Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
8/31/2005 10:12 AM |
Was worried it was going to be a bit filler around a few good singles, but some of the album tracks are even better than 'Theme' and 'Sexy Mistake'. Great stuff. Unbelievably, I've never seen them live, but Electric Picnic should change that.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
9/1/2005 9:23 AM |
The Chalets - a novelty act?
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
9/1/2005 9:25 AM |
Eh Yep.... not a fan at all.
Squeaky voices just aint my thing.
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
9/1/2005 10:02 AM |
of course they're not a novelty act, unless you think every pop band is a novelty act. Just because there are female musicians in the band and they dress well doesn't mean they're f**king Crazy Frog. What snobbery!
tommythecatz New Member Posts:43  
9/1/2005 10:56 AM |
Eh, Have you actually listened to their lyrics Una? And the musical influences are clearly cheesy pop. Its pretty obvious that they are a novelty act. I'm not saying thats good or bad on their part but don't try and talk them into something their not.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
9/1/2005 11:02 AM |
eh no I definitly have NO problem with ladies in music... jesus I'm one myself.
But I have heard their music and seen them live and that is my conclusion.
To dismiss other peoples critisisms of them by claiming its just because
they are females and dress pretty is a lame defense in fairness.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
9/1/2005 11:14 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
of course they're not a novelty act, unless you think every pop band is a novelty act. Just because there are female musicians in the band and they dress well doesn't mean they're f**king Crazy Frog. What snobbery!
Possibly the biggest over reaction I have ever read on this board.
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
9/1/2005 11:54 AM |
yeah, I listen to the lyrics, but I don't see the difference in singing about boy/girl relationships as the chalets do, and boy/girl relationships that every other band does. Except, that the Chalets perhaps are a little more inventive. Cheesy pop? If you mean 80s pop, then a lot of the synth influences might come from that, but what's cheesy now is usually 'valuable' in 10 years, cest la industrie
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
9/1/2005 12:05 PM |
I like cheesy 80s synth pop, but I still haven't been all that impressed by what I've heard from the Chalets so far. Haven't heard the latest single though.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
9/1/2005 12:12 PM |
I love cheesy pop also - saw the Chalets in the Village and thought they were truly awful. I don't hear any good pop songs (cheesy or otherwise).
tommythecatz New Member Posts:43  
9/1/2005 1:25 PM |
Theres a big difference between 80s synth pop (which i like also) and cheesy pop. They have more in common with the cheeky girls than the B52s which they frequently get referenced to.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
9/1/2005 1:41 PM |
What does their official website say ? Let me see..."Irish pop chancers". Yep, that was it. 
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
9/1/2005 2:29 PM |
i always thought the chalets were a joke band, kinda like aidan walsh, and i havent heard anything yet to change that opinion.
theyre a real case of style over substance. absolutely no songs and the time i saw them in vicar st, the girls were out of tune and the drummer was awful
pop can be cool and fun and funky and wild. but the chalets are not pop. or any damn good
tommythecatz New Member Posts:43  
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
9/1/2005 5:43 PM |
you guys are REALLY not going to like my review of the record in this months Totally Dublin then. Lucky I'm not in the business of pleasing people...
debate = good
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
9/1/2005 5:44 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
debate = good
debate with una = better! 
9/1/2005 5:52 PM |
i really like the chalets its pure simple pop i have seen them loads and they never fail to entertain. i think alot of people are just music snobs and everything has to be deep and meaningful to them . like whats that s**te about them being cheesy pop hardly a slag if thats what they want to be
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
9/1/2005 6:26 PM |
Hey, I like synth pop of the non cheesy variety (as pointed out already, not all synth pop is cheesy) but I'm also partial to a bit of pure cheese every now and then, if you want to hear some GOOD cheesy pop, check these out, the Chalets just can't hold a candle to them:
Luv - Shoes off, Boots on (Dutch Abba soundalikes):
Vitamin C - Vacation
Betty Boo - Where are you baby
Reperata and the Delrons - Look in my diary
Giorgio Moroder (pre-synthpop, just pop)
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
9/2/2005 9:51 AM |
quote: Originally posted by emu
i really like the chalets its pure simple pop i have seen them loads and they never fail to entertain. i think alot of people are just music snobs and everything has to be deep and meaningful to them . like whats that s**te about them being cheesy pop hardly a slag if thats what they want to be
aw man no way... I like lots of 'fun' music.. in fact I think Neosupervital is hilarious and really entertaining but his lyrics - (esp that song about the Dublin music scene) are clever and relevant so I really enjoy his shows.
I hate that crap - trying to defend a band by calling people who dont like them snobs is bad form man.... seriously.
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
9/2/2005 10:32 AM |
I haven't heard the album yet but I've got their singles and I've seen them live several times and I have to say that they p*ss all over the majority of Irish artists discussed on this board. Although I'l admit they were better when they only let the girls sing the choruses.