Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
4/8/2003 1:18 PM |
I was Whelans on Thurs for the IMRO yokey. I caught the last three songs of your set, pretty decent it was too .... allowing for the dodgy haircuts ('cept the bassist, loved the Malcolm Young head on ye) BUT can you have a word with your mates to shut the the fcuk up when another band is on ? The yapping over the next band was unreal. Piss off into the bar (or down the back) if you wanna wonder about the the meaning of life or if Phil really did kill Lisa in Eastenders. I understand its was the first time in there a few of them, but only a few. The rest of them should have known better. Thank fcuk Label rokked, or it would have been a disaster of a night.
For anyone thats interested, Label are in the TBMC on Easter Sat., supporting The Crayonz.
non-specific New Member Posts:10  
4/8/2003 3:27 PM |
Thats par for the course for the IMRO showcase i'm afraid. Bring all your mates is a pre requisite and said mates don't really give a f**k about the other bands.
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
4/8/2003 3:36 PM |
Doug Sheridan was deadly too didnt think much of listo theyre good n all but theyre werent the best that night........
4/9/2003 1:13 PM |
Thats fair enough mully, but why did the singer from label keep
thanking all the bands that played as if they were the headliners. And why did label get almost 20 mins more than the others. I thougth there were no headliners at the Imro showcase!And its about music not fashion,fcuk the haircuts........
non-specific New Member Posts:10  
4/9/2003 1:51 PM |
Is Label the band with Terry Cullen as the lead singer?
If so, the reason he thanked all the bands like he was Mr. Headliner is because he's a tool.
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
4/9/2003 3:37 PM |
The point mully was making was that band is finished there mates talk over the next band.It is indeed about the music but the music isnt been heard if the other bands mates are yelling over the next preformance.Haircuts or no haircuts its plain rude...
peace03 New Member Posts:46  
4/9/2003 4:04 PM |
saw Doug Sheridan before, he's muck, so either he has had a total change of music & image or he knows someone in IMRO, like a lot of the bands in the showcase.
Sorry I missed Listo on the night.
Also, will people give over on the haircuts thing, remember Bowie as Ziggy, that was probably the worst hair ever yet it was some of the greatest music ever made.....
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
4/9/2003 4:19 PM |
Thats total crap and you know it peace03 Doug Sheridan appeals to a wide audience and i personally think he's excellent i mean hes only 20 give him a break hes gonna go far.Listo are a deadly band too and also have potential imro set those gigs up on demos alone and you know it! aswell your tell Doug sheridan t change his image yet you say
bowie did the best music with his bad one :)
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
4/9/2003 4:23 PM |
Here we go round the mulberry bush...
non-specific New Member Posts:10  
4/9/2003 6:33 PM |
Its really pointless putting haircut and music in the same sentance if you're trying to make a serious point. It nullifies any critisism immediately. My hair is f**king awful and i'm going bald but i don't think anyone cares when i'm playing with my band.
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
4/10/2003 11:23 AM |
i do...
anyway, its terry sutton who is the singer of label and the imro showcase isnt *really* just done on demos. alot of the bands selected are just mates of dermot flynn
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
4/10/2003 1:02 PM |
Ha ha ha ha Handbags at dawn lads?? Ha ha ah ah
Listen if a band plays well - great - when they play again recommend them - if they release something bloody buy it. If the band plays badly don't go and see them again and don't buy their stuff. Simple as that. Others probably like leave them to it - the fact Ireland is coming out with diverse music is fantastic, even if you don't like half of it...the half you do like is worth going to gigs for. There is, believe it or not, room enough for all the bands, as there are so many music fans (of all genres) in this country - resorting to school yard slaggin matches is a waste of time - no one is interested in hearing about so and so's hair - or who knows who or whatever. In fairness it's a pain in the arse when people are shouting all over someone's gig but that's's a public place and people have paid to be there to socialise and have a gargle so if they want to talk they will - you can't be held responsible if your mates are doin it - this isn't communist China (thank f*ck) - lighten up a little - at the risk of sounding like a is supposed to be something to enjoy and celebrate, to bring people together, to unify over class, race and let it do that..listen to the tunes and if they are rubbish then don't support it, if they excite you...spread the good word - that's why I go on this site - to see what's going on, not to bitch (that's Ted Mauls job ha ha ha!! )
space cheeks Basic Member Posts:129  
4/10/2003 6:26 PM |
Hear ye Hear ye Dromed is the King! Peace!
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
4/10/2003 7:30 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Dromed
music is supposed to be something to enjoy and celebrate, to bring people together, to unify over class, race and let it do that
i think what the original poster meant was its tought to do that when there's a load of folk talking
boywonder New Member Posts:19  
4/12/2003 4:46 PM |
Lads , the sad thing is that the best band of the night were the firts band on Scribble. Even though they played an acoustic set - ive seen the, before in Cork with the full line up and they were great. All the bands were really tight on the night but I reckon Scribble weer the only ones doing something new. Shame they were on first but the people who were there got into it which was good.