4/2/2003 7:59 PM |
Listo, Johnny Pyro, Hi rise, Things, Clouded Mouse,Think, Subtonics and Francis Black.
What do you think Motherf**ker........
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
4/3/2003 7:45 AM |
Colm Quearney, Label, TenSpeedRacer, Tycho Brahe, Martin Finke,
Damien Dempsey, Cane 141, Dr Millar......
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
4/3/2003 10:19 AM |
I've heard lots of good things about Cane 141 - what are they like? Are they not Scottish or something though??
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
4/3/2003 11:56 AM |
dromed... are you in that heineken green energy ad? f**kin class
non-specific New Member Posts:10  
4/3/2003 3:07 PM |
Those ads a too funny. Especially the one in the kitchen.
'Your out of the band'
'Wha? Ma!!'
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
4/3/2003 7:04 PM |
Yeah, your right, cane 141 are scottish, based out of galway.
Top band, i really like them. Hard to describe but very easy
to get into to
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
4/4/2003 12:59 PM |
Ha ha ha ha ha alas no I'm not in the ads - just as well I think - they're funny though. The lads did an audition for the craic and then shat themselves when they got it - it was make yer mind up time and they decided that by doin it we could fund our next Single/Video/Album so said f*ck it. I just kept asking was there any free booze? Well...have to get yer priorities right eh?
peace03 New Member Posts:46  
4/4/2003 2:34 PM |
Respect Duncan, I agree with all of those, throw in King Sativa and you don't need Witness, thats a festival in itself
papa razzo New Member Posts:49  
4/4/2003 4:33 PM |
#KINGSATIVA - definitely agree with that but Witnness seem to be ignoring them. They are such a festival band. I heard that they're being lined up for a load of European festivals so they might not be available anyway. I also heard Witnness were dumping the rising stage...is it true?
the Loyalisor New Member Posts:1  
4/5/2003 12:22 PM |
I reckon they should ask Scribble to play Wittness. Their album is deadly and I say them play an acoustic set in whelans on thursday and they are really tight with great songs. It would be class to see them on the festival stage.
4/5/2003 3:43 PM |
4/7/2003 9:55 AM |
I definitely reckon the Subtonics should play along with Jinx Lennon and a bit of Damien Dempsey would'nt go amiss.
JimDaniels New Member Posts:8  
4/7/2003 4:50 PM |
Warlords of Pez
Deputy Fuzz
4/8/2003 8:50 AM |
Fred and The Citadels and THe Walls
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
4/8/2003 11:47 AM |
What are Fred like? I've heard that they're not bad at all, think they're from cork.
4/10/2003 4:03 PM |
hey whats this i here guiness are not sposoring witness this year, i hope heiniken do it then get the transformers to play, thats the best thing i seen on tv in ages they should make a little film
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
4/10/2003 6:07 PM |
Guinness have to be sponsoring it ... they own the trademark on the name.
billygannon New Member Posts:12  
4/11/2003 8:38 PM |
Irish bands/acts who should get lots of cash to play s**ttiness:
Daemien Frost
The Tycho Brahe
Warlords of Pez
Mumblin Deaf Ro
The Dudley Corporation
Tracer AMC
Holy Ghost Fathers
The Jimmy Cake
The Chalets
Deputy Fuzz
Dinah Brand
boywonder New Member Posts:19  
4/12/2003 4:49 PM |
Fred are pretty good - they'rw Cork alright but have played a bit in Dublin recently with the Forward the revolution thingey. You should check them out. Check out another Cork band as well though , Scribble. They are based in Dublin now i think but i've seen them playing in cork. They have an album out and its well good stuff.
boywonder New Member Posts:19  
4/16/2003 7:37 PM |
Fred are a cork band alright. THey were playing the Forward the revolution thing around the place.You should check out another Cork band called Scribble though. THey are based in Dublin I think but I've seen them in Cork and they are great. They have an album out as do Fred. Both worth looking into.