Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/16/2003 11:27 AM |
Some of yous already know....but for those that hadn't heard..Hi.Rise have split up. It's a sad day for me. 7 years is a long time. Just wanted to say thanks to the people that supported us along the way. Yous know who you are.
cosmic let down New Member Posts:25  
10/16/2003 1:18 PM |
 i must admit its a shame the curtains have come down on hi rise a great band with a gifted front lady who has the voice of an angel.Good look in whatever you all do next.
let it flow
Jimbo big balls New Member Posts:33  
10/16/2003 1:46 PM |
Here here I agree it is a sad end for a gifted band who had many great songs(braun audio one to name but one) and gave us some memorable gigs and night`s to remember.Sorry to hear it and wish you all the best in the future with any projects you take on.
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
10/16/2003 1:49 PM |
im totally shocked and saddened at the news that hi.rise have split. first of all i hope everyong in the band is ok? whatever the reasons are for the split im sure they are good ones. but its a damn pity nevertheless...
the first time i seen hi.rise was at a charity gig in the tbmc in 1999 which anto and andrew helped organised, it was a benefit gig for a friend of theirs who had died whilst away in australia...there was something like 50 acts playing on the night including my own band who were then called mirrorball (what a s**te name)...i had heard a lot about the band at that point and most of it had been good but it was only when i seen for myself the sheer power of hi.rise, and how they were so different than almost every other group trading out of dublin that i realised they were something f**king special.
since then i have looked up to them as a band that know how to get things done. they have always had their own look , their own sound and their own approach to things. seeing them play both witnnesses were two very proud moments for me and other friends of mine that are also in bands..it was a great feeling to see a band that would never pretend to be better than anyone else actually up there playing one of europes biggest festivals alongside their and our favourite bands.
its just a pain in the b****x that they are no more basically..sorry to harp on. but let me reiterate..i hope that everything is ok with the individual members and that we shall see them again in other projects...id work with any and every one of them given the chance.
good luck - SM
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
10/16/2003 3:38 PM |
I totally agree with dirty you are all amazing musicians and best of luck with solo and or other projects you may have in the pipeline you will all go far!
eddiesheridan Basic Member Posts:169  
10/16/2003 4:55 PM |
This is s**te news for me. What I got they used to call the blues.....
Wicker Basic Member Posts:185  
10/16/2003 6:14 PM |
I'm very sorry to hear that Dromed....
very bad news :(
hillbilly New Member Posts:37  
10/16/2003 6:25 PM |
hate that! 
needs are needs New Member Posts:13  
10/16/2003 7:26 PM |
ah sure its not the end of the world
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
10/16/2003 9:22 PM |
Sorry to here about the demise of hi:rise.
A sad day indeed.
Best of luck on what ever route you take in the future
ghost rider New Member Posts:10  
10/17/2003 5:42 PM |
sorry to hear the bad news, hi rise playing live was goodtimes, goodtimes!!!!! i hope to see future projects come from this demise!!!
10/18/2003 1:23 PM |
Great band, great tunes and one of the only proper electronic bands in dublin.. your in the wrong city..yiz should of moved out of dublin(the circle of hate) years ago.but some things cant be changed..i just hope you dont get lazy dromed..get your ass into something new straight away...but anyway its a real real shame and you'll be sadly missed..cry cry cry
hillbilly New Member Posts:37  
10/18/2003 6:01 PM |
lick ass c**ts the lot of you!poor hi rise BOO HOO HOO
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/20/2003 9:22 AM |
Thanks for the kind words guys. Hillbilly believe it or not I hadn't posted this message for fishing for compliments I wanted to tell some of the posters here cos they've come to our gigs and supported us over the last 7 years and that does actually mean something to me, and people had been asking why we weren't playing. You've obviously never lost anything important to you, you're lucky.
10/20/2003 10:48 AM |
Dromed, I haven't read a single post from hillbilly that depicts anyone with an IQ that even makes double figures, you shouldn't dignify that crap with a response. Anyway, hope all goes well and while this may be a premature question, do you have anything in the pipeline? Are you going to try & put another band together or anything? Even solo perhaps? Gemma Hayes could use a good replacement & Nina Hynes could use a good successor....
hillbilly New Member Posts:37  
10/20/2003 6:37 PM |
Dont take me to hart i was just trying to put some light on to the dark and that was my way of doing so it was not ment for you it was ment for evey one eles you konw i talk s**t most of the time but i will say this i should not be taking to hart unless i say i love you and dromed ya know i love ya baby. 
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
10/21/2003 3:14 PM |
ahh hillbilly your aul charmer....youd charm the knickers off a frigid nun ya would.
one love to all my niggurs our out there xx
cloudedmouse New Member Posts:41  
10/21/2003 4:20 PM |
Sorry to hear about the break up. I only saw you guys a couple pf times and I thought you were really fantastic. I hope you all keep going in some way, shape or form with music you are all very tallented.
Good luck from all the Mouse.
cosmic let down New Member Posts:25  
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
10/30/2003 9:40 AM |
Cosmic...Have I told you lately that I love you? :)))))
No names as of yet my stellarstar...have you any ideas???