flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
11/4/2003 12:47 PM |
Alright, we have a favorite film thread, how's about a film music thread?
Here's just a few I love.
You Only Live Twice (you know the one that knob Robbie sampled, great strings).
The Mission, 'Gabrielle's Obo' Ennio Moriccone I think is the composer .
Goodfellas, the piano bit at the end when it's all going wrong, I think it's a Derick and the Dominos tune.
Unbreakable, I'm not sure if the music was written just for this film, it sounds familiar.
Star Wars, Main theme and Imperial March. Cool.
Get Carter, excellent Deadly Avenger remix as well.
Jaws, simple but effective.
Anyone else have any??
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
11/4/2003 12:58 PM |
Gladiator has a fantastic soundtrack. ( Note to self: buy it on way home today ).
Bought the soundtrack to 28 Days Later recently - it's very good, has quite a few pieces that stand alone if you've never seen the film. I notice one of the instrumental pieces turned up in some car advert recently.
Jaws has a deadly soundtrack. Everyone always thinks of the usual menacing bit that accompanies the shark attacks but there's some fantastic orchestral stuff in the second half of the film where they're chasing the shark.
Aliens has some great thumping rhythmic stuff as well.
Grosse Pointe Blank - great '80s indie soundtrack. Possibly the only film ever to feature Siouxsie and the Banshees "Cities in Dust" which immediately makes it a classic in my opinion.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
11/4/2003 1:07 PM |
On a more classical theme, there was some fantastic pieces by Michael Nyman on "The Piano".
You would have to say that Tubular Bells for the Exorcist added to it's creepiness.
There are quite a few gems on High Fidelity also...
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/4/2003 2:06 PM |
'The Piano' has an absolutely beautiful soundtrack....I think the title tune is 'The Heart asks Pleasure First' or something along those lines, an amazin piece of music.
The Soundtrack from Gladiator is really good too.
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Mission
Virgin Suicides
Morvern Callar
Resevoir Dogs
Quadraphneia has a great soundtrack...Love Reign o'er meeeeeeeee!!!!
O Brother where art thou
and of course....Trainspotting!
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
11/4/2003 2:19 PM |
oh god thats a toughie but a few of my favs would have to be
Moulin Rouge(dont laugh!)
Get Carter
Virgin Suicides
pulp fiction
I have to say I was impressed with the Kill Bill soundtrack Nancy Sinatra's Bang Bang(my baby shot me down) bloody classic!!!!
ghost rider New Member Posts:10  
11/4/2003 2:46 PM |
heres a few of my favs
donnie darko
the royal tenebaums
buffalo 66
o brother where art thou(as i went down to the river to pray.........................)
kill bill
24 hour party people
vanilla sky
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
11/5/2003 9:05 AM |
Shawshank Redemption 'I don't know what those ladies were singing...'
Vanilla Sky
James Bond - all of them!
Dances with Wolves - beautiful soundtrack
Willy Wonka & Choc Factory
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
11/6/2003 8:39 AM |
A fine little topic if I do say so. My own (non-exhaustive) list of choices would be:
>> "Last Temptation of Christ" (Music by Peter Gabriel, available as his album 'Passion')
>> "Last Tango in Paris" (music by some Aregntinian bloke called Gato Barbiera if I remember correctly)
>> "Betty Blue", had some great moments, brings me back to me navel-gazing yuff
>> "Dead Man" by Neil Young
>> "Taxi Driver" by Bernard Hermann
>> The stuff Aimee Mann did to inspire yer man to make "Magnolia"
The Piano indeed was wonderful. We actually had a "Ten great songs from soundtracks" thing published on CLUAS a few years ago. It can be checked out here:
11/10/2003 9:10 AM |
I think the music in all of the Alien movies is great. Granted the 3rd & 4th movies aren't much cop, but the strings in all 4 movies are deadly, particularly in the first 2. Incidently, I saw the Director's Cut of Alien over the weekend and it was pretty neat seeing that movie on the big screen with good sound. The added pieces of footage are sparse but cool. I recommend seeing it if you like that movie.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/10/2003 5:33 PM |
Saw Kill Bill last week...very very good I thought, really enjoyed it..but I was really surprised at how good the soundtrack was...some really good music on there - the opening song...bang bang...does any one who that is by????
johnny cash New Member Posts:39  
11/10/2003 7:02 PM |
nancy sinatra written by lee hazelwood its cool
also the's are rockin in the film.
johnnyrandom New Member Posts:4  
11/10/2003 9:04 PM |
Fatal Deviation starring Mickey Graham from boyzone
is a kungfu movie set in trim co.meath
Do what you have to see this film and listen to that for a soundtrack
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
11/11/2003 9:57 AM |
Johnny Cash are the's the girl band playing in the 60s outfits and beehive hair??? They were excellent! I love the way they've taken that real 'supremes'look cos it's really glam and girly, but then they have these nasty tattoos on their arms and rock like some bad ass mother f**kers!!
johnny cash New Member Posts:39  
11/11/2003 12:10 PM |
yeah thats the's in the film,they are cool. they have a couple of albums out, they,ve been around a while.the song they play in the film , wo ho is from an ep called bomb the twist. its rockin!!