Super Nintendo Chalmers New Member Posts:44  
12/22/2005 12:36 PM |
It is at this time of year, that once we again we can all enjoy the opportunity to listen to one of the finest xmas songs of all time, as it regains its place on local, national and international radio: "A spaceman came a travelin'" by Chris de Burgh.
it also reminds what a pity it is that de Burgh does not receive the respect and recognition (in Ireland) that his obvious songwriting talent deserves. Songs like the above and "lady in Red" and "patricia" show he has song writing ability rivaled by few other Irish men or women. the lack of recognition he receives is surely not just because he is lacking in stature or unphotogenic nor is it just because he may not come across best in interviews. No, i believe it is because of the Irish need to put down our own. from looking through the discussion board we can read of the likes of Humanzi and Damien Rice getting slated. it is an irish thing that we need to put down our own and it is born in small town-ism and pathetic jealousy. (i must say though in naming the aforementioned band and singer, they are clearly out of their depth and could only be put in de Burgh's league if they are still around in 20 years).
De Burgh is one of our finest exports, it is an indictment that that is what he is, purely an export. it is indicative of our small minded nature as a people, that we irish cant admit the great song writing achievements of de burgh and what he has done for Ireland.
"peace and good will to all man,
and love for child"
Damien Basic Member Posts:316  
12/22/2005 1:36 PM |
jaypers New Member Posts:95  
12/22/2005 1:37 PM |
are you for real? my good god!!!!
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
12/22/2005 2:39 PM |
Useless information but Chris De Burgh went to the same secondary school as Nick Drake who refused to let De Burgh join the band he was forming at the time.
To my constant shame, when i was too young to know any better, i must admit i did go through a phase of thinking he was the bees knees. It is a burden i must carry with me for the rest of my life.
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
12/22/2005 3:19 PM |
My mother owns Crusader on vinyl and loves Spanish Train. You aint alone.
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
12/22/2005 3:21 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Norman Schwarzkopf
My mother owns Crusader on vinyl and loves Spanish Train. You aint alone.
Ah. Your "mother" owns it ;-]
Late Man New Member Posts:14  
12/22/2005 4:57 PM |
Good or bad songwriter, who really cares? but what a great daughter!
Super Nintendo Chalmers New Member Posts:44  
12/22/2005 5:01 PM |
its not about his daughter, its about the music
Super Nintendo Chalmers New Member Posts:44  
12/22/2005 5:04 PM |
and Norman, just admit you own and love Chris de Burgh, at least his music. if you guys could get him on the last broadcast that would lend it some credibility and substance rather than it being a show full of infermercials
Late Man New Member Posts:14  
12/22/2005 5:09 PM |
No i agree his music is great but if he had his daughter in some of his videos it might bring him more into the mainstream which would be a nice change.
Super Nintendo Chalmers New Member Posts:44  
12/22/2005 5:12 PM |
exactly, its just that hes photogenically challenged, thats why he has problems breaking back into the mainstream. come on people even the mention of Lady in red and the melody floods into your head like that first pint after a month of sobriety
Late Man New Member Posts:14  
12/22/2005 5:17 PM |
Not only is he photogenically challenged i think he's a little virtically challenged. i recently watched a top 100 singles thing on vh1 and Lady in Red wasn't even in it. That is a crying shame.
Carlsberg Basic Member Posts:215  
12/22/2005 5:32 PM |
this is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening,
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
12/22/2005 6:00 PM |
No, I must state that as even as a teenager I found Spanish Train irritating. Thank Christ she (yes, my mother) doesnt own a turntable any more.
How could such a stunning creature be fathered by him?? Or was she....? (Cue "Arrested Devlopment" questionable paternity music..)
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
12/22/2005 6:03 PM |
Actually, have any of you seen the abomination that is "Patricia The Stripper" feat.Dustin? His daughter IS in that! God he's embarrassing. That's enough about DeBurgh for my part. Good night.
blacksheep New Member Posts:50  
12/22/2005 7:35 PM |
He's not Irish,he's argentinian I think.
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
12/22/2005 8:55 PM |
Accelerated irony, methinks. The joke is on us. 
Super Nintendo Chalmers New Member Posts:44  
12/22/2005 11:27 PM |
musical snobery me thinks,
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
12/23/2005 12:51 AM |
You's are forgetting his finest hour - Don't pay the ferryman, da da da, don't even fix a price, da da da, don't pay the ferry man - till he gets you to the other side - ahhhh ahhh.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
12/23/2005 11:46 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Norman Schwarzkopf
How could such a stunning creature be fathered by him??
Am I the only guy on the planet that isn't blown away by her "beauty", she's a very attractive woman but she's got scary eyebrows (though not thankfully in the way that her dad does).