Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
3/30/2005 1:18 PM |
I realise that music fans will always discover new bands/acts through artists side projects, certain magazines, webzines, radio shows etc etc. But what are the bands around right now who don't feature in mainstream media but who should? In other words recommend a band you think are great but haven't yet proved to be successful....
I'll start it off with The Czars
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
3/30/2005 1:23 PM |
Go one further on that Gar and recommend a track to download from the czars site which you think captures them perfectly.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
3/30/2005 1:28 PM |
For me its going to be Damien Jurado. Not quite sure how well know he is by people on cluas, but in general i havent met too many people familiar with his stuff
Check out Paperwings from the "I Break Chairs" album on the following link ( its a small mp3 link to the left of the page )
spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
3/30/2005 1:39 PM |
not sure if these bands are still together but South, The Rain Band & Jarcrew are f**kin great bands
3/30/2005 1:39 PM |
Anyone here ever hear of Faultline? Came across the album a few years ago, loadsa guest vicals on it, michael stipe, chris martin to name a few, good stuff though
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
3/30/2005 2:04 PM |
Regarding The Czars. I would recommend 'Goodbye' from the same titled album (there's an mp3 on their website). The album as a whole is excellent and got rave reviews from alot of music critics.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
3/30/2005 2:10 PM |
Right, I've mentioned these guys everytime this kind of subject comes up so sorry if everybody is getting a sense of Deja Vu, but my choice would be Havana Guns. They haven't even got a proper record deal yet. Despite the name they are not a metal band. They kind of sound just like Blondie (with a touch of Jesus and Mary chain and New Order) in the same way that The Strokes sound just like the Velvet Underground but they're still ace in my opinion. Everyone sounds like someone else these days anyway.
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
3/30/2005 2:26 PM |
Silver Jews
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
3/30/2005 2:33 PM |
Right, im back after checking out the czars and havana guns.
Unfortunately the czars mps was just a sample and its hard to get an appreciation of the song from that. However, it wasnt bad, although no fires were lit under me.
Havana Guns, not bad at all. The track i downloaded was "She always goes down" and i liked it quite alot. Im going to download another one or two tracks and see what i think. I think there is a slight female strokes feel off them
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
3/30/2005 2:52 PM |
Re: Havana Guns, I downloaded 2 more tracks "Sister/Brother" and "Vivan Los Angeles" and im sold on them. On my list for purchases. Nice one cheers
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
3/30/2005 3:24 PM |
quote: Originally posted by elle
Anyone here ever hear of Faultline? Came across the album a few years ago, loadsa guest vicals on it, michael stipe, chris martin to name a few, good stuff though
YES!!! at least, someone else who has heard this WONDERFUL band. the album is called "Your Love Means Everything" and its one bloke with guest vocalists like Chris Martin, M Stipe, Joseph Arthurs and yer man from the Flaming Lips. A truly AMAZING album.
Also agree on the Czars. Saw them years ago and can still rember the shivers running up and down my spine
other acts who should be better known.....
The Secret Machines (my favourite new band of the last few years)
Spain (split up now but god, what a singer)
Dead Prez (amazing hip-hop duo)
Clipse (another amazing hip-hop duo)
The Crimea (who needs the Kaiser Chiefs when u can have this lot singing "Lottery Winners On Acid". Lead singer is Irish, used to be in The Crockets)
Mary Margaret O'Hara (check out Miss America)
Micah P Hinson (reminds me of Bonnie Prince Billie)
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
3/30/2005 3:47 PM |
the Secret Machines and Dead Prez and Clipse are already pretty well known.
My nominations would be
Laura Viers
Sun Kil Moon
Third Eye Foundation
The AM
Explosions In The Sky
Brand New
Coheed and Cambria
Although, these are all relatively well known. I guess it depends who you hang out with.
Pilchard Advanced Member Posts:699  
3/30/2005 4:11 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Una
the Secret Machines and Dead Prez and Clipse are already pretty well known.
My nominations would be
Laura Viers
Sun Kil Moon
Third Eye Foundation
The AM
Explosions In The Sky
Brand New
Coheed and Cambria
Although, these are all relatively well known. I guess it depends who you hang out with.
exactly. just cos u and i and a few other nerds may know who the Secret Machines and Dead Prez and Clipse are doesnt mean it should stop there. i think we're talking acts so, so, so good that u wonder why the hell no-one else knows about them.
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
3/30/2005 4:16 PM |
the last bronagh gallagher album is a great listen
ger wolfe, john spillane, sean tyrell, most of my mates think im making these names up so apologies if ye have heard of them!
mike patton is also a legendary artist but strives to avoid appreciation by the masses (~check out some of the dirt on more great acts that should but wont be bigger on the label site
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
3/30/2005 4:25 PM |
Although dEUS are fairly well known, they're sorely underappreciated. "The Ideal Crash" is/was incredible but it was about 6 years ago and I haven't really heard anyone clmaouring for a follow up. There's one due incidentally.
My beat is correct
Una Veteran Member Posts:1721  
3/30/2005 4:33 PM |
I have to say that I don't get pissed off that certain artists aren't as 'well known' as others. I think it's just a matter of taste and accessability. As long as you can appreciate the music, and pass it on to a mate who you think would like it too, it's all good.
Although, where this does annoy me is frequently, bands that are said to be more 'famous' or 'successful' than others are worse live than those lesser known. It's always a great thing to see an artist you know f**k all about blow you away live, and a live show from a 'big' artist is generally destined to be disapointing because of expectations you may have.
very off the point and rambling!
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
3/30/2005 5:15 PM |
Agre with Una on Explosions in the SKy, agree with Pilchard on Mich P. Hinson (Last track on the album in particular is very good "The day texas fell into the ocean" or something linke that).
For me its the Wrens
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
3/30/2005 5:48 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Unicron
Agre with Una on Explosions in the SKy, agree with Pilchard on Mich P. Hinson (Last track on the album in particular is very good "The day texas fell into the ocean" or something linke that).
For me its the Wrens
Hey, I like ladies in uniform as much as the next guy but I don't see what posting a link to the Womens Royal Naval Service has to do with anything. 
ah what the hell, altogether now "In the Navy..."
Eoin Basic Member Posts:174  
3/31/2005 12:17 AM |
2 acts that should be massive...
Sheffields own.... Mr. Richard Hawley
Dublins own ... Pony Club
ps The Frames are s**te !
admin Basic Member Posts:399  
3/31/2005 7:56 AM |
Rogue Wave are one I'd add to this very interesting list. From San Francisco, on the Sub Pop label, terrific choons and a solid live act. One album under their belt so far ('Under the Shadow'). They are in the studio at the moment recording their second album and the new tracks I heard them play live recently are very strong. With the second album I like to think they'll start on the sort of trajectory their label mates The Shins started last year. More info on 'em here: