papa razzo New Member Posts:49  
7/8/2003 3:22 AM |
Mean Fiddler, Mono and now The Village but it still doesn't work! Sound is hollow, terrible layout(toilets, sound-desk), poorly ventilated and the ceiling is far too low unless you're right up the front. Brutal! I've been to 6 gigs there now and I've decided that I won't be going to another!
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
7/10/2003 10:53 AM |
I agree that the place isn't the May West at all at is very very badly ventilated which is illigal I'm sure, and makes for a really tiring sweaty beatty kind of a night (though that kind of night can be fun sometimes!!...errrr) but I'm sorry Papa I have to disagree about the layout - I think the sound desk is, for once, where it bloody well should be, in the centre of the venue on the floor where the sound can be heard from the punters perspective (example of awful choice of sound desk positioning...Temple Bar Music Centre...Up at the roof at the back miles away...What a croc of crap, it was designed that way as it was supposed to be used for acousitc gigs but that never happened and the sound is usually terrible in there) and I also think the toilets are great in the Village, I've never had to queue never mind step into someones puke to get into the jacks as I had done manys a time in the Mean Fiddler (ahh what memories) - I think all in all the Village had vastly improved (certainly from what streak of misery Mono was) I don't however think too much of their door staff (but then isn't that the same all over the place these days) and they are putting on a free, I say it again, FREE late club on at the weekends - where does that anymore? Not the worst place, the music is a bit crap to be fair but if you're stuck for somewhere to go it's not the worst, compared to the rest of our choices
sitting on a fence
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
7/10/2003 1:16 PM |
For me, the only unforgiveable aspect of a venue is not getting the goddam sound right. I can put up with pretty much everything else (Vicar Street and their preposterous "No Drinking" rules at some gigs, particularly the way you do not know until you arrive. Likewise for the Point). Sweat, smoke, Whelan's being overloaded; all fair nuff, but when the sound sucks, we should get our money back. The amount of times I've been in Whelan's and all you hear are people talking....honestly, you'd think after all the years of putting on gigs there, they would have found a way to sort it.
conor-immediate Basic Member Posts:100  
7/10/2003 1:42 PM |
I saw Arthur Lee at The Village and the sound was particularly good. Everything was clear and powerful and the orchestra sounded amazing. I don't know whether there's two sound desks in the place, but on that night, the only desk I saw was on the right hand side of the stage, which I thought was odd
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
7/10/2003 7:14 PM |
Its not a bad venue at all....
Evan dando was great there, and im looking forward to catching
Interpol there soon...
The bar is great, as are the toilets.
However, the ventalation is crap, while the toilets are great,
the method of getting to them aint. Having to walk right
down the side can be a real pain in the ass for the person standing
by the isle.
Also, the way the entrance leads right on to the standing area
is crazy
wham-bam-thankyou-mam New Member Posts:8  
7/11/2003 3:51 AM |
The thing about gossip is that the talk usually comes from someone whos already dead. Yis are probably in bands the lot of yis. Dont be on the internet doin this and be on the stage lickin your gee. causin riots and bying ice cream off the punters.
John Doe Basic Member Posts:338  
7/11/2003 1:06 PM |
quote: Originally posted by wham-bam-thankyou-mam
The thing about gossip is that the talk usually comes from someone whos already dead. Yis are probably in bands the lot of yis. Dont be on the internet doin this and be on the stage lickin your gee. causin riots and bying ice cream off the punters.
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Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
7/11/2003 1:21 PM |
Ahhh Kloot you just reminded me of going to see's so soon!!!! That's cheered me up loads. Conor-Immediate the sound desk at the side of the stage is only a monitor mix for the band on stage (sorry you probably already know that :)
Once again Wham-Bam your words make sense only to you
conor-immediate Basic Member Posts:100  
7/11/2003 6:42 PM |
Yeah I was thinking it was probably some thing like that. Wham-bam-thankyou-mam is my hero
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
7/12/2003 5:58 PM |
i really enjoyed playing it thought the sound was great
and at mogwai i thought it was excellent but just maybe a bit small for them