Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
11/26/2004 11:09 AM |
He is on page 30 of this weeks Guardian Friday Review, wearing a Zutons T-Shirt, gripping a copy of 'Astral Weeks' and spouting off about how he went to see a Nirvana gig in the Point a few years before he joined Westlife and started to dress and act like Kurt Cobain. Then Kurt died, he got into Backstreet Boys and the rest, as they say, is history. Oh and he compares his situation to that of The Libertines' Pete Doherty. He then says that the beauty of The Libertine's latest album is that it sounds, 'cheap and s**tty'. A bit like your own music then Brian, eh ?
Then he waxes on about being a songwriter himself - this from the man who wrote Westlife's only flop single and ensured that Chris Doran, nice fellow, came in bottom of the pile at Eurovision.
Oh yes, read it in disbelief my friends, read it in disbelief.
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
11/26/2004 11:24 AM |
classic post-boyband behaviour, always highly entertaining to see!!!!!
...I think pete doherty is no better than brian mcfeckin, though - have you all seen the cover of this week's NME? ANOTHER picture of him with his forearm out and veins ready...and it's in 3D!!! absolutely shameless and no less self-serving than mr mcfeckin's victim-pop (and not to mention NME's repeated tasteless exploitation of someone with a genuine and serious personal problem, just like richey from the manics was similarly exploited in his day....)
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
11/26/2004 11:35 AM |
Poor auld Brian he's like a lost puppy desperately seeking a good home
,doing his best to sniff as many musical butts as possible, before peeing on the lamp-post of mediocrity
I think the Pete Doherty shots are quite distasteful.... there's no Chic in heroin.
spurtacus Basic Member Posts:229  
11/26/2004 11:41 AM |
there are simply no words to describe the hatred that boiled up inside me as i read that he compares his situation to Pete Doherty's, honest to jaysus, what is he playin at, next it'll be the 'MCFADDEN: I"VE SMOKED CRACK (AND ENJOYED IT)' headline!
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
11/26/2004 12:22 PM |
Colin Farrell beat him to it though. These people typically have very clever handlers (case in point, I watched a bit of Ryan Confidential last night with Louis Walsh, scourge on the musical landscape that he is he's got his s**t together), do they not realise how utterly laughable their boy is coming accross as?
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
11/26/2004 12:42 PM |
Colin Farrell rules.
But getting back to Brian Mcf**ker, can I just say that we've identified how much of a loser he is. How much of a bane he is. And that he'll always be the same moronic knob head that he has been since westlife first plagued our airwaves.
Theres not really much more to say is there?
Archie Basic Member Posts:458  
11/26/2004 6:42 PM |
oh dear oh dear oh dear is there any hope for the world?!!!
11/28/2004 1:19 PM |
well with regards to his flourishing career as a singer/songwriter or whatever the hell he's trying to be, Brian played a 42 minute set(to be exact) in whelans last friday. A very dragged out 42 mins after which he had run out of songs to cover, and then he and his 100 strong guest list high tailed it to lillies(of course!). rock and roll or what
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
11/28/2004 1:23 PM |
And what were you doing there I might ask 
11/28/2004 1:51 PM |
oh dear god no i did not go!!!!! I went to alphastates in crawdaddy if u must know but headed into whelans later that night and was talking to staff about how the gig went....not happy campers in whelans land i can tell u! Regulars all avoided the place coz of who was playing, there was no one there...bad for a friday night!
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
11/28/2004 7:38 PM |
I was at that too, what did you think? I thought they were brilliant, that only problem was that you couldn't hear Catherine when she was talking to the crowd between songs.
11/28/2004 9:44 PM |
yeah great gig, first time i'd seen them but yeah i was impressed!Did u see the guy dancing near the stage?f**king legend!
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
11/28/2004 10:57 PM |
Nah I was at off to the side in the middle by the chairs.
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
11/29/2004 9:52 AM |
can i suggest a "news ban" on his cretin mcfadden? if you ignore these haircuts (i.e. thats about all they have, with no personality) then they go away. pay them any kind of attention, and be stuck with them forever!
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
11/29/2004 10:10 AM |
Like a dirty scab on your arm, mcfadden will soon disappear. Talentless morons can only go for so long until people eventually say 'OK, you've had your lucky breaks now piss off.'
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
11/29/2004 11:03 AM |
Eric, explain cliff richard! hahah
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
11/29/2004 11:37 AM |
With McFadden claiming to be at that Nirvana gig in The Point. It got me thinking, did Kurt not pull the trigger before that gig was due to happen? Is McFadden dreaming of the time he saw Nirvana live? Or did they play in Ireland ever?
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
11/29/2004 11:59 AM |
Also he would of been about 11 it dont make sense!
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
11/29/2004 12:08 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Gar
With McFadden claiming to be at that Nirvana gig in The Point. It got me thinking, did Kurt not pull the trigger before that gig was due to happen? Is McFadden dreaming of the time he saw Nirvana live? Or did they play in Ireland ever?
I think that before they really took off they played somewhere really tiny in Dublin on the same bill as Sonic Youth. Hows that for a lineup?
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
11/29/2004 12:09 PM |
Found out that Nirvana did actually play The Point in 92 but it was the RDS show that was cancelled. And yes, he would've been only about 11. But alot of the kids going around with those cheap looking Nirvana or Korn hoddies are only about 11 or 12.