8/15/2005 5:29 PM |
and under-rated not just new and unheard of...
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
8/15/2005 5:32 PM |
The Mountain Goats
Drive-By Truckers
The Czars
The National
The Waifs
8/15/2005 5:38 PM |
yesss i love the mountain goats! i think the faint are also a little under-rated
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
8/15/2005 5:41 PM |
Jim White
Cooder Graw
Josh Turner
Don Walser
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
8/15/2005 5:50 PM |
Leonard Cohen, listen to "the songs of..." unbelievably good, i'll never forget the first time i heard sisters of mercy.
Yo La Tengo too, only really got into the "summer sun" album, but it is quality.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
8/15/2005 8:48 PM |
Following on from the Britpop Thread: Saint Etienne
Its not like they never had praised heaped upon them, the music press adored Foxbase Alpha at the time (perhaps because it was a great album by two music journalists that it appealed to them so much) then by the third album stopped paying attention. The thing is though, Saint Etienne never stopped making good albums, you can't really say they've ever released a bad one. Saint Etienne probably aren't too worried though, they're like that really interesting interesting person in room full of noisy people who is just content to blend into the background. While a new band "life changing band TM" (copyright, NME) seems to pop up every five minutes, or others are trying to be political or controversial or throwing TVs out hotel windows, Saint Etienne just keep quietly delivering great pop music, and I don't just mean catchy tunes. Check out the lyrics to "Finisterre" sometime, from the album of the same name, it sums up what the band is all about, they are probably one of the only bands capable of producing an idealised pop music alternative reality.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
8/16/2005 9:01 AM |
Snowpatrol...oh wait..damn it. can't say that one anymore (now moved to over rated thread :) just kidding)
I always thought that grandaddy deserved a bit more attention. I think that they have consistently released good albums.
Also, a pet favourite of mine is Pete yorn. 2 studio albums under the belt so far and a third on the way. Much more accessible then ryan adams and jesse malin in my opinion.
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
8/16/2005 9:11 AM |
Red House Painters/Mark Kozelek - such an incredible song writer and relatively unheard of. Check out 'The rollercoaster' album if you have never listened to them.
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
8/16/2005 11:13 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Rev Jules
Jim White
I saw him in Galway a couple of weeks ago and it was one of the most enjoyable gigs I've ever been to. He definitely deserves more recognition as do;
Architecture in Helsinki,
TV On The Radio,
Jon Brion,
And The Sonics.
Also even though they're not critically under-rated I definitely feel that Eels and Super Furry Animals are under appreciated by the general public. I think in years to come Super Furry Animals could prove to a hugely revered and influential band. Also the lack of commercial success of Eels totally baffles me. I though that Saturday Morning tune off the Shootenanny! album had hit single written all over it but it sank without a trace, ditto Hey Man (Now You're Really Living). Worst of all he released an excellent mostly instrumental hip-hop album called I Am the Messiah under the moniker MC Honky that went totally under the radar. It pisses all over the likes of Lemon Jelly and I'd recommend it to anyone.
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
8/16/2005 12:49 PM |
Definitely agree with SFA. How many? Seven albums? and not a dud to be found. A brilliantly talented, eclectic, self-effacing, fun, inventive band with a fantastic back catalogue and a unique identity and more classic pop tunes that you can shake a yeti at. And do their albums fly off the shelves? Of course not.
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
8/16/2005 12:52 PM |
been meaning to get some SFA albums for years now, always loved their singles, are there any you would particularly recommend?
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
8/16/2005 1:06 PM |
supergrass - always cast off as a brit pop band but they're one of the few thats lasted and they do have some really great tunes.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
8/16/2005 1:23 PM |
Good call on Jon Brion Stroller. Has done some exceprional work with Aimee Man and if memory serves, the excellent Evan Dando album, Baby I'm Bored.
Do you know if he has any solo stuff?
If anyone is looking for an absolutely top notch album well off the radar, check out Sufjan Stevens latest Illinoise, marvelous stuff.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
8/16/2005 1:29 PM |
The Wrens, Meadowlands is the best album of the millenium thusfar.
Also it looks like I'll be able to see them AND Arcade Fire in the one night at CMJ next month.
mcgyver New Member Posts:29  
8/16/2005 1:34 PM |
There's a few to choose from but a good place to start is Phantom Power which showcases there eclectic abilities as well as anything in there canon.After that try:
Rings Around The World
Fuzzy Logic
Love Kraft(new album)
Best of DVD(think its called Songbook) with all the vids and a
documentary of them touring the states
However,to truly get the marvel of this band they have to be seen live.It's a total multimedia experience and I GUARANTEE you won't be disappointed-5.1 surround sound,techno wigouts,yeti costumes and the tunes,the tunes....!!
They play the Olympia on 27th Sept..
mcgyver New Member Posts:29  
8/16/2005 1:39 PM |
Re: Jon Brion
He's generally known for his production work with everyone from
Beck to Aimee Mann,Fiona Apple etc.He also does alot of soundtrack work for PT Anderson(Magnolia,Punch Drunk Love) and he also did the wonderful score to Eternal Sunshine of the Sotless Mind.
He's got one solo release to my knowledge called Meaningless,
it's not the greatest thing ever but well worth a listen nonetheless.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
8/16/2005 2:04 PM |
Jon Brion is also all over the new Kanye West album apparently
Good call on Architecture in Helsinki - fabulous band. And i'm falling very deeply for Khonner's "Handwriting" album.
Other under-rated acts:
Sweetback (Sade's backing band released some cracker slow-motion cinematic releases, Zero 7 before Zero 7 ever existed)
Spain (outstanding melancholic stuff)
The Notwist (German alt-rock act who played one of the best live shows I ever saw about 3 years ago in Dublin. Have just a bizarre collaboration with some of the Anticon chaps which is excellent)
Mary Margaret O'Hara (she only made one album but what an album! Canadian singer who out-Bjorks Bjork)
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
8/16/2005 2:15 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Pilchard
The Notwist (German alt-rock act who played one of the best live shows I ever saw about 3 years ago in Dublin. Have just a bizarre collaboration with some of the Anticon chaps which is excellent)
Quite impressed -and v jealous - that you've caught this lot live. where did you see them/
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
8/16/2005 2:25 PM |
Good call by Benni on Supergrass. I was never a huge fan of them (only saw them live once and that was supporting Oasis) but their latest offering 'Road To Roeun' has me hooked. And it made me fish out 'Supergrass' and 'In It For The Money' and realise they are two excellent albums. The new one though is a big step forward for them and i hope to catch them live promoting it.
benni Advanced Member Posts:947  
8/16/2005 2:27 PM |
Yea I was never the biggest fan either man but my mate (long time Supergrass fanatic) got me a pass to their gig at Heiniken Green Energy in the Olympis a few years back and I was well impressed.