king of nails New Member Posts:85  
6/21/2003 12:16 PM |
it just dawned on the the other day that mtv doesn't actually play music videos's endless repeats of cribs, punk*d, real world, jackass, making the video, at the movies, some awards show etc. etc./i was never a dedicated fan of mtv or anything but it's just weird...
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
6/23/2003 9:36 AM |
My god, I think you're right, I can't remeber the last time I flicked MTV on and there was a music video on.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
6/23/2003 11:13 AM |
Remember 120 Minutes?.....Alternative Nation?.....Chill Out Zone?
There's nothing on it anymore - apparantly MTV2 has some similar shows and better content - But I don't have it so I don't know but it defo looks like MTV has become one big advertisment these days.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
6/23/2003 1:25 PM |
Agreed. I used to just suck. Now it doesn't even do what it says on the tin. I mean, how many ways can guys kick each other in the nuts and it is amusing?? Incredibly, if someone had asked you two years ago if it would have been possible to dumb down MTV, the answer would have been a wholehearted no. Who'd have thunk it!
Talking of 120 minutes, if anyone has been to see any of Miles Hunts solo shows, he usually drops in some gems about people he interviewed over his years presenting that show and what complete tossers they were. Quality
6/23/2003 1:39 PM |
Come on Kingo, you know MTV went to the dogs years ago. Even when they were playing videos, it was just the usual boy/girl band s**te. Then again, a music station that doesn't play music.....hmmm, you're right that is quite a contradiction of terms.
PS Vent My Spleen, "I used to just suck"? You might want to edit that to "It", that's quite an opening for slaggings from the dirty-minded folk...............
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
6/23/2003 2:46 PM |
Heh heh! Clearly a typo, before your addled brains go into homo-erotic overdrive. I don't suck, I *RAWK*!!!!
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
6/24/2003 12:14 PM |
I know it's crap but I still think that Dirty Sanchez is one of the funniest things on the TV that I've ever seen
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
6/24/2003 1:48 PM |
MTV should be taken of the air, when was he last time you saw a decent video on that station? Its one big advertising channel, the record companies bid to get their video on. The thing is I really miss, not just the music, but the creativity from the videos that used to be shown on alternative nation, 120 minutes etc.... sob, sob.
Diry Sanchez are a bunch of idiots.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
6/24/2003 1:57 PM |
Hurrah! An opportunity to quote the legend that was Bill Hicks in one post...
"It's always funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's just hilarious."
"Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye."
How right he was!
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
6/25/2003 12:40 PM |
Eric, Dirt Sanchez are indeed a bunch of twats..but I'm sorry anyone with a sense of humour couldn't watch that show and not crack a smirk - c'mon?! Yes they are a pack of brainless twats deliberatly causing misfortune to themselves - but it's bloody funny - they remind me of the Twins in Twin Town - comical film - the welsh accents just make it funnier - MTV still sucks though
7/1/2003 12:34 PM |
Its just a greedy corporation similar to mcdonalds. Its also secertly trying to make british and irish kids look and act like yanks, it turns my stomach...
Also the new presenters are the worst bunch of personalities ive ever seen.Its so false and nice and safe..
And whats the story, they have been showing the same 2 series of jackass and the osbourns every nigth for about 2 years now, tell me how are they getting away with..........
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
7/1/2003 1:22 PM |
I confess I have smirked at the Dirty Crew, when I say they are idiots, I mean I would not use my nuts as brakes for my bicycle.
Brain of G Basic Member Posts:161  
7/4/2003 2:46 PM |
I hate jackass and dirty sanchez to be honest. Has anyone seen the piss-take of them on MTV? Quite amusing.
I don't think Punk'd is that bad tho - very watchable like