Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
9/27/2005 3:45 PM |
The Last Broadcast tonight has a hilarious new Frank & Walters interview and live song, a Tori Amos interview, Mono Band, Sinead "Natty Dread" O'Connor and that Eyebrowy video for The Rags and some other vids including Arcade Fire.
RTE 2 11.15ish...
sweetie Basic Member Posts:132  
9/28/2005 9:30 AM |
Caught the rags video last night. Excellent stuff (song and vid). Really recommend for the other great shorts they have done.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
9/28/2005 10:09 AM |
Yeah was very good. Was quite impressed by Mono Band too. The only thing that annonys me about The Last Broadcast is Fanning's style of interviewing.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
9/28/2005 10:30 AM |
quote: Originally posted by sweetie
Caught the rags video last night. Excellent stuff (song and vid). Really recommend for the other great shorts they have done.
that link is 
dirtyboots New Member Posts:58  
9/28/2005 10:43 PM |
i thought monoband were a bit s**t... i'd heard good stuff and it just seemed a bit sub-radiohead pre ok computer like.(if that makes any sense!) thought the eyebrowy video was f**kin great mind you,(unfortunately cant say same for the ole tune........the rags are dull as f**k.)
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
10/3/2005 9:30 AM |
Tomorrow night on The Last Broadcast....
A profile on The Stones new album, Autamata having a chat and a sing song, interviews with The Prodigy and U2 and Josh Ritter doin an acoustic number. Also vidjos from the White Stripes, HAL, Ian Brown's new one and T-Rex!
Tues RTE 2 11.15ish
Also, if you wanna comment on the show, watch out for the e-mail address at the end of it.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
10/3/2005 12:27 PM |
One of the main problems I have with it is that it clashes with The View. yes, I know Joe Duffy was on it recently but it's usually a good watch. So I only tend to catch the tail end of The Last Broadcast.
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
10/7/2005 4:21 PM |
Hello all.
Tuesday 11th October - The Last Broadcast RTE 2 @ 11.15ish...
Profile on new Franz album, Kaiser Chiefs interview and one with the Neville Brothers. The Rags and Snow Patrol do acoustic numbers and there's a gansai-load of vidjos from the likes of The Flaming Lips, Joy Zipper, The Go!Team, Paul Weller and a couple of Undertones classics!
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
10/17/2005 5:39 PM |
Tuesday 18th october - The Last Broadcast RTE2 @ 11.15ish...
An interview with Snoop Dogg, BellX1 live and acoustic and havin a natter, Fleetwood Mac interview and vidjos from Devendra Banhart, Roisin Murphy, Magic Numbers, Radiohead, Van Morrisson and a few others no doubt.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
10/17/2005 6:08 PM |
Norman, are you connected with the show?
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
10/18/2005 9:50 AM |
yeah, I edit it. Thought I'd let people know in advance what's on.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
10/18/2005 10:05 AM |
aw arencha loverly! 
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
10/18/2005 11:03 AM |
Yes. Yes I am.
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
10/24/2005 10:44 AM |
Tomorrow on The Last Broadcast:
Hal in interview and doin an acoustic number, The Magic Numbers doin the same backstage at Oxegen, QOTSA profile, a coupla classic Bowie vids and an interview with Alison Krauss and videos from Bright Eyes and Tara Blaise....
milkman Basic Member Posts:119  
10/25/2005 11:08 PM |
rarely anything decent on this show.
there are a few good things, but so much crap....
and personally, i find dave fannings style far too matey and dismissive.
10/26/2005 11:55 AM |
anyone watch this last night? could the magic numbers be any nicer?? they're almost sickly sweet. lets see if they can hang on to that endearing modesty of theirs though. It would be a pity if they let it all go to their heads (although i'd say there's a fat chance of that happening) 
dave fanning talks way too fast - barely lets the interviewee get a word in edgeways...
ctrlaltdelete Basic Member Posts:268  
10/26/2005 1:12 PM |
hey norman, if you can edit out that jabbering fossilised lecher and most of the videos that would be cool.
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
10/26/2005 2:12 PM |
There's an e-mail address on the end of the show that goes straight to the producer.
All (constructive) comments will be welcome.
Actually, I'll open this up and ask everyone, what would you like to see in an Irish music show??
10/26/2005 6:44 PM |
how about interviews with more up and coming irish bands (i.e. more unsigned acts). you could call it "sounds from the underground" and each week have a slot with an unsigned act, giving them an invaluable opportunity to showcase their talent (or lack of it) on television. it would be fun to see them being interviewed and hearing their take on the irish music industry. you only have to read the Psychofest thread for a few ideas on where you might go looking.....
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
10/27/2005 10:00 AM |
Thanks raoul, I'll pass it on.