006 1:43 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Unicron
Also, Doherty is only 26, to achieve true greatness through dieing young he needs to last another 12 months and join the Janis, Jimi, Kurt club.
Chances of his death before the gig are slim so... Pity
akablue New Member Posts:78  
3/9/2006 2:26 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
who cares about Pete Doherty's personal life? Those stories are just for people who are more interested in celebrity gossip than they are in songs.
People piss and moan about how little Babyshambles have done, when their musical output is far more than most bands who only have one album - just check out their website (.net), and you can download countless tracks.
Down In Albion has some cracking songs on it.
Typical conversation:
"Do you have the Babyshambles record?"
"Pete Doherty is a f**king sap."
"That's not what I asked - have you listened to the record?"
"Er no, but I don't need to, because Pete Doherty is a f**king sap."
Gotta love the way people can think for themselves these days.
Oh get over yourself, just cos people don't like Babyshambles it doesn't mean that they can't think for themselves....I have listened to some (fair enough not all) and for the most part its cack IMHO. Whatever promise Pete Doherty had has been flitered away by his smack/crack habit and while I realise that there is a romantic association with drug abuse and a bohemian appeal of that lifestyle (as stated by Dromed) its harks back to bygone days of literary and artistic hedonism I think Pete Doherty has nowhere near the about of talent that can sustain such hero worship by some of his fans,
I am so bored of hearing about his court appearances and failed attempts at rehab...zzzz...plus the shambolic (no pun intended) live gigs...it's been done by bigger and better bands than Babyshambles but no doubt this gig (TBMC) will be a sell-out, with queues around the block in fact they may even be a need for the St. Johns Ambulance due to fainting fits.....like Westlife at the Point Depot..
If Pete Doherty does kick the bucket we will have endure the posthumas hysteria that often follows such a departure. Personally I hope he gets clean, retires from music and the public eye to raise chickens in the English countryside....happy and healthy but out of earshot....