Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
8/31/2004 12:17 PM |
During the recent Republic Of Loose gig, a few mindless idiots sparked up and started smoking. Am I being like a grumpy old man for being annonyed about this? Considering that the smoke was blowing in my face, alot of the people smoking were barely legal and acted like kids throughout the gig, and many people paid decent money to see the gig who maybe wanted to enjoy it in a smoke-free enviroment. A bouncer circled the crowd but they distingushed their cigarettes before proudly sticking their chests out in a sort of rebellious manner, sad really. Lucky enough the gig wasn't stopped then many other people would probably be starting threads like this one. The point I'm trying to make is, am I right to be pissed off about those who sparked up?
amawaster Basic Member Posts:127  
8/31/2004 12:21 PM |
yeah, but that's an ex barman talking. its not the coughing or anything that really annoys me its the stink off your clothes that really bugs me. some people go to gigs to listen to the music, some go to meet up with mates and talk really loudly down the back and others go just cos it's the only place they'd get into, and start acting the gob, but all you can do is ignore it or else you won't ever enjoy a gig
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
8/31/2004 12:37 PM |
Ye'r a shower of complainers. Does it bother ye too when people jay-walk? Ye must really really have hated going out before the ban. I'm a smoker but I don't smoke inside pubs but that's not because I feel that this ban is great but rather because I don't fancy getting a massive fine!
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
8/31/2004 12:53 PM |
Jay-walkers are usually more of a danger to their own health than that of others....
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
8/31/2004 1:28 PM |
Ive seen this at a few gigs now, The Doors in the point, kings of leon in the tbmc and now the republic of loose.
I didnt notice the bouncer circling the crowd at the republic of loose gig, but at the other 2 there was no attempt to stop the smoking.
To be honest, as a non smoker and an asthmatic it does annoy me. Its illegal and it should be enforced in my opinion
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
8/31/2004 1:43 PM |
i dunno... its against the law, and now i find it annoying indoors.
i smoke but its become sort of annoying to have smoke blown at me indoors...
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
8/31/2004 1:49 PM |
Too true,
Don't know why people would bother to be honest, because they would have to try and hide or disguise the fact that they are actually smoking, and it's pretty obvious when someones at it, as it can be seen and smelt (is that a word?).
Well be it on their own heads, I say don't worry - chill and enjoy, life's too short for moanin'
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
8/31/2004 1:50 PM |
Yes Binokular but if a car has to swerve or suddenly brake to avoid hitting a jay-walker it may put the lives of others in danger! Personally though I've nothing against jay-walkers.
Gar Veteran Member Posts:1676  
8/31/2004 1:53 PM |
Does it bother me when people jay-walk? How did you find a simialrity between jay-walking and smoking in a smoke-free enviroment? Before the smoking ban was enforced, I just got on with whoever was smoking. But now it is just a few mindless, inconsiderate idiots who smoke. The majority of the one's who did smoke at the ROL gig were a gang of teenagers who did it just to look cool. I'm not one for complaining that much (I didn't say anything to anyone at the gig) but the smoking did piss me off.
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
8/31/2004 2:04 PM |
Look Gar I'm not attacking you just I'm fed up with the way people look at us smokers as if we were the children of Satan. I mean putting up with smoke every now and again can't be the end of the world can it? If people chose to go to a pub they should have to put up with the consequences of whatever toxins are in that pub's air. Nobody is forcing them to go. Seeing as they ban smoking in pubs surely they can also ban anyone who refuses to wear deodorant or has a flatulence problem so we who are used to the smell of smoke don't have to put up with their odours.
By the way I'm not condoning those who were smoking at the gig just it's not the end of the world!
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
8/31/2004 2:05 PM |
Just realised I (accidentally) used the phrase "end of the world" twice in that last post. Maybe its a sign that the apocalypse is not that far away...
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
8/31/2004 2:17 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Brain of G
Yes Binokular but if a car has to swrve or suddenly brake to avoid hitting a jay-walker it may put the lives of others in danger! Personally though I've nothing against jay-walkers.
120MPH, 115BHP, 870KG of sheet metal and a heavy right foot, and you still believe I'm going to stop when step into my path, foolish human, BWAHAHAHAHA!  (just kidding!) 
But you see, when pushed, you could see why Jay-walking is illegal in some countries? Its just showing consideration for the safety of others. Actually Jaywalking isn't illegal in Ireland as far as I'm aware, or at least not enforced.
Its the same deal with smoking. Smoking in an enclosed public space shows lack of consideration for the health of others. Laws are always a balance between protecting personal freedoms (e.g. your right to smoke) versus the common good (the health of others). Good laws strike the correct balance between the two. I'll leave you to make up your own mind as to whether the smoking ban is a good law or not.
Perhaps if people showed more consideration for others, we would need less laws in the first place?
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
8/31/2004 2:35 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Binokular
120MPH, 115BHP, 870KG of sheet metal and a heavy right foot, and you still believe I'm going to stop when step into my path, foolish human, BWAHAHAHAHA!
Of course, if the said jaywalker had a shaped charge, and unless your car was coated in explosive reactive armour tilted at 60 degrees, you are toast my friend. Sorry was watching Discovery Channel on Sunday morning. Awesome dude !
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
8/31/2004 2:39 PM |
What programme was that? "Deadly jay-walkers from hell" or the like? Tell me more. What are the criteria needed to become one of these anti-vehicle heroes? Is there an initiation ceremony?
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
8/31/2004 2:53 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Rev Jules
Of course, if the said jaywalker had a shaped charge, and unless your car was coated in explosive reactive armour tilted at 60 degrees, you are toast my friend. Sorry was watching Discovery Channel on Sunday morning. Awesome dude !
*adds another entry to "stuff to do the Batmobile over the weekend list" *
Archie Basic Member Posts:458  
8/31/2004 4:00 PM |
I hate smoking with a passion. I'm going to offend people with this but the only thing I hate more is drunk people at concerts.
Ban smoking. Please it's disgusting.
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
8/31/2004 4:10 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Archie
Ban smoking. Please it's disgusting.
U cannot just ban smoking. That's a very black and white attitude to have. Smokers have rights too you know
| Basic Member Posts:201  
8/31/2004 4:17 PM |
no Gar, that would piss me off too - especially if its right beside you in the gig... but then again maybe i am a grumpy old man! non-smokers put up with the stink long enough so now that its banned, personally i am delighted, although i can understand that its really s**t for addicts at a gig. maybe the RoL song "F everyone" (or something like that) inspired that crowd to be rebels. ah well, kids will be kids. hope they get cancer though. just joking. honest.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
8/31/2004 4:52 PM |
On at least 3 different gigs in the past, before the smoking ban came in, i have experienced the not fun experience of some smoking beside me at a crowded gig, and then for that person to shove their ciggarette, albeit it accidental, into my arm, on 2 occasions and my ear on another.
Smokers have rights, but when people usually use that term, its followed by, "as long as im not interfering with anyone else" and in this occasion it aint through.
If your a non smoker, it does interfere with your night out. Especially, if like me you are an asthmatic.
8/31/2004 5:21 PM |
smokers are for life, not just for christmas.
But seriously,fair enough that smokers are intruding on peoples right not to smoke.
But surely a section for smokers in concert area is not that hard to ask!! Personally i dont smoke, and i hate people blowing smoke at me. But i enjoy a concert and a pint, pints are bad for you,if you drink pints every day for thirty years it will damage yourself, and increase the risk of heart disease. I have the oppurtunity to enjoy a concert and a pint so surely people who enjoy a concert and a smoke should have the same right.
Plus i must admit that many gigs i have been at have somewhat lost their atmospeher without smoking.
go to any back of the road pub with a good trad section when the smoking ban was not in, and now go to it,i think it has lost its heart. You can see the player itching for a fag between songs