klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
12/1/2005 9:00 AM |
So, I was walking home from work last night with the MP3 player on random and on pops a tune off of Ten Speed Racers first album.
This was a band that I thought could really make it ( we all have one dont we :) ). Turned out at pretty much all of their gigs in dublin if I was around and even caught a few gigs across the country.
So when they broke up, it kinda hurt a bit if you know what I mean. Now I hadnt lost my appetite to eat now are anything like that, but the thought of not seeing one of my favourite bands playing live again was a tad not nice. 
Anyway, what band breakups have had an effect on YOU...
Was it the nirvana after Kurts death, the pumpkins, The stone rose, maybe it was soundgarden, Rage against the machine ?
Or even the Irish ones, Ten Speed Racer, The Mexican Pets, The Stunning, Whipping Boy...
Or is this post just a load of cobblers :)
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
12/1/2005 9:30 AM |
Luscious Jackson, I'd only really just discovered them, then they split up. Love that band.
I was a huge Pumpkins fan, but I was actually really glad that they decided to call it a day. After Siamese Dream, you couldn't make a better and more cohesive hard rock album, after Mellon Collie, you couldn't make a more epic one. It was just all gonna be downhill, my only regret is that Corgans interest in experimentation with electronic music awakened on Mellon Collie never really paid off on Adore the way a fantastic track like "1979" promised. I haven't heard his new solo album, anyone buy it? any good?
untie manhattan New Member Posts:32  
12/1/2005 10:39 AM |
plague monkey's spliting kinda pissed me off - thought they had something really special and the single 'mouth to mouth' is one of irish rocks most complete tunes.
rollerskate skinny, although I didn't 'get' them at the time - what a album and what potential that band had
12/1/2005 10:50 AM |
as a teenager; nirvana
as an adult; the beta band
as a neurotic paranoid android; pre-emptive stress and anxiety over the demise of radiohead.....one day, although in my saner moments i feel that they will never break up the gaps between releases will just get wider and wider
12/1/2005 11:04 AM |
Take That.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
12/1/2005 11:23 AM |
hahah i was just about to write that!!!
But really.... yea prob Nirvana.
Ruby Basic Member Posts:107  
12/1/2005 11:28 AM |
The verve.
I got into music late in life, and couldn't believe one of my all time favourite bands were still together in my time (as the Roses and Happy mondays etc. had already split)
Couldn't believe it when they split, I was devastated!!
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
12/1/2005 12:11 PM |
I'm bracing myself for the day 'The Charlatans' breakup .... Always had a soft spot them.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
12/1/2005 12:16 PM |
I was pretty gutted when Richie Manic disappeared and it became obvious he wasn't coming back. Still am :(
12/1/2005 1:12 PM |
smashing pumpkins. plus i had a ticket for their last gig in london and then couldnt go. i was distraught. then zwan happened which made it worse.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
12/1/2005 1:25 PM |
I suppose with the tragic deaths involved, we will never know if The Doors, Led Zeppelin and Thin Lizzy could have went on to be still great bands today. Not sure about a specific band.........still trying to think........but I know that John Lennon's death (even though I was just a toddler when it happened) kind of signified the end of one of the greatest songwriters - possibly the best!!!
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
12/1/2005 1:32 PM |
Got to be The Smiths. Can't believe it is twenty years since 'The Queen is Dead' was released. When I was a kid, I played that album so much even my Mum grew to like it. I was gutted.
Carlsberg Basic Member Posts:215  
12/1/2005 4:40 PM |
End of the Longpigs AND Geneva in the same year really pis*ed me off. Also, the departure of Bernard Butler from Suede meant that with the exception of the "coming up" album, Suede were really never a creative force of note again.
Protein biscuit Basic Member Posts:364  
12/1/2005 5:30 PM |
The Beta Band break-up was disappointing because of the reasons why they split. I'm curious though to hear how Steve Mason's solo record under the King biscuit moniker will sound when it's released next year. I would tend to be philosophical about band break-ups. I'd rather see a group go their separate ways leaving a decent body of work behind rather than floundering, flagging and eventually flogging a dead horse.
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
12/1/2005 6:37 PM |
dont mean to be a big negative creep(ahem, spot the reference) but i've been more annoyed that some bands havent broken up-oasis,u2,metallica,aslan,coldplay,stereophonics,foo fighters. im not kidding, their output so far this century is appaling, subjective though that is someone must see what i mean, surely? these are brands as powerful as coca cola and nike, people dont even know why they buy them! not the people i've asked at least, but thats only anecdotal.
i would love to hear more my bloody valentine, roller skate skinny, mexican pets and possibly jimi hendrix if he could be brought back!
And slightly out of place in all that is the fact that I would love to see Pantera smash up a venue again(not literally Dougal), but poor aould Dimebag(guitar player) got shot onstage almost a year ago now.
It would be special to see Phil Lynott live though. That statue on Harry St. is so cool, I get a bit caught up everytime I see it.
Oh and it will never happen but Faith No More and Guns and Roses both pi55ed me off, but Velvet Revolver and Mike Pattons enourmous workload (check out http://beta.cv.org/ and you lose all respect for other so-called hard working artists, this guy must not sleep!) will do for now.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
12/1/2005 7:37 PM |
I think the Everly Brothers, simply because its very sad to see that kind of negativity within a family.
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
12/1/2005 11:07 PM |
Bands I was sorry to see split up:
Stone Roses, Beta Band, Orbital, Joan of Arse, The Jam (well only a wee bairn at that stage but would have liked to see where they went as a trio) and the Travelling Wilburys.
Bands that should definitely not be trading under the same name and should go their seperate ways and make music under different moniker maybe would defo be Oasis, Beastie Boys, Rolling Stones etc... Just because they were good at what they did back then but now they are doing nothing spectacular.
fiddlechick New Member Posts:63  
12/2/2005 1:06 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Rev Jules
I think the Everly Brothers, simply because its very sad to see that kind of negativity within a family.
But they're back together now, right? (or did I just imagine seeing them in the middle of Simon and Garfunkel's gig in the RDS??)
Boyzone was tragic for me. Spice Girls not so much.
12/2/2005 1:37 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
I was a huge Pumpkins fan, but I was actually really glad that they decided to call it a day. After Siamese Dream, you couldn't make a better and more cohesive hard rock album, after Mellon Collie, you couldn't make a more epic one. It was just all gonna be downhill, my only regret is that Corgans interest in experimentation with electronic music awakened on Mellon Collie never really paid off on Adore the way a fantastic track like "1979" promised. I haven't heard his new solo album, anyone buy it? any good?
i gave the Corgan solo album a lash for a few weeks when it came out, some good stuff on it but havent listened to it since and not much desire to either. Its decent but not great.
Also, i agree with your point about the Pumpkins break-up being a good thing, bar a few fantastic tracks, Machina just wasnt up to sratch, not after the previous gems...including the wonderful Adore!
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
12/2/2005 2:42 AM |
quote: Originally posted by fiddlechick
quote: Originally posted by Rev Jules
I think the Everly Brothers, simply because its very sad to see that kind of negativity within a family.
But they're back together now, right? (or did I just imagine seeing them in the middle of Simon and Garfunkel's gig in the RDS??)
Yes, its good that they got back together but they still broke the act up from 1973 - 1983. Maybe we need a matching thread called 'Best Band Make Ups' 