Iambeave New Member Posts:10  
4/8/2009 9:02 AM |
I'm a bit puzzled as to the lyrics of Bell XI's The Great Defector. Aside from being a huge step down from their older material in its lyrical quality ('You’re the chocolate at the end of my Cornetto'!), it contains the baffling idea that an underwire bra can set off an X-Ray machine - presumably at an airport.
Has anyone's bra ever gone off in an X-Ray machine? Without going into too much detail about my undergarments, (ahem), I travel a reasonable amount and I've never had anything like that happen!
Can someone explain what Bell XI are going on about so I can put this thought to rest?
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
4/8/2009 9:59 AM |
Does the underwire bra set off the X-Ray machine or merely it's operator? ;) ....an X-ray machine does not detect metal, it just x-rays stuff and shows an image on a screen. A metal detector on the other hand might be set off by one, but I don't know from personal experience. Any volunteers for a Cluas mythbusters type experiment? :D
Idiot Kid Basic Member Posts:217  
4/8/2009 11:55 PM |
You weren't in the Poitin Stil the other night were you? My friends and I were only discussing this. The consensus from the girls seemed to be that they have all experienced bra's setting off the airport machine...or at least that's what the machine operator has told them.
Oh...and 'The people from the mobile phone company decide who get to play and who gets to not' - that's surely the work of a lyrical mastermind? (I do normally like Noonan's lyrics but not sure about this new album.)
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
4/9/2009 1:42 AM |
Posted By Binokular on 08 Apr 2009 09:59 AM
Any volunteers for a Cluas mythbusters type experiment? :D I'm flying from Paris to Cork tomorrow: for the greater good of CLUAS in particular and science in general (and perhaps even world peace) I shall don the old Playtex under my Kerry jersey and see which gets the more violent reaction at Cork airport. (At Kent Station a station guard once gave me grief for wearing a Santa hat. Now that I think of it, was it even Christmas time?) I imagine that Madonna's cone-shaped bra from back in the day wouldn't even be let into an airport these days; a weapon for taking a pilot's eye out. And what about piercings? Especially the more, ahem, intimate ones? Anyone ever have to whip it out for security?
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
4/9/2009 3:19 AM |
Posted By aidan on 09 Apr 2009 01:42 AM
Posted By Binokular on 08 Apr 2009 09:59 AM
Any volunteers for a Cluas mythbusters type experiment? :D I'm flying from Paris to Cork tomorrow: for the greater good of CLUAS in particular and science in general (and perhaps even world peace) I shall don the old Playtex under my Kerry jersey and see which gets the more violent reaction at Cork airport.
Funny, because I was gonna post "(not you Aidan)" at the end of my post, but thought better of it, haha.
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
4/9/2009 4:49 AM |
Posted By Binokular on 09 Apr 2009 03:19 AM
Posted By aidan on 09 Apr 2009 01:42 AM
Posted By Binokular on 08 Apr 2009 09:59 AM
Any volunteers for a Cluas mythbusters type experiment? :D I'm flying from Paris to Cork tomorrow: for the greater good of CLUAS in particular and science in general (and perhaps even world peace) I shall don the old Playtex under my Kerry jersey and see which gets the more violent reaction at Cork airport.
Funny, because I was gonna post "(not you Aidan)" at the end of my post, but thought better of it, haha. You live in Paris and wear a scarf, I guess people are bound to doubt your red-blooded, beercan-on-forehead-crushing masculine credentials. I imagine it's the same for people who live in Cork and have the local camp-hairdresser accent : )
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
4/10/2009 3:36 AM |
I don't live in Cork these days and never picked up the accent thank goodness, I live in North West Dublin, hardcore, keepin it real. (OK, it's actually a nice suburb practically in Meath, but that doesn't sound as hard haha). *mildly concussed from attempting to crush cans on my head*
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
comet Basic Member Posts:485  
4/13/2009 6:32 AM |
It's such a poor song yet it's getting massive air time on the radio. As is Franz Ferdinand's new one and its every bit as bad.
Iambeave New Member Posts:10  
4/13/2009 10:25 AM |
Sadly, Idot Kid, I must not have been desirable enough to 'set off' the machine. What do these girls do to gain the attention of an attractive airport security operator? Dang! I'll have to up the ante a little with a catwalk stroll through the detector. Aidan - how did the experiment go?? And Peter, thanks for reminding me of that Spinal Tap moment - brilliant!!!
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
4/16/2009 3:16 AM |
Posted By Iambeave on 13 Apr 2009 10:25 AM Sadly, Idot Kid, I must not have been desirable enough to 'set off' the machine. What do these girls do to gain the attention of an attractive airport security operator? Dang! I'll have to up the ante a little with a catwalk stroll through the detector.
Aidan - how did the experiment go?? And Peter, thanks for reminding me of that Spinal Tap moment - brilliant!!!
The results were inconclusive: I happened to be carrying in my bag a small firearm and a curled-up illegal immigrant. And I'm sure you've set off many a machine in your day : )
Strangegravy New Member Posts:35  
4/24/2009 7:29 AM |
I love that line in that song... and I love it even more because most people I meet don't like it or have some sort of opinion on it! My ten year old son quoted it to me in from the back of the car the other day saying.. "That's that cornetto song". At a gig at UL rag week recently a friend told me his older friend, a real biker dude who wouldn't really be into Bellx1's music was going on about it, "That feckin' chocolate at the end of my cornetto song... what's that about?" ... Classic!
Two people who would probably never notice the song because (a) it wasn't the Super Mario theme tune or (b) it's not Thin Lizzy's greatest hits are now talking about it, interested in it, might even pay 2 euro or whatever to download it because it's stuck in their head anyway!
That line might cause debate but that's what Bellx1 would want, people all over Ireland talking about their song and not being able to get it out of their heads.. plus I'd rather listen to that on the radio than p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face!!
My two cents.
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
4/24/2009 8:03 AM |
Posted By Strangegravy on 24 Apr 2009 07:29 AM
I'd rather listen to that on the radio than p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face!!
My two cents.
Going off topic, but of all the current wave of DIY Female pop you have incredible talents like La Roux, Little Boots and Marina and The Diamonds..and who is getting all the attention? Lady...freakin...Gaga. I mean I don't actually hate her stuff, but am I missing something here? she's the blandest and most uninteresting of the lot by far.
thelittlestmojo New Member Posts:1  
4/24/2009 2:16 PM |
Mr Noonan is confusing me with all these references to Bras, Rabbits, Cornetos and Mobile Phone companies! Is there a deeper meaning to this collection of words that may not have been used in a Song Lyric before!? Catchy chorus and guitar riff though! Oh and can you still buy an underwired bra? I always thought that bra technology must have moved forward..... not that I`ve given it alot of thought!! thelittlestmojo x www.thelittlestmojo.com[b]
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
4/27/2009 3:53 PM |
Posted By Iambeave on 08 Apr 2009 09:02 AM
I'm a bit puzzled as to the lyrics of Bell XI's The Great Defector. Aside from being a huge step down from their older material in its lyrical quality ('You’re the chocolate at the end of my Cornetto'!), it contains the baffling idea that an underwire bra can set off an X-Ray machine - presumably at an airport.
Has anyone's bra ever gone off in an X-Ray machine? Without going into too much detail about my undergarments, (ahem), I travel a reasonable amount and I've never had anything like that happen!
Can someone explain what Bell XI are going on about so I can put this thought to rest?
Didn't they have another song with a line about toasting marshmallows? Daft.
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
4/28/2009 2:21 PM |
Posted By Binokular on 24 Apr 2009 08:03 AM incredible talents like La Roux
I really don't see the attraction. An irritant.
Posted By Binokular on 24 Apr 2009 08:03 AM she's the blandest and most uninteresting of the lot by far.
You've answered your own question there ... Like someone else pointing that the Bellies song isn't even that good compared to the amount of airplay it has recieved, when has airplay ever equated to quality.