Quint Basic Member Posts:209  
1/6/2008 10:26 AM |
Strangely and coincidentally, all my favourite bands and musicians are returning with albums and/or gigs this year so it's gonna be a busy one! So in no real chronological order....deep breath..... Live, for starters... God Is An Astronaut @ Button Factory, Explosions in the Sky live@Tripod, American Music club live in Whelans plus new album then later in the year... Radiohead, Malahide castle Midlands Festival, Belvedere, Mullingar (Neil Young?) the proposed new boutique festival 'Latitude' for Belvedere, Mullingar Electric Picnic (My Bloody Valentine?) New albums on the way from.... Kathleen Edwards Sun Kil Moon (Mark Kozelek) in April called er 'April', Goldfrapp The Verve The Notwist Cat Power (covers) (I'll forgive her awful Tripod gig a few months back and start afresh!), David Rawlings/Gillian Welch Mogwai X 2 : Reissue of debut 'Young Team' remastered with rarities etc PLUS new album/tour in the Autumn The Cure M83 'Saturdays=Youth', Metallica Massive Attack 'Weather Underground' Portishead Doves and the big one........the return of MY BLOODY VALENTINE! Loads of old and new material on the way plus those gigs in the UK...only 6 months to go. Will be interesting to hear what the new Coldplay, Oasis and REM albums will be like this year.....then there's the new U2 album. Will it be completely s**t like everything else they've done since Achtung Baby/Zooropa? Probably. Big year for music, methinks...over to you!
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
1/6/2008 1:46 PM |
I thought 2007 was a great year for music (especially Irish music) and I hope 2008 will be even better. I'm looking forward to: - all those fine Irish acts of 2007 (FLApes, Hooray For Humans, Dark Room Notes, Cathy Davey, Adrian Crowley, Delorentos, etc) touring outside of Ireland (so that I can get to see them live) - hearing brilliant new music from BRAND NEW bands (more so than new music from OLD/KNOWN bands: does that make sense?) I can't work up any enthusiasm about old bands reforming (including MBV) or old bands releasing "their best album since *insert name of their biggest-seller*"
Pool Cleaning Guy New Member Posts:70  
1/6/2008 2:30 PM |
Posted By Quint on 06 Jan 2008 10:26 AM American Music club live in Whelans plus new album American Music Club have been my favourite band for close on 20 years, ever since 1989's United Kingdom. I am ever so slightly obsessed with them, to the extent that I am going to all 4 irish shows on their soon to begin tour. I've had the new album for about six weeks, and it's up there with the best work of their career. The best band in the world just got better.
Quint Basic Member Posts:209  
1/7/2008 10:03 AM |
All four gigs! Jesus. My doff my cap to you Sir! A true fan indeed. Yeah, I discovered them while at Glasgow Uni in the mid to late nineties, a friend with impeccable taste in music gave me compilation tape (remember them?) with AMC on it and I've been a major fan since. Did you see them when they played The Village a couple of times a few years' ago? Saw Eitzel solo also and was talking to him afterwards in Whelans. Bit sad that Dan Pearson and Tim mooney are gone but at least Vudi is still there. Tom Dunne played a track recently off the new album and yr right, they still have it...here's a review I did of their Village gig in 04...see you down the front. http://www.cluas.com/music/gigs/american_music_club.htm
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
1/7/2008 2:33 PM |
* seeing the Brothers Davies, Avory and Quaife on stage together * doves new album also/walls album/teenage fanclub album/fla album * more ROCK from the Giants of Science * the immediate reforming * indiana jones * teaching my daughter to play her new pink Luna guitar we got her for her 8th birthday on Saturday! loads, going to be a great year PQ
Binokular Veteran Member Posts:1665  
1/7/2008 3:54 PM |
I didn't know there was a new Gillian Welch album coming out, but I'm looking forward to that now, about time too! I'm looking forward to new albums from: The Breeders (thought it would NEVER happen) Miss Kittin (Hometown is such a great single, not sure if it'll be on the album, track it down!) Sons and Daughters (this month), Alphabeat (who are so POP! they will either the million times better than Mika pop sensation of 2008 or a complete flop) Ladytron. On the gig front, I'd be happy just to actually get to go to some gigs this year, full stop. Haven't been to one in ages for various personal reasons.
Ally Basic Member Posts:347  
1/8/2008 3:28 AM |
i don't know what is coming up or who is releasing what... but i am really looking forward to the new nick cave album and hopefully a return to vicar street... his solo gig there (with the grinderman personnel) in 2003 was perhaps my favourite live experience...
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
1/8/2008 4:36 AM |
Posted By Ally on 08 Jan 2008 3:28 AM i don't know what is coming up or who is releasing what... Same here! I only know that I'll be at the Exit Festival in July.. Novi Sad, here we go!
kavobaggins Basic Member Posts:199  
1/8/2008 7:38 AM |
im normally musically deprieved down here in new zealand, but in the next month im looking forward to seeing: Rage against the f**king machine Bjork Arcade Fire Battles Unkle and in other gigs: Beirut Broken Social Scene Kings of Leon Suddenly the trip to new zealand doesnt seem like such a bad idea.
PeterQuaife Basic Member Posts:436  
1/8/2008 8:07 AM |
would love to see rage again..they touring worldwide do you know? PQ
UnaRocks Basic Member Posts:274  
1/8/2008 8:13 AM |
I'm looking forward to albums from Hot Chip, Bloc Party, Ham Sandwich, Fight Like Apes, Courtney Love.
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
1/8/2008 9:21 AM |
That last Hot Chip album was, apart from the singles, a feckin' dismal effort & the new tune they have out doesn't sound much better. Can't wait to hear FLA's album though.
muzak Basic Member Posts:112  
1/11/2008 6:47 AM |
Albums from Goldfrapp, Sigur Ros, Dark Room Notes