flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
10/28/2003 12:18 PM |
Sorry to hear that.
I hate thieving gypsy* bastards, I'd me runners robbed from a gym changing room last week!
*This isn't an ethnic slur by the way.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/28/2003 1:44 PM |
Megan I found a girls purse on the floor of Doran's at the bar - there was money adn some house keys - it was a small zip up purse and I handed it in to the bar - which I was told was a really stupid thing to do...but what else do you do??? So if you haven't checked with the bar staff giv them a buzz...the guy behind the bar was nice about it and I saw him put it away. Might not have been yours but you never know?
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/28/2003 3:22 PM |
Megan I've just emailed you back there
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
10/28/2003 3:43 PM |
As a matter of interest, what is the *correct* course of action if you happen to be a decent upstanding pillar of society and you find something? I was abused by a young lady in a nightclub for handing in a rather expensive looking bracelet one night and despite her incoherent babling, I really failed to see any alternative. Fair nuff, with a bag, you might find a name etc but if it is a random item...
Am I missing some blindingly obvious way round....
10/29/2003 9:55 AM |
This story reminds me of when I spent the weekend at 2001's Witnness festival and over the 2 days I found no less than 6 mobile phones. Being the ordinary decent citizen that I am, I waited for the owners to ring so I could meet up and give them back. (After all, I have a phone, I don't need someone else's) This happened for 4 of them, no one rang the 5th, so I found "Home" in its phonebook, contacted the girl's family that way and got it back to her (both of us are quite good friends ever since - a good deed is its own reward, anyone?)
Some guy rang the 6th then and I offered to meet up and give it back, and he told me that if I didn't he would kill me and proceeded to call me every name under the sun. Told him to be polite, I was only trying to help him but it was apparent that my life was in danger if I met him, and he got worse and worse. (Not very intelligent considering I could have been any one person out of 40,000) Consequently, somewhere in the Fairyhouse racecourse under what surely must be by now, at least 4 inches of muck & horses**t, a SIM card lays in its final resting place forever. And a mate who had lost her phone elsewhere got a new one for free. Some people are just so dumb.
Anyway Megan, I hope you've got your phone and cards cancelled, sorry to hear about that.
While we're on the subject and I realise it's much too late now anyway, my girlfriend left her bag with a Mumblin' Deaf Ro CD, a phone, glasses & stuff in a taxi the night REM played Marlay Park, somewhere near Terenure, did anyone out there ever hear of anything of this?
Oh are ordinary decent people so hard to find these days I ask?
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/29/2003 11:23 AM |
Q2 that was very decent of you to have made efforts to get those phones back to their owners. I lost an address book/diary years ago that was really important to me and the person that found it called the first few people on there and read out all the names on the list until my eventually one of my mates he called figured it must have been mine - then met me and gave it back, I couldn't get over their decency to have gone to all the bother. I suppose it's Karma though isn't it, if you believe in that stuff? You put it out and hope to get it back I guess, if it happens to you. I was afraid to go rootin' though that purse on Saturday night to see what was in it, like an id card or whatever, in case the owner came along and saw me and lashed me out of it - so I just handed it in, the first thing I'd have done if I'd lost something would be to check at the bar.
thebigbad New Member Posts:11  
10/29/2003 3:39 PM |
You're a stupid bitch for leavin' yer bag layin' around.
thebigbad New Member Posts:11  
10/29/2003 3:43 PM |
willie the wild one New Member Posts:7  
10/29/2003 3:58 PM |
This post has been moderated - behave!
willie the wild one New Member Posts:7  
10/29/2003 6:28 PM |
hillbilly New Member Posts:37  
10/29/2003 7:12 PM |
Magen the next time you want to boo hoo hoo about some thing dont ever ever do it under some thing that belongs to the things like PSYCHOTIC REACTION you had no right to use that name for your headline i spilled out more then sweat for that night so the last thing i want to see under psychotic reaction is some one from the u.s.of f**king a boo hoo hooing about there f**king bag that they left alone in the frist place 
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
10/30/2003 8:56 AM |
What the f**k???? I can see why it was called "Psychotic Reaction" - Hillbilly, you should get a life. Nowhere in this thread does anyone equate having a bag go awol with either The Things, the organisers or Dorans. As a matter of fact, if you check the last line of Megan's original post, you will see "To The Things - great gig!"
If I had anything to do with organising a gig, I'd be a lot more alarmed by someone posting such offensive drivel in my name than someone saying their bag was blagged.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/30/2003 9:31 AM |
Jaysus Hillbilly I think the ego is gettin' a little out of control there don't you?
10/30/2003 9:39 AM |
I have deleted my posts, so sorry to have taken the focus off the band.
10/30/2003 9:50 AM |
I have also changed the topic, I hope that meets with your approval.
10/30/2003 11:50 AM |
I had no idea what a prick you could be. Don't speak to me ever ever again.
10/30/2003 1:45 PM |
I think a lot of people would approve of that one megan. Any luck finding your stuff?
RebelRebel New Member Posts:2  
10/30/2003 1:57 PM |
I cant believe what I’m reading, this hillbilly doesn’t want Megan posting about her bag being robbed because it takes attention away from a club he puts on or a band he’s in and because she’s from the states. What a f**king arsehole. I don’t think I’ve ever heard such self-centred rubbish in all of my life. You are a worthless human being.
Megan I'm sorry you lost your bag.
eoghan Basic Member Posts:331  
10/30/2003 4:11 PM |
Megan, Hope you get your bag back. I'm going to lock this thread now as it has, I think, run its course (with a few (questionable) detours thrown in for good measure.)
eoghan (one of de moderators)