Quint Basic Member Posts:209  
10/17/2007 6:18 AM |
Has anyone here seen this? It seemed to just come and go in cinemas in Ireland unnoticed. John Carney is an immensely talented writer/director (Bachelors Walk is the best Irish-made TV series I've yet seen) but the thought of listening to the ol' Ginger Messiah himself Glen for and hour and half, let alone watching his dubious acting skills, was too much to contemplate....but the Brits are loving this film, he and Marketa were on the Culture Show last week plus a full page in last Sunday's Observer, etc and we haven't even started at how well it's doing in the US, despite my severe Frames allergy I might check it out on DVD...but has anyone seen it? Worth all the hype???....in related news...John Cale is SUPPORTING (!!!!????) The FRames at Some Days Never End, is this a mistake?...what next...? Lou Reed Supporting Bell X1?, New York Dolls supporting The Blizzards? Televison supporting Delorentos?. Very strange.
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
10/17/2007 6:46 AM |
I prefer Hansard when he's doing his Avid Merrion roles! Speaking of look-a-likes.. has anyone else noticed the uncanny resembelance between the actor who plays Earl in "My Name is Earl" and the drummer from The Killers? I'm convinced they are one in the same. (PS Star Belgrade's next gig is in Whelans on Nov 8th, with support from Led Zeppelin, tickets €7 from www.tickets.ie)
Peejay Basic Member Posts:340  
10/17/2007 7:23 AM |
John Cale is SUPPORTING (!!!!????) The FRames at Some Days Never End, is this a mistake?...what next...? Lou Reed Supporting Bell X1?, New York Dolls supporting The Blizzards? Televison supporting Delorentos?. Very strange.  I understand the musical imbalance, but this is showbiz dahling. John Cale was always a bit fringe, he never built a solid solo career like Lou did, thought he does have some great albums to his name. I wonder how some artists, deep down, feel about being the support slot. Especially being support for groups that bare little similarity to their own music and are ten times as popular.
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
10/17/2007 7:42 AM |
Posted By Peejay on 17 Oct 2007 7:23 AM John Cale is SUPPORTING (!!!!????) The FRames at Some Days Never End, is this a mistake?...what next...? Lou Reed Supporting Bell X1?, New York Dolls supporting The Blizzards? Televison supporting Delorentos?. Very strange.  I understand the musical imbalance, but this is showbiz dahling. John Cale was always a bit fringe, he never built a solid solo career like Lou did, thought he does have some great albums to his name. I wonder how some artists, deep down, feel about being the support slot. Especially being support for groups that bare little similarity to their own music and are ten times as popular. I can't speak for all artists, but oul Robbie and Jimmy told me over a pint last night that they were deeply honoured to be offered a chance to play with us - especially now as we have almost 20,000 friends on MySpace. I told them not to worry - just get me a few pints & we'd be all square.
dermot_trellis New Member Posts:69  
10/17/2007 7:42 AM |
Yeah, I was amazed to discover how well 'Once' is doing over in the States (especially compared to the relatively muted reception here).. not a fan of The Frames at all but fair play to Glen Hansard, he's certainly put in enough hard graft at this stage to deserve his big break.
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
10/17/2007 7:45 AM |
Posted By dermot_trellis on 17 Oct 2007 7:42 AM Yeah, I was amazed to discover how well 'Once' is doing over in the States (especially compared to the relatively muted reception here).. not a fan of The Frames at all but fair play to Glen Hansard, he's certainly put in enough hard graft at this stage to deserve his big break. His second big break.. remember The Commitments?!?
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
10/17/2007 8:26 AM |
'Once' is opening next week here in France, where cinema critics are probably the most demanding in the world - however, the film got a very good reaction at a recent 'British' film festival (in Normandy, I think)... I haven't seen it yet but I'll give it a go, I'll check out the reviews and I'll report on same over at the blog. Anyone else around the world with reports on how 'Once' is doing with audiences and critics?
Unicron Veteran Member Posts:1696  
10/17/2007 8:50 AM |
Posted By dermot_trellis on 17 Oct 2007 7:42 AM Yeah, I was amazed to discover how well 'Once' is doing over in the States (especially compared to the relatively muted reception here).. not a fan of The Frames at all but fair play to Glen Hansard, he's certainly put in enough hard graft at this stage to deserve his big break. Apparently it's the most profitable film of the summer in the US in terms of how much it cost to make vs. how much it's taken.
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
10/17/2007 9:10 AM |
We've had to suffer the gingeritus' warblings, cult-like fans & bloody violin solos ever since he came to light as Outspan.. the rest of the world have had no previous warnings, so who can blame the good reviews & box office takings? Give 'em a year or two - that'll learn them!
Norman Schwarzkopf Basic Member Posts:427  
10/17/2007 10:07 AM |
The world is coming at it without any pro- or con-Frames baggage so to everyone else, it's just a sweet little Irish movie with original songs better than the usual "movie" songs...(Witness the annual "Best Song" Oscar category). The Irish are s**te at going to Irish movies full stop, let alone one with Hansard in it... not surprised it didnt do so well here. Jonathan Ross wasnt into it. Spielberg was. Who to believe???!!!
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
10/18/2007 2:37 AM |
Posted By aidan on 17 Oct 2007 8:26 AM Anyone else around the world with reports on how 'Once' is doing with audiences and critics? Here's a link to the "Once" MySpace blog, containing a load of the UK reviews... http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=152394451&blogID=320132586
crucifixio New Member Posts:89  
10/18/2007 2:50 AM |
I actually won tickets to see the premiere in Dublin months ago. I went along not expecting much but I ended up really enjoying it. It's absolutely hilarious at times (the opening scene) and Glen doesn't get annoying at all (I just want to mention that I am not a Frames fan). I would really recommend people should go and see this, it's one of the best Irish films in a long time. Fox Searchlight has bought the rights to the film (hence it being re-released) and it has won loads of awards at various film festivals.
UnaRocks Basic Member Posts:274  
10/18/2007 5:54 AM |
I went to the premiere too. I thought it was a great little movie. Would recommend it.
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
10/18/2007 7:29 AM |
Just heard a song from the film on the radio there a few minutes ago ... there's no way I could sit through that s**te - honest to god, what the f**k is up with all the s**tty singer songwriters in this country ?? there's a f**king palgue of the c**ts these days.. ever since that w**ker Damien Rice had a song stuck in a chick flick it's like - ching, ching.. acoustic + male vocal + female vocal = cash. Paddy "sheep head" Casey was at it last night on The Last Broadcast too... the only exception I'd make is for Jinx Lennon & his missus!
aidan Advanced Member Posts:638  
10/18/2007 7:52 AM |
Posted By starbelgrade on 18 Oct 2007 7:29 AM Just heard a song from the film on the radio there a few minutes ago ... there's no way I could sit through that s**te - honest to god, what the f**k is up with all the s**tty singer songwriters in this country ?? there's a f**king palgue of the c**ts these days.. ever since that w**ker Damien Rice had a song stuck in a chick flick it's like - ching, ching.. acoustic + male vocal + female vocal = cash. Paddy "sheep head" Casey was at it last night on The Last Broadcast too... the only exception I'd make is for Jinx Lennon & his missus! Fortunately, there's always Whelan's on November 8, right? ;D
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
10/18/2007 9:27 AM |
Posted By aidan on 18 Oct 2007 7:52 AM Posted By starbelgrade on 18 Oct 2007 7:29 AM Just heard a song from the film on the radio there a few minutes ago ... there's no way I could sit through that s**te - honest to god, what the f**k is up with all the s**tty singer songwriters in this country ?? there's a f**king palgue of the c**ts these days.. ever since that w**ker Damien Rice had a song stuck in a chick flick it's like - ching, ching.. acoustic + male vocal + female vocal = cash. Paddy "sheep head" Casey was at it last night on The Last Broadcast too... the only exception I'd make is for Jinx Lennon & his missus! Fortunately, there's always Whelan's on November 8, right? ;D I presume yr takin the mick, but just in case... no, we ain't playin' Whelans (not this side of Xmas anyhow!), though when we do, Led Zep will DEFINITELY be supporting us!
UnaRocks Basic Member Posts:274  
10/19/2007 2:19 AM |
"what the f**k is up with all the s**tty singer songwriters in this country" - are you living in Ireland ten years ago, or just not bothered to check out any music beyond the realms of chick flicks and The Last Broadcast?
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
10/19/2007 2:49 AM |
Yeah - there's no bands left in Ireland.. that's what Dave Fanning said last week anyhow and I believe him. The future is Mundy.
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
10/19/2007 2:51 AM |
And "Closer" is NOT a chick flick.. it's a heartfelt drama about infidelity, intimacy and sacrifice.
starbelgrade Advanced Member Posts:715  
10/19/2007 2:52 AM |
And Glen Hansard is not really Avid Merrion - I just made that up.