1/31/2006 12:45 PM |
Voices from a room, this weds network 2, 11.30. Stay up extra late and get the popcorn out!
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
1/31/2006 1:28 PM |
:-D YEAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!
1/31/2006 3:10 PM |
i dont really like humanzi it all sounds a bit samey so far.
whens the album out
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
1/31/2006 7:00 PM |
Humanzi, Humanzi, Humanzi...They better be good cos' I'm sick of hearing about 'em.
ctrlaltdelete Basic Member Posts:268  
1/31/2006 7:53 PM |
caught their video on MTV2. meh.
melvin cokane New Member Posts:37  
2/1/2006 12:44 PM |
anyone see this? any use? looking forward to hearing the album, if only out of pure curiousity...
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
2/1/2006 1:15 PM |
'voices show is on tonight
Vidjoe is on mtv2 with reg enough circulation
Songs deadly.
Damien Basic Member Posts:316  
2/1/2006 1:20 PM |
Can you see the video on t'internet anywhere? Don't have fancy digital channels.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
2/1/2006 1:33 PM |
Try www.nme.com
Damien Basic Member Posts:316  
2/1/2006 1:48 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Gar
Try www.nme.com
Oh God, do I have to?
WhoMe Basic Member Posts:191  
2/1/2006 2:05 PM |
Damien Basic Member Posts:316  
2/1/2006 7:03 PM |
quote: Originally posted by WhoMe
That was ace of you. Nice one.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
2/2/2006 9:12 AM |
humanzi on other voices was the funniest TV i've seen since the last series on curb your enthusiasm. i dont think i've laughed as much at a band in years. glad to be paying my tv licence for that.
come on folks, tell me it's a joke. did one song really just consist of the line "get your s**t together" repeated over and over again? is this really what all the fuss is over? a bunch of wacky haircuts, a bit of juvenile strutting, rubbish riffs and lyrics which 12 year olds would sneer at? good god, they were rank.
I suspect i may not be alone. this is the emperor's new clothes all over again. forget about this huge "deal", the band are rubbish.
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
2/2/2006 9:40 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
come on folks, tell me it's a joke. did one song really just consist of the line "get your s**t together" repeated over and over again?
That would be the song 'Get yout s**t together' ...
jaypers New Member Posts:95  
2/2/2006 9:42 AM |
the band are far from rubbish! The sound for them was terrible but if you would take the time to go see them live in a proper venue it would be a different story!
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
2/2/2006 9:48 AM |
The sound may have been terrible (I didnt notice) but the songs still wouldnt cut it. Nothing special or interesting musically, lyrically, performance-ally... I hate the lighting on this show too. Looks like they lit the stage then someone turned the house lights on.
nerraw Basic Member Posts:475  
2/2/2006 10:41 AM |
I don't believe for one second that Norman Schwarzkopf really believes that was the funniest thing he's seen. If so, what tv is he watching.
Personally, I thought they sounded great, performed excellently and are by far one of the most exciting bands to come out of Ireland in years.
As for slagging their hair cuts? That the best you can do? Jesus
dirtyboots New Member Posts:58  
2/2/2006 10:44 AM |
ye in all fairness the lighting and sound was awful. the singing was completely dry- i mean what engineer does vocal mics without any reverb or delay at all? also camera work was dire. i'm not saying the band are amazing or that there s**t, i thought they came across badly on the show but that doesnt really interest me... the fact is that was a s**t rte setup and i dont think they should be judged until the album comes out in april and maybe you've seen a live gig. then say whatever you want!
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
2/2/2006 10:45 AM |
Eh, think you've misattributed that quote there nerraw. I didnt say they were funny, think it was jaypers.
You really think they're exciting? What TV are you watching?
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
2/2/2006 10:46 AM |
Sorry it was Pilchard, not jaypers.