Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
9/5/2005 12:42 PM |
The Good:
Can we just declare Arcade fire to be the best band in the world right now and be done with it? I've never seen a crowd so up for a band in my entire life. I was also pretty surprised that so many people knew the songs from the EP. Can't wait to see them again in central park next week.
The Flaming Lips were very good and I enjoyed Goldfrapp a great deal despite the fact that I've never really heard much of their stuff.
I caught the end of the Redneck Manifesto and I thought they were great.
I also really enjoyed LCD Soudsystem even though what I had heard of them before I didn't like. Lemon Jelly were pretty good as well. I don't dance but I danced for both of them.
The Meh:
Clor were OK.
The Bad:
After seeing the intensity of Arcade Fire and the joyousness of The Flaming Lips I wasn't in the mood for a bunch of old German guys making bleepy noises.
That guy from Audiobullys needs a geography lesson.
Mercury Rev, about 3 decent songs and the rest was really boring. The frontman has some ridiculous stage moves and they may just have the worst lyrics in the world.
Soulwax are a hugely mediocre band.
Nick Cave playing what sounded like the exact same song over and over again until I decided "f**k this, I'm beating the traffic".
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
9/5/2005 12:56 PM |
No way Unicorn, Nick Cave was brillant. Maybe it was where you were standing. But he was really pumped it for it and The Bad Seeds were on top form too. A great way to end the weekend.
Overall I saw - MixMaster Mike, Hot Chip, Goldfrapp, Arcade Fire, Royksopp, Flaming Lips, Redneck Manifesto, Declan O'Rourke, Bob Mould, The Kills, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. Saw a few comedians on the Sunday in the Comedy Tent including Des Bishop and Dave McSavage outside the tent on the Saturday. Saw about half an hour of that Metallica documentary in the Cinema Room and caught the return of Bosco in there.
Arcade Fire were unreal and the crowd at it was probably the best for the whole weekend that I witnnessed.
Everything about the festival this year was brilliant. I was stunned at how well it was and how enjoyable it was compared to Oxegen.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
9/5/2005 1:07 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Gar
No way Unicorn, Nick Cave was brillant. Maybe it was where you were standing. But he was really pumped it for it and The Bad Seeds were on top form too. A great way to end the weekend.
I was pretty close to the front, I could see how pumped he was and I can appreciate that The Bad Seeds are a s**t hot band and are tight as hell but I really don't care for Abattoir Blues/the Lyre of Orpheus and I thought it was all a bit samey. I was there for a good half hour and even if they had dropped one of the quieter songs from The Boatman's Call into it I might have been convinced to stay.
I caught a bit of the stand up tent on Saturday and I'm not sure how good an idea it was to have it there as Neil Delamare and Karl Spain (usually I like the latter and can tolerate the former) weren't really able to do much of their material and spent much of their stage time putting down hecklers. I hear that Tommy Tiernan (hugely overrated by the way) was packed out of the door on Saturday night.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
9/5/2005 1:11 PM |
Well there's where the problem lies, you don't like but I think that the double album 'Abbattoir Blues/ The Lyre Of Orpheus' is an amazing album. Contrasting opinions is all.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
9/5/2005 1:13 PM |
It really was great
Arcade Fire were other wordly - I wasnt expecting them to be so NUTS!! And Win jumping into the audience - hes f**king huuuuge. Got a great view of it!
Flaming lips were excellent too - I was one of the 'small ladies' involved in the crowd collapsing under the ball he was in but it as worth it man!
I really enjoyed Kraftwerk - bringing out the robots for 'We are the robots' was one of the best visual experiences ever!
LCD Soundsystem was probably the highlight of Sunday.
Great vibe and great that it was outdoors.
Channel One / CH-1 rocked it up in the Crawdaddy tent supremely.
Yes I know the drummer but seriously I'm not bullshtting it was f**king intense.
Congrats to them for sure.
Audio bullys sound was awful in the electrci Arena.
Clor were pretty halfarsed or so it seemed to me.
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
9/5/2005 1:20 PM |
jealous as f**k.
palace Basic Member Posts:392  
9/5/2005 1:32 PM |
i am quit
palace Basic Member Posts:392  
9/5/2005 1:36 PM |
....ahem...yes, i am quite happy to declare arcade fire the best band in the world at this present time - absolutely go with that, unicron...
...i am a big nick cave fan but had commitments in dublin on sunday and wouldn't have made it back down until about 8.00... in the end, i decided not to return, probably because seeing nick cave with full band on a main stage playing mainly stuff from his last album didn't appeal to me as much as his vicar street gig 2 years ago did...
i'm sad i missed it but not overly so
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
9/5/2005 2:04 PM |
Ahh this is torture!! - I couldn't make it down to the festival. Arcade Fire sound amazing, hopefully they play here again soon.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
9/5/2005 2:33 PM |
They seem to have made a massive impact at the European festivals in the past 2 weeks and they've got some free time from the end of October up until the end of November when they're opening for U2 in Toronto and Montreal so hopefully they'll be back for a bigger European tour around then. I'd imagine after the reception they recieved on Saturday they wouldn't object to coming here again. Having said that they've been touring pretty intensly for the last 12 months so they might want to take some well deserved time off. They've got a church to renovate afterall.
off the post Basic Member Posts:284  
9/5/2005 2:38 PM |
I'm really envious. Just bought a gaff and I could'nt afford it. Will defo be going next year. I hear they are going to make it 3 days next time around.
9/5/2005 3:12 PM |
brilliant weekend. when tickets first went on sale I was a bit dubious of getting one, with a few of the let downs from last year, but overall everything was great.
main highlights were Damien Dempsey, Hot Chip were real good, Golgfrapp, Arcade Fire were class, Toots and the Maytals were amazing, only caught a couple of tracks from Nick Cave, but great none the less. also caught Lemon Jelly, couple of Soulwax, Rednecks, and De La Soul who were all also great.
really pissed off that I missed Mixmaster Mike, think they swapped him with Hot chips or somethin.
I thought Flaming Lips were unreal, even with Wayne Knocking a whole load of us to the ground.
thought Fatboy Slim was pretty s**t, was actually really looking forward to see him too.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
9/5/2005 6:35 PM |
my only thoughts on the weekend right now are:
arcade fire
arcade fire
arcade fire
arcade fire
arcade fire
arcade fire
arcade fire
i feel like a teen kid with his first pop crush (as opposed to the crush caused by lead singer jumping into crowd).
Easily the best live show i've seen in years. From the crowd chanting and cheering during the soundcheck to the sheer intensity of the show, it was absolutely extraordinary
that said, the whole weekend was also extraordinary. the best festival i've been to in ireland by a long, long mile. the people made it - vibey, happy, pleasant, smiley. it didnt rain. the food on the stalls was brilliant (the pieminister) and it was a real FESTIVAL.
kudos to the organisers - well done.
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
9/5/2005 8:11 PM |
Arcade Fire was my gig of the year. The crowd were fantastic, the band amazing, the songs utter brilliance.
Other highlights were The Pricillas @ Lost Vagueness, Back 2 Basics @ Bacardi Bar, the southern comfort cocktails, JJ72's set (if delayed), LCD Soundsystem, DE LA SOUL, the no traffic driving to or from the festival and, the most important one, watching The Goonies in its entirity in the cinema tent.
Low lights: forgetting to go to the silent disco, organisation sloppiness of the guestlist and blag Qs, lack of toilets apart from in the Electric Picnic Garden, Husky Rescue, Roisin Murphy cancelling, the sound @ Electric Arena
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
9/5/2005 8:28 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
organisation sloppiness of the guestlist and blag Qs
All of our hearts are bleeding right now :P
I thought the silent disco was pretty crap but I was only in there briefly as my mate was off his face on shrooms and got a bit freaked by the people around him.
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
9/5/2005 8:40 PM |
don't hate, just making a valid point about the general dodgy organisation behind some parts of the festival.
Did anybody else go to FatBoySlim on Saturday (not the Jon Carter night)? The 3D glasses were awesome. Bravo Norm
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
9/6/2005 12:55 AM |
Ah Una, I'm just teasing.
I didn't see Fatboy Slim but I had a go on the glasses in the campsite afterwards, pretty cool.
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
9/6/2005 3:16 AM |
My favourite things about the Picnic were;
The Crowd - There was a distinct lack of knackers in track suits. This pleased me no end. As did the lack of fifteen year old Killers fans puking on their own shoes.
The Arcade Fire - Quite possibly the greatest gig I've ever seen
The Security - They used expressions like "please", "thank you", "enjoy yourself" and "have a nice weekend". I even saw one of them blowing bubbles at the front of the De La Soul gig. Plus they didn't bother searching you for booze when you left the campsite for the main arena. Also despite the fact that everywhere you went there was a lovely whiff of hash I didn't hear of one person being busted by the DS.
The Flaming Lips - Just magical.
Food and Drink - Pies with mash, gravy and mushy peas. Cabonara and Bolognase. Fried potatoes with Garlic Cheese. Tents with small Queues offering drinks other than budweiser. What more do you want?
The Redneck Manifesto - They completely packed out the Crawdaddy tent. My advice is to enjoy them while you still can. Soon David Gray fans will be raving on about them and we won't be allowed to like them anymore.
The Campsite - It was right beside the main area so you could nip back to your tent between acts without having to embark upon a thirty minute trek. Plus the fact that they permited disposable BBQ's allowed me to start the day with a proper fry up as opposed to a soggy cheese sandwich.
Who Made Who - You've got to love those crazy punky funky Danes. Plus their guitarist's moustache was majestic, though not quite as impressive as the afro sported by the bass player from Be Your Own Pet.
The Weather - It stayed dry for the whole weekend. Yay!
Mixmaster Mike playing the clash, Mr Scruff playing Quantic Soul Orhestra, The Matthew Herbert Big Band playing The Audience, Soulwax playing Rocker - Proper Festival anthems.
My least favourite things about the Picnic were;
Fatboy Slim - God he was rubbish. Why didn't they just swap him around with Kraftwerk in the Electric Arena? That way everyone could have seen them and the Flaming Lips as well.
Hippy Nonsense - A red tent in the body and soul area which was a fortress of peace and tranquility for pregnant and menustrating women? For f*ck's sake!
James Blunt - Did anyone else hear his mauling of "Where Is My Mind"? Hanging's too good for him.
Sound Problems - My enjoyment of Mixmaster Mike, De La Soul and DJ Format was seriously hampered by the fact that I could barely hear make out what they were playing half the time.
Hot Chip not playing Playboy - It's their best Tune.
De La Soul neglecting to play the hits - I actually enjoyed this gig but no Eye Know, Three Is The Magic Number or Ring Ring Ring?
Middle Class, Middle Aged, Middle of the Road C*nts - Pretentious D4 twats who think Groove Armada are "edgy". The place was full of them especially during Goldfrapp. Sample quote "Giles was fab, although I prefered him when we saw him in Crawdaddy in June".
Cancellations and No-Shows - No Vitalic, Roisin Murphy, Rakes, Danger Mouse or Nouvelle Vague.
LCD Soundsytem being on the main stage in the middle of the day - They were great but I would have preferred to have seen them later at night in a small tent.
Line Up Clashes - I caught over twenty different bands and artists over the weekend but there were still loads more acts which I would have loved to have seen.
Port-A-Loos - A few more of them wouldn't have gone astray.
Sunburn, a punctured air matress, two four hour bus journeys and a twisted ankle - nothing to do with the organisers but umpleasant never the less.
Over all I'd say it was the best outdoor event that I've ever been to in this country and I'll be back next year (hopefully for three days).
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
9/6/2005 9:56 AM |
man im gonna have to stop reading this thread, just getting more n more bummed i couldn't go!
great to hear that about the security guards, (and the DS, ya gotsta watch out for shiny shoes!) hopefully it will be the full 3 days next year,
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
9/6/2005 10:20 AM |
My mates got busted by the DS - 3 foxy chicks apparently came over and
asked for a toke and being the nice guys they are they obliged and with
that the joint was put out and the badges flashed.. yep... 3 beautiful
1/4's down the goddam drain.
Managed to buy some jelly shots of poitin off a cool hippy lady tho.. they were fun!
Oh and the guards were well rough at soulwax...even the singer dude
was like 'Jesus man there's no need for that'