Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
9/6/2004 11:14 AM |
So what's the overall verdict from anyone who was at the Hard Working Class Hero gig over the weekend? Who was the best live? Best venue? Worst act?
9/6/2004 11:34 AM |
High Lights; Ten past Seven, Neosupervital, Stanley Super 800, Gavin Glass, Polar. The Chalets, The Rotators, Waiting Room.
Best venue; The Mezz (not just coz we played there, but because it had great sound was always packed, great atmposphere too), St Michaels was really nice but to reverb-y.
Worst venue: Music centre (s**t sound all weekend)
Lowlights: getting slammed to the ground and choked by a bouncer from the mezz for 'stealing' my own snare drum.

mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
9/6/2004 11:56 AM |
ha, thats class ruan, hard to be mad with him for that though at least he was looking out for your stuff! someone should stop these guys watching wwe ("the choke slam from hell!!! oh my gawwwd! he's down!!!")
Due to mental illness brought on by a dare to eat some 14 year old penny sweets i missed sat and sun but i got see the bray vista on friday and was mighty impressed, plus i saw silver addictive whose frontwoman is a fox. leather is lovely.
bray vista were excellent though, amazing talent going on there. One of the three singers sounds like Bruce Springsteen, which is pretty cool. their female vocalist is also a fox.(i need another word for beutiful girls.expand my vocab.)
who was at rep of loose last night? was it good or were there a load of people there who seemed to simply want to say they were there (as someone mentioned about the village gig in another post)
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
9/6/2004 12:35 PM |
quote: Originally posted by mutch
Due to mental illness brought on by a dare to eat some 14 year old penny sweets i missed sat and sun
Rock and Roll!!!!! 
9/6/2004 2:02 PM |
alazarussoul were very impressive on sunday night. great front man, cross between ian curtis and mark eitzel!! also enjoyed the waiting room and jeff martin. the rags sounded good as well.
Punchbowl Basic Member Posts:205  
9/6/2004 2:53 PM |
Pony club where ROCK.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
9/6/2004 3:37 PM |
What were The Frames like? Or are the majority still on the 'frames-are-crap' vibe....
9/6/2004 4:41 PM |
caught a bit of the frames and glen hansard telling the audience to go over to the mighty stef in the hub and beat him up once they were finished. they were pretty good from what i saw. played all new stuff i think
great weekend, highlights for me were the rags, the urges, the chapters, the rotators, stanley super 800 and the mighty stef
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
9/6/2004 5:06 PM |
I was sick on Saturday, think it was those dodgy hot-dogs in Lansdowne Road, so missed all acts that night. Then last night I was still feeling a bit rough and went home just before The Frames were due on stage. Still recovering today. But have a ticket to see The Frames in Vicar Street so that should make up for missing them last night. What's up with the whole Mighty Stef thing?
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
9/6/2004 5:19 PM |
must have watched that movie, life imitating art?
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
9/6/2004 5:36 PM |
That's what I was thinking. Saw Mighty Stef when Republic Of Loose were playing. Does anyone know if he is recording an album? Hate those artists who never update their websites.
Eoin Basic Member Posts:174  
9/6/2004 5:47 PM |
On Friday I checked out 8-Ball who I really liked, Also Joe Chester wasnt bad, Pony Club stole it for me though, they deserve to be huge !
Didnt make it in on Saturday night but last night I checked out The Republic Of Loose, like Pony Club they get better every time I see em. Also really enjoyed The Mighty Stef, The Rags were good too. We went to check out the Frames, Ive never been a fan but my mate thinks they are OK, they were s**te ! we left after the 3rd song at me mates insistance and headed over to TBMC to check out JOVE who were head and shoulders above The Frames, who I wish would now just die a quick death, jesus Hotpress have a lot to answer for there.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
9/6/2004 7:18 PM |
I know it wasn't the point of the HWCH gig but what act do people think are gonna get even more popular now?
Maybe The Urges or The Chapters or Republic Of Loose!!!
Eoin Basic Member Posts:174  
9/6/2004 10:28 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Gar
I know it wasn't the point of the HWCH gig but what act do people think are gonna get even more popular now?
Maybe The Urges or The Chapters or Republic Of Loose!!!
I think the best crowd reaction was for Pony Club, everybody at the bar afterwards seemed very impressed. I also think that this time next year The Republic Of Loose will be doing The Olympia or a venue that size, I think they have all that it takes, they new songs they played sounded really good too, the 2nd one in particular !
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
9/6/2004 11:52 PM |
While Pony Club are on my list of cd's to get, I agree with your ROL point. I have seen them live now at least four or five times. While the crowd was extremely indifferent towards Mick Pyro's reactions, it was a good set. I think that was down to the sound quality which made the new songs much clearer than they were at the recent Village gig.
Eoin Basic Member Posts:174  
9/7/2004 12:21 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Gar
While Pony Club are on my list of cd's to get, I agree with your ROL point. I have seen them live now at least four or five times. While the crowd was extremely indifferent towards Mick Pyro's reactions, it was a good set. I think that was down to the sound quality which made the new songs much clearer than they were at the recent Village gig.
I didnt think the sound was that hot at the village gig either, It couldnt have been better last night though, clear as crystal and the mix almost perfect. As for Mick Pyro, the best frontman Ive seen in ages, you cant not watch him ! They were all at the Mighty Stef gig afterwards and I bumped into Mick and he seemed like a nice guy too.
9/7/2004 10:41 AM |
was very impressed with declan o rourke myself and of course bellx1 were great as usual,i thought turn were excellent and enjoyed the frames,new songs sound great.
the sound for alphastates wasnt great but they i still enjoyed them,jamie lawson great voice and my god lead singer -ROL bit crazy aint he but what a brillant voice,they are defo going places
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
9/7/2004 11:26 AM |
Have to say I was disappointed. I saw a large number of bands and passed on the ROL / Turn / Frames closer just so I could check out some more new faces. However I saw nothing that inspired me as far as new acts goes. On the plus side I did see:
Pony Club - were good alright
Joe Chester - ex Ten Speed Racer, class songs, can't wait for the album.
Gary Dunne - an excellent show from this singer / songwriter in St Michael's Church. Great venue for that type of thing, good sound and nice atmospheric surroundings.
Sack - astonishingly the most enjoyable show I saw all weekend was from a band who've been around the Dublin scene for at least 15 years if not longer. They played a hugely enjoyable set at the Meeting House square on Sunday evening. For all the raving about ROL's frontman, Sack lead Martin is a joy to watch live, funny, arch and playful. Check them at the weekend in Whelans if you've never seen them before.
What all of the above have in common is that they've all been knocking around for a while and I knew they were going to be good, although Gary Dunne I suppose is still an unknown quantity to a lot of people. Bands I saw and hadn't heard anything about: Identity Parade, Sunways, The Chalets, Dwight, Red Sea Pedestrian, The Urges, The Waiting Room, Fractured, Fair Verona....all disappointing. None of these bands were terribly bad or anything but not one of them sounded any way inspired or were playing anything other than by - the - numbers pub rock. There was one band - Humanzie - in the Hub on Sunday night I'd see again. That's about it.
Oh and worst performance for me was Nina Hynes in Meeting House Square on Sunday evening. Third song in she went into the chorus which sounded to me like a cat being sodomised with a broom handle. I took my business elsewhere.
Eoin Basic Member Posts:174  
9/7/2004 12:06 PM |
quote: Originally posted by John Doe
Have to say I was disappointed. I saw a large number of bands and passed on the ROL / Turn / Frames closer just so I could check out some more new faces. However I saw nothing that inspired me as far as new acts goes. On the plus side I did see:
Pony Club - were good alright
Joe Chester - ex Ten Speed Racer, class songs, can't wait for the album.
Gary Dunne - an excellent show from this singer / songwriter in St Michael's Church. Great venue for that type of thing, good sound and nice atmospheric surroundings.
Sack - astonishingly the most enjoyable show I saw all weekend was from a band who've been around the Dublin scene for at least 15 years if not longer. They played a hugely enjoyable set at the Meeting House square on Sunday evening. For all the raving about ROL's frontman, Sack lead Martin is a joy to watch live, funny, arch and playful. Check them at the weekend in Whelans if you've never seen them before.
What all of the above have in common is that they've all been knocking around for a while and I knew they were going to be good, although Gary Dunne I suppose is still an unknown quantity to a lot of people. Bands I saw and hadn't heard anything about: Identity Parade, Sunways, The Chalets, Dwight, Red Sea Pedestrian, The Urges, The Waiting Room, Fractured, Fair Verona....all disappointing. None of these bands were terribly bad or anything but not one of them sounded any way inspired or were playing anything other than by - the - numbers pub rock. There was one band - Humanzie - in the Hub on Sunday night I'd see again. That's about it.
Oh and worst performance for me was Nina Hynes in Meeting House Square on Sunday evening. Third song in she went into the chorus which sounded to me like a cat being sodomised with a broom handle. I took my business elsewhere.
its beyond me how somone like Nina Hynes can make a living as a musician/songwriter ! I know some things are just down to personal taste but jaysus ! shes brutal !
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
9/7/2004 12:29 PM |
I missed the whole weekend..My sister decided to have her 30th down country that weekend.
Big fan of gary dunne though. Seen him a few times playing doyles adn the hub
An album on the way, looking forward to it.
Im surprised Nina threw out a bad gig. She is normally pretty good