Basic Member Posts:201  
8/25/2004 2:54 PM |
Barry Norman was on the right hook recently talking about the "dumbing down" of TV and he is sooooo right.
everything is soundbyte-size sting ads and flashy graphics telling you whats brill, brilliant and brillianter. in the process you forget you are watching repetitive vacant drivel.
can't remember the last time i switched on, surfed channels and happened across a decent documentary or whatever. granted, i have chorus so choice is limited by comparison but even so.
what are we paying licence fees for? and why should it all go to RTE and not a bit to TV3? TG4 kicks RTE's ass by the way.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
8/25/2004 3:05 PM |
I have that weird chorus package they do for flats where your landlord just pays for the whole building but you only get RTE, TV3, TG4, Sky One and two other channels that they change every month.
RTE and TV3 seem to be nothing but soaps and TV3 news is comically bad. Sky One is mostly crap, but at least you get the simpsons a lot! TG4 is great from time to time.
At the moment chorus are giving us the Discovery Channel and its great, Lots of documentaries about tanks and warships and other cool things that blow stuff up! They do seem to be worryingly obsessed by war though, wheres the documentaries on art history, the lives of common people or just non-military technology. Its like every second one is about WW2 and the third reich, bit worrying really.
Karlito Basic Member Posts:210  
8/25/2004 3:07 PM |
Completely agree with you, I don't even own a telly and haven't done for a long time now, on the odd occasion someone may have something on and it's just so mind-numbling boring....soaps, reality TV, crap american comedy, crap american reality tv, soap stars on reality tv...pure bulls**t!!!
Bring back the days when their were actually actors and comedians doing excellent shows. This is a generalisation as of course there are good shows on the TV, but they are the very small minorty!!
El Duderino Basic Member Posts:179  
8/25/2004 3:12 PM |
Can't disagree with you there. But I reckon MTV has to be the worst offender. Now there is a channel that has got lowest common denominator stamped all over it. Watching idiots hamming up their idiocy
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
8/25/2004 3:16 PM |
Believe it or not, I used to work in television and as part of my work I had to got to the annual television markets. The following are the top three, fav subjects for television documentaries.
1) Sharks
2) Nazis
3) Aliens
Notice a connection. Yep, Spielberg.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
8/25/2004 3:17 PM |
quote: Originally posted by El Duderino
Can't disagree with you there. But I reckon MTV has to be the worst offender. Now there is a channel that has got lowest common denominator stamped all over it. Watching idiots hamming up their idiocy
I don't know. I rather like Jessica Simpson.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
8/25/2004 3:19 PM |
haha, thats sooo true about documentaries Jules.
I love the way all those shark documentaries are billed as things like "KILLERS FROM THE DEEP" or some other dramatic B-Movie type title, then they documentary tells you "well actually sharks are misunderstood and not that aggressive really". 
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
8/25/2004 3:25 PM |
Reality TV is the worst though isn't it?
I mean there isn't anything real about it.
These shows on E4 and what have you with the "twist" at the end, it's the 21st century equivalent of Beadles About or Game For A Laugh.
And RTE's handle on the genre is always cringe worthy, they have a new one out soon The Dinner Party I think it's called. So we'll see how that one goes.
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
8/25/2004 3:29 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Rev Jules
Believe it or not, I used to work in television and as part of my work I had to got to the annual television markets. The following are the top three, fav subjects for television documentaries.
1) Sharks
2) Nazis
3) Aliens
Notice a connection. Yep, Spielberg.
Now if he could just combine the three in one he'd have some movie!
| Basic Member Posts:201  
8/25/2004 3:30 PM |
"KILLERS FROM THE DEEP" / "well actually sharks are misunderstood and not that aggressive really". 
yeah i love that one - "we have to remember we are invading their environment" is another peach. it seems a prerequisite for these salty sea-dog documentary makers to get a lump of themselves bitten off, so that they can then become driven to understand what it was that prompted the misunderstood shark to strike in the first place.
was it the current? was it the backwash? was it the weird electrical current from my super-duper scuba watch?
how about the fact the f**ker was just hungry?!!!
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
8/25/2004 4:16 PM |
the irish are only good at seerious television making, we pushed all the funny lads away to c4 and such, meanwhile we let that phuckin dope des bishop do a show about crap jobs which fair enough is an interesting issue he just wasnt up for the task of picking out the things that mattered in it. and i hate him because he got offended on other peoples behalf, is there anything more arrrogant? a55hole.
the ultimate documentary: "alien killer sharks with nazi belief systems"
how the feck do we get sharks to be racist though?
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
8/25/2004 4:17 PM |
I think the reason for so many Nazi WW2 documentaries on Discovery is due to the fact that the channel's main man is none other than Anthony Semitischtein, a suspected Nazi sympathist and collaborator even. One of my sources informs me that he is using Discovery as a propaganda tool.
Don't believe me?
Well, think of all the programmes that show Tiger tanks destroying Russian, British and US ones. Or Battlefield's love of Rommel "The Desert Fox". The list goes on my friends. Mr Semiticischtein is planning on launching his Fourth Reich from where one cannot fight back...from inside your own TV in your own home. You have been warned.
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
8/25/2004 5:04 PM |
quote: Originally posted by mutch
how the feck do we get sharks to be racist though?
Great White Sharks of the Ku Klux Klan
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
8/26/2004 11:01 AM |
Yes, have to agree with you there. Got rid of my tv three months ago: just got sick of the whole "How Clean Is Your Soft Porn House" style of programming. Haven't looked back since. Miss it sometimes (Sopranos, Curb Your Enthuasiasm etc.), but anything half-decent tends to come out on DVD and I can rent them and watch them on the PC. Plus, none of that guilt/fear of getting caught by the mythical TV licence inspector (never had one) and getting lots of reading done, too. I reckon it's the way forward.
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
8/26/2004 2:01 PM |
Hmmmmm. I'm going to dissent from this and say I LOVE my TV. Yes there is a lot of bollocks but sure that's always been the way. On the other hand, we also have:
Six Feet Under
The Sopranos
Curb Your Enthusiasm
And Channel Four show some great documentaries from time to time like "Despatches" and so forth. THe Channel Four news is good too, it's the only mainstream TV news programme that dares to offer some kind of critical analysis of the establishment. Oh God, I'm starting to sound like f**king Ben Elton. :rolleyes:
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
8/26/2004 2:14 PM |
Channel 4 is strange, it has both the best and worst TV out there. This is the channel that brought us big brother remember!
Punchbowl Basic Member Posts:205  
8/26/2004 5:02 PM |
It always bothers me to hear people bash RTE's output. Sure it's occasionally a bit thin but there are a few reasons for this :
1 - The Demographic ( RTE provides perfectly fine programming for the rural minded (( That some on this board may not appreciate )) , the Religous and the elderly. They can't suddenly fill the airwaves with 24 Hour Sopranos or whatever.
2 - Revenue - The suggestion that a foreign owned station that has little or no self made programs ( TV3 ) should share in the licence fee is ridiculous. TV3 Is a blight on this nation. Dumbing down everything and shamelessly promoting it's parent companies output. I mean how ridiculous is it to find yourself watching ' Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway ' on TV3!?
RTE may benefit from having licence fee's and advertising revenue but remember : It still costs the same for a station with 30 Million viewers to make an hour of news as it does a country of 3 million. This is why RTE should not be castigated for needing more money.
RTE has consistently provided this country with the first showing this side of the Atlantic, of numerous popular American shows and Movies. It;s dedication to Sport is, in the face of Sky Sports, astounding.
Oh and Paths to Freedom was fairly good BTW
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
8/26/2004 5:50 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Punchbowl
It always bothers me to hear people bash RTE's output. Sure it's occasionally a bit thin but there are a few reasons for this :
Oh please..."And now for a public service message by our glorious monopoly broadcaster".
RTE is the broadcasting equivalent of a duck. It has the license fee (like BBC) because it claims to be public service but it sells advertising time (like TV3) because it also operates as a commerical entity. The reason it needs all this money is not because these funds are for programming, RTE actually spends very little in this area of the business, but because the station is a massive top heavy organisation which has no real control over costs and any cuts made in recent years have been as a result of the heavy hand of government. Furthermore, RTE has no specific charter, as the BBC does, for the programming it produces and thus it wavers between producing sub ITV crap like 'You're a Star' and such 'public service' programming as 'The Rose of Tralee'.
TG4 on the other hand is a very tight operation which offers a superior service on a fraction of the annual spend.
I don't get the point of bashing TV3. Its news service is excellent -probably the single most important public service any television station can offer especially considering that RTE has been constantly cutting back its current affairs department in recent years , its internal organisation a model for a modern television station and, since it is part of Granada, it provides the Irish public with much of their favourite programming eg: Coronation Street which, before it switched channel, was RTE's top rating show.
And, because it relies on advertising, you don't actually pay a penny to watch it. Remember, the fee is for the actual set you own, even though the revenues go to the Death Star in Montrose.
mutch Basic Member Posts:392  
8/26/2004 6:15 PM |
im with jules mostly here i think.
how much did no disco/songs from a room actually cost versus what it could be worth to them in advertising time etc. Compare this little bit of maths to the cost of paying those "suckers of satan's co£$"(thanks Mr. Hicks) to out do each other in imatating that fat guy Simon Powel or whatever his name is.
There are bands in this country would pay to get on a show on RTE like songs from a room.
It doesnt make sense. Baffling. But hey, what are you going to do?
RTE news coverage is my favorite (shame the Irish Times can sometimes be a repeat of it the next morning though!).
I must interject with an interesting fact that serves to sum up alot of what people have to say about the people in charge of public money in Ireland.
The Luas works began in 1995. The first one travelled in 2004.
Ladies and gentlemen, with a government like these lads, who needs foreign invaders and crazy inflation rates?
Rev Jules Veteran Member Posts:1041  
8/27/2004 7:00 PM |
I have been watching The God Channel recently and have come away converted.
Unfortunately, I have come away converted to Satanism.