bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
9/21/2004 12:23 PM |
Just thought Id put that out there.
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
9/21/2004 12:30 PM |
In my humble (yeah right) opinion I think they've had a few catchy songs like Revelate and Fake etc but that they are very overrated. The hero worship they receive from their fans is scary and I think this helps hype them up beyond their capabilities.
There are much better "underground" Irish bands out there like Turn who don't receive a fraction of the publicity that the Frames generate. Good PR people I suppose.
9/21/2004 1:19 PM |
There's two things at work here:
- everything that's Irish and in any way sucessful gets overhyped, the Frames included.
- everything that's Irish and in any way sucessful gets bitched about by the Irish. A lot. The Frames included.
The are pretty good and as far as Irish bands go at the moment they're definitely up there. A few years ago they couldn't get arrested in the Irish Media. now they're untouchables. That's nothing to do with the Frames that's the media. I think they're a good live band and have a good few decent tunes but we're all over-exposed to them all the time.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
9/21/2004 1:38 PM |
Let me answer this with a Kerryesque flip flop.
A couple of years ago, I was in very low form after a bad break up. It was saturday evening and I was on my way to a blind date that I was dreading which had been set up by a pal of mine.
Anyway, I am walking up Grafton Street in low spirits when what do I see in front of me but Glen Hansard and another guy. They were busking to a crowd of people. I stood there watching and for no particular reason felt my spirits rise. After a few songs I looked at my watch and realised that I was going to have to leave for my date. As I walked on, I had a spring in my step and, although, the date came to nothing me and her had a lovely evening.
However, as a band, I find the Frames incredibly gloomy and somewhat dull. I heard Set List but didn't get what they were about.
So, Glen, you saved my ass but listening to your band is a downer.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
9/21/2004 1:46 PM |
While I frown at the people who overhype The Frames, I still rate them as a great band. I can see why alot of people would dislike them. But personally, I think that they are one of the best Irish acts around.
I've seen them live four times and Glen playing solo once, and each of the gigs were top class. Alot of their fans are annonying at times but they are usually in the minority. But there have never been complaints from the music. Their gig in Vicar Street last night was great. They played every song from the new album, in order of tracklisiting, aswell as four old favourites, all at a delectable pace.
So my input to this debate is: The Frames are a really good band
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
9/21/2004 2:06 PM |
I think they’re one of Ireland’s best underground bands...
So many great songs
Great live gigs
Great lyrics (in many cases)
Puts me in a good mood
I know the hard core fans can be a pain in darse but The Frames get such an unecessary bashing. Thumbs up from me.
9/21/2004 2:24 PM |
The Frames are good.
I don't understand why people give out so much about them.
you dont have to be an "underground" and music corporation band just to be good.
But the definition of a good musiciam is one who has the ability to perform or sing a song that someone likes,hence to many people Westlife are good. You cannot criticise a band who has a following.
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
9/21/2004 2:33 PM |
quote: Originally posted by cheesy
The Frames are good.
I don't understand why people give out so much about them.
If someone is allowed like and praise a band surely they are also entitled to dislike and criticise a band?
9/21/2004 2:39 PM |
Disliking is your own opinion. Any band in the world who has the ability to have someone enjoy their music is by definition a good band.
Hence Busted, Westlife, McFly,Pearl Jam,Boyzone,Gareth gates are good.
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
9/21/2004 2:49 PM |
That was my basic point. One can like or dislike whoever they want and have a right to express their opinion
9/21/2004 2:56 PM |
yes "brain if g" (if that is your real name) but my point is, i am sick of people trying to force their opinions about bands on other people.Of course you are entitled to say whether you like a band or not, but to say to someone that a band are "s**t" and i "cant believe you like them" is a bit stupid. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
9/21/2004 3:02 PM |
Ok ok lets disagree about the fact that we agree and leave it at that! (And no, that's not a typo)
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
9/21/2004 6:22 PM |
Was at Vicar St last night. Thought it was brutal. Inflicting a whole album of new songs (just released last Friday, I think) on fans who have paid 30 lids to see you is one of the most wilfully arrogant things I've ever see a band do. It was Lou Reed-esque.
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
9/21/2004 8:06 PM |
I think they're a really good band (although only about 4th or 5th in my list of Irish bands working today), but the extremes of love/hate that they recieve is rather tedious, anyone read Kevin Courtney's review on Burn The Maps in last weeks ticket?
Are they really still at a stage where we can refer to them as "underground"?
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
9/21/2004 8:26 PM |
I disagree about the gig in Vicar Street last night. While I respect that it is your opinion, I think that The Frames done the right thing of playing their new songs. Ok maybe they didn't have to play the entire album. But at least they are not doing 'Setlist' again and again and again. I t was the right thing to do to play alot of the new tracks. I got the new album on Friday and only knew a few words to each song (except the two singles 'Fake' and 'Finally') but it helped make the songs grow on me.
If The Frames play new songs, people will want to hear all the old favourites. And if they keep whacking out the same tunes at each gig, then some people will complain that they aren't producing enough new material at live performances. A never-ending debate that might just follow the band to their demise.
This topic should be labelled 'Just how good are The Frames?'.....And my personal answer to that is pretty f**king good.
9/23/2004 10:19 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Brain of GThere are much better "underground" Irish bands out there like Turn who don't receive a fraction of the publicity that the Frames generate. Good PR people I suppose.
Maybe if Turn got out there and toured a bit, they might pick up a few fans and get noticed. The Frames have toured their arses off in the past 3 or 4 years.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
9/23/2004 10:27 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Unicron
anyone read Kevin Courtney's review on Burn The Maps in last weeks ticket?
Yes, I did. Good review.
bonzo Basic Member Posts:364  
9/24/2004 4:48 PM |
If we're all telling the truth the album is p!ss poor though isn't it?
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
9/24/2004 6:47 PM |
I wouldn't say piss poor, but it's probably their worst since another love song
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
9/24/2004 8:13 PM |
as someone who didn't like 'fitzcarraldo' (I still find it awful and over-rated) but who really loves their last two studio albums, I was really looking forward to 'burn the maps'. however, the first single off it is completely tuneless, and what I heard on the 'rattlebag' special wasn't much better (and that includes myles dungan's customary arse-licking and fawning for all of his guests). I'll wait until it's in the bargain bins and then I'll get it :D
is anyone reviewing it any day soon???