Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
9/23/2004 1:04 PM |
For you to get the jist of this game....
Crazytown are the VERY poor mans Red Hot Chilli Peppers. L.A. Guns are the poor mans Guns N' Roses etc...
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
9/23/2004 1:11 PM |
The Crystal Method - Poor mans Chemical Brothers
I could add a few poor mans Radiohead and/or Jeff Buckley bands, but that list would be too long, and don't get me started on the wannabe Nick Drakes out there. 
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
9/23/2004 1:18 PM |
Keane are the poor mans Coldplay are the poor mans Radiohead.
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
9/23/2004 2:22 PM |
Franz Ferdinand are the poor man's The Strokes
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
9/23/2004 2:36 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Brain of G
Franz Ferdinand are the poor man's The Strokes
See now I woulda said Joy Division...
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
9/23/2004 2:40 PM |
Culture Beat the poor mans 2 Unlimited
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
9/23/2004 2:41 PM |
Haha, You serious Brain of G?
I'd put Franz Ferdinand and the Strokes on an equal footing myself (not particularly a big fan of either), Franz Ferdinand may do hooky mildly danceable indie pop too, but they are hardly Strokes copyists. Then theres the fact that Strokes are pretty derivative of Velvet Underground/Blondie to start with!
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
9/23/2004 2:46 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Karlito
Culture Beat the poor mans 2 Unlimited
This isnt a joke son!
Optimus Basic Member Posts:312  
9/23/2004 2:47 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
Haha, You serious Brain of G?
I'd put Franz Ferdinand and the Strokes on an equal footing myself (not particularly a big fan of either), Franz Ferdinand may do hooky mildly danceable indie pop too, but they are hardly Strokes copyists. Then theres the fact that Strokes are pretty derivative of Velvet Underground/Blondie to start with!
I didnt think moderators could react like that...
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
9/23/2004 3:04 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
I'd put Franz Ferdinand and the Strokes on an equal footing myself (not particularly a big fan of either), Franz Ferdinand may do hooky mildly danceable indie pop too, but they are hardly Strokes copyists. Then theres the fact that Strokes are pretty derivative of Velvet Underground/Blondie to start with!
I'm not a fan on either myself but I just think Franz Ferdinand copied The Strokes sound and style. It doesn't bother me really I don't have a preference for either just The Strokes were the originals. And Blondie are far superior to both!!
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
9/23/2004 3:06 PM |
Oh yeah how about...
UB40 the poor man's Bob Marley!
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
9/23/2004 4:11 PM |
The Thrills are the poor mans Eagles / Beach Boys / Byrds / Neil Young / loads of other American jangly guitar bands I can't be ar*ed to list
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
9/23/2004 4:20 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Unicron
Keane are the poor mans Coldplay are the poor mans Radiohead.
And Radiohead are the poor man's Sigur Ros.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
9/23/2004 4:28 PM |
Nah, Radiohead were around first. Then went all electronicky (sic) for a bit making 'em the poor mans Aphex Twin/Warp Records?
off the post Basic Member Posts:284  
9/23/2004 4:28 PM |
Always thought the Strokes were a poor man's Television.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
9/23/2004 4:31 PM |
Quite true, finally got myself a copy of Marquee Moon recently. Its good the first time you listen to it and just gets better and more amazing with each listen.
off the post Basic Member Posts:284  
9/23/2004 4:37 PM |
Yeah, "Guiding Light" is an absolute gem.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
9/23/2004 5:08 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
Nah, Radiohead were around first.
Who says chronology has anything to do with it ?
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
9/23/2004 5:23 PM |
Fair enough, but I kinda figured that this thread was about bands that sound like poor imitations of others. They usually gotta be around first to be imitated. Anyway the two bands are different, Sigur Ros hallmarks are high pitched vocals, a sense of vague but undefined angst, nonsensensical lyrics. Radiohead on the other hand.... oh... I see your point 
(joking aside, personally, I'd much rather listen to Radiohead than Sigur Ros, although I don't really listen to Radiohead much these days.)
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
9/23/2004 5:43 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
Fair enough, but I kinda figured that this thread was about bands that sound like poor imitations of others. They usually gotta be around first to be imitated.
Aha, but have you considered the possibility that Thom Yorke might have been able to go forward in the chronological timeline but using a multi-plane, psychobiomechanics, imaging system hardwired to his cerebellum which allowed him to make retropredictographs of future explorations of the sonic enviroment ? 