Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
3/31/2005 12:17 PM |
With the new album due out soon enough 'Don't Believe The Truth', the media will soon swamp their pages on Oasis-related material, but the question needs to be asked whether or not Oasis can return to their blistering best? Of course, it can be argued that they never were great but let's just assume that their first two albums were their best and the debate trying to unfold here is if they can recapture that same originality or quality.....
Is anyone even looking forward to their new material or are they just clinging on at this stage?
Here's an mp3 of the soon to be released first single 'Lyla' - excuse all the German banter before it, but its a good track which rubs off influences from The Who:
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
3/31/2005 12:56 PM |
Oasis seem to suffer from the perennial 'The next one will be the return to form' ... then it isnt.
Def Maybe, is the album of Quality, followed by Heathen Chemistry. I never 'got' what made Morning Glory so great.
I saw them in Paris about 5yrs ago. An excellent gig. Witness, which I was so looking forward to, was a big let down due to a Lazy Sound Engineer.
I have a ticket for Marley Park, but I wont be bracing myself for a work of genius on cd ...
On a seperate note, Coldplay have announced 1 gig in Marley Park, but Interpols Tour dates have them down for 2 support slots at Marlay Park with Coldplay.
wallmark1 New Member Posts:29  
3/31/2005 1:12 PM |
i think heathen chemistry was one of their best. im really lookin forward to hearing the new one. when is it out do you know? i thinks its about time that oasis and ocean colour made a big comeback hope they do anyway.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
3/31/2005 1:24 PM |
Not overally impressed with the new Ocean Colour Scene album ('A Hyperactive Workout For The Flying Squad') which is out now. Oasis album is due out 30th of May with the lead single 'Lyla' out on 16th of May.
Eoin Basic Member Posts:174  
3/31/2005 3:45 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Mully
Oasis seem to suffer from the perennial 'The next one will be the return to form' ... then it isnt.
Def Maybe, is the album of Quality, followed by Heathen Chemistry. I never 'got' what made Morning Glory so great.
I saw them in Paris about 5yrs ago. An excellent gig. Witness, which I was so looking forward to, was a big let down due to a Lazy Sound Engineer.
I have a ticket for Marley Park, but I wont be bracing myself for a work of genius on cd ...
On a seperate note, Coldplay have announced 1 gig in Marley Park, but Interpols Tour dates have them down for 2 support slots at Marlay Park with Coldplay.
I am not holding my breadth as the last couple have been a bit of a letdown to say the least. Still I'd love if they suprised us with a classic album again, just to shut up all thoses musical snob nonces who think anything more melodic Radiohead is uncool. Boring bastards !
Saw em at The Point last time they were over, and like Witness it was ruined by crap sound. Saw em in paris too in 2002 at Le Zenith and they were totally amazing though.
Archie Basic Member Posts:458  
3/31/2005 5:45 PM |
I've never been an Oasis fan, so to be honest I'm not familiar with their previous albums. Yet they are capable of some pretty passable tunes. I'd never expect them to be groundbreaking, but does it matter if their album brings them back into fame or not? As long as there are at least a couple good wee songs.
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
3/31/2005 7:42 PM |
I can remember going to see in Oasis in Cork in 1996 and I can count on two fingers the amount of worth while tracks they've recorded since then (F*ckin’ In The Bushes and Noel Gallagher’s guest appearance on The Chemical Brothers’ Let Forever Be). They're totally irrelevant at this stage. I've about as much interest in the new Oasis album as I have in a Shed Seven reunion. And don’t even get me started on Ocean Colour Scene…
Bez Light year New Member Posts:28  
4/4/2005 9:49 AM |
Past it.
Daragh Advanced Member Posts:666  
4/4/2005 10:47 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Bez Light year
Past it.
i agree, whatever they had is long long gone
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
4/4/2005 11:29 AM |
i couldn't give a flying f**k.
not even a f**k, minus the flying.
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
4/4/2005 5:35 PM |
Great pub music though...cigarettes and alchohol is a brilliant pub tune, except these days in Ireland...blah blah who cares:)..hah,
Eoin Basic Member Posts:174  
4/4/2005 8:30 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
i couldn't give a flying f**k.
not even a f**k, minus the flying.
thats 2 f**ks you couldnt give, a bit harsh I reckon, I give so many f**ks that I have f**k all left, after that I'm f**ked !
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
4/12/2005 3:23 PM |
Seems to be a return to form ... first review in.
Antistar Advanced Member Posts:544  
4/13/2005 1:06 PM |
They should have split after 'Morning Glory', then there would be a kind of mystery surrounding them, their legendary status intact. They're just a joke now. New single 'Lyla' is spectacularly unimpressive. No ideas left.
Eoin Basic Member Posts:174  
4/13/2005 1:57 PM |
The Sun newspaper (yeah I know, The Sun!)actually gave it a very good review...
1-Turn Up The Sun-A belting opener.Starts with some gentle guitar before exploding into the classic Oasis wall of sound. Liam sneers over big drums and chords. This should kick off the band's summer shows. Also features the first of many big psychedelic guitar breaks on the album. 8/10
2-Mucky Fingers- Over to Noel doing his best impression of Bruce Springsteen. Angry ranting vocals over a choppy monotonous riff-a completely new style for Noel. 7/10
3-Lyla-The single you've probably heard already. Rips off Street Fighting Man by the Rolling Stones but gets better with every listen. Liams voice is strong and the rhythmic trick with Lyla's name in the chorus is clever. 8/10
4-Love Like A Bomb- Raw and under-produced. With it's simple words, it sounds like a Liam penned number to me: "You turn me on, Love's like a bomb, blowing my mind." But he sings it with such conviction that it works. There's a lovely moment when the whole band launch into Beatles-style close harmonies. 7/10
5-The Importance Of Being Idle-The most experimental track on the album and quickly becoming my favourite. Starts off with a Russian type beat. Noel sings about the stresses of working when you hate your job. He tries out a surprisingly beautiful falsetto. Loads of fairground organs. 9/10
6-The Meaning Of Soul-Short, fast and menacing. A dirty, driving R'n'B track complete with mouth organ. Rips off the Rolling Stones' famous "All right now, in fact it's a gas" chorus in Jumping Jack Flash. 8/10
7-Guess God Thinks I'm Abel- A touching slow number that sounds like an ode to the relationship between Liam and Noel-unless i'm just being soft. Over a simple guitar the lyrics go: "No one can break us, no one can take us" 8/10
8-Part Of The Queue- Guess the influences! This time it's Golden Brown by The Stranglers. Starts well but doesn't really go anywhere. We've hit the more patchy part of the album. 7/10
9-Keep The Dream Alive- Lots of Geroge Harrison-style guitar on this big work out that sounds like someting from magical mystery tour. Liam sings: "I'm no stranger to this place, where real life and dreams collide." 8/10
10-A Bell Will Ring-A welcome upturn which pulls no punches. Massive intro using Noel's familiar wash of guitars. Clearly inspired by The Beatles Tomorrow Never Knows. The partner to Importance Of Being Idle. 8/10
11-Let There Be Love-Slightly disappointing and weak finish-gentle piano and acoustic guitar. But lots on interesting chord changes and a string section. More filler than thriller. 6/10
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
4/14/2005 9:35 AM |
Oasis are a poor band, with poor narrowminded influences who make lazy, lyrically banal music.
i thought maybe they'd become more interesting as the new members joined, but no.
saying that - 'f**king in the bushes' is great. no singing and Noel on drums. ha!
they never had it, they never will, and without the hype they're useless.
4/15/2005 5:44 PM |
new song is catchy but they are still not good enough but they are better than the music
Archie Basic Member Posts:458  
4/15/2005 6:35 PM |
quote: Originally posted by emu
new song is catchy but they are still not good enough but they are better than the music
That's hardly a challenge though is it? 
stroller Advanced Member Posts:576  
4/16/2005 2:33 PM |
I caught the video for the new single on the Amp yesterday. It's complete and utter muck.
4/17/2005 8:53 AM |
Saw them in Cork '96. Last time I saw them was Glasto last year and I've seen them plenty of times in between. The gig at Glastonbury was the biggest pile o s**te, it was like watching someone doin a bad Stars in their Eyes.
They had 2/3 good years and then it all went slowly but surely downhill after '96. They believed their own hype too much and they have now basically become a parody of themselves. Remember Liam having a go at Keith Richards a few years ago? Looks like the shoe is on the other foot.
The only band that survived the "britpop" (I hate that word) era with any amount of cred and are still amazing are Supergrass. They pissed all over Oasis when they supported at Landsdowne Rd. and also at Glasto.
I wouldn't pay much attention to the Sun review. That filthrag's reviews are as reliable as tesco toilet paper with the runs. The reviwer was probably suckin Noel's c*ck while he wrote it.
One reason to go to Marley Park is to see KASABIAN who's debut album would piss all over any Oasis material.