joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
2/27/2003 9:08 PM |
okay! well ...i have to admit, i really like what i've heard from the thrills, and i didn't expect to. i thought it would be annoy me(i hate when irish singers put on really forced american accents),but in spite of myself i like it. looking forward to hearing more. what do you think?
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
2/28/2003 9:45 AM |
I haven't heard any of their stuff, I'm going to the gig tonight to check them out.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/28/2003 2:47 PM |
Saw them supporting Doves in the Olympia..not bad to be fair to them....but kind of have that 'singin in an American tone' thing going on...why do people do that??? Some nice mellow harmonies..bit Beach Boy's ...but all in all a little 'light-weight' as it were...kind of like the theme tune to 'Three's Company'.... ha ha ah aha haha...
joedolan Basic Member Posts:102  
3/3/2003 2:18 PM |
what did you think of the gig?
very short set(about 8 3-4 minute songs), and some guy behind me kept shouting "go on the flaming lips!" all the time. (maybe he had a point).
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
3/3/2003 2:31 PM |
I didn't enjoy the gig myself. I don't know why exactly it just left me cold.
PS That was my mate behind you then, he has some mental problems.
| Basic Member Posts:201  
3/4/2003 10:10 AM |
yeah, they're ok i suppose - i got that beachboys/west coast thing too - but i get the feeling they're modest enough lads and if they're playing the music they enjoy then fair enough... but i think there's better bands closer to home. but thats just my opinion.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
3/4/2003 2:23 PM |
I don't even think it's an Irish thing or not an Irish thing - they aren't bad - can play their instruments and carry off their 'sound' well enough live - there's just nothing too exciting or new or diverse about it. The stuff they are releasing now would probably do a lot better if they waited til the summer - cos it's kind of driving in yer car on a sunny day kind of stuff. Just think it's a little bit one dimensional to be honest.
| Basic Member Posts:201  
3/6/2003 8:54 AM |
yeah, to be fair they can play a decent tune alright - just feel the vocals are a bit lacklustre - holding back or something...
Nomington New Member Posts:81  
4/3/2006 7:12 PM |
I saw two of them eating kebabs in abrakebabra there a while ago. As soon as they left the Thrill was just gone.
Damien Basic Member Posts:316  
4/4/2006 6:39 AM |
Don't be sorry, it was a solid pun.
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
4/4/2006 10:09 AM |
quote: Originally posted by Dromed
Saw them supporting Doves in the Olympia..not bad to be fair to them....but kind of have that 'singin in an American tone' thing going on...why do people do that???
Slight Freudian Slip there Dromed, was that not Hal supporting Doves ?
4/4/2006 1:45 PM |
Are Hal and the Thrills not the same band?
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
4/4/2006 2:39 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Mully
quote: Originally posted by Dromed
Saw them supporting Doves in the Olympia..not bad to be fair to them....but kind of have that 'singin in an American tone' thing going on...why do people do that???
Slight Freudian Slip there Dromed, was that not Hal supporting Doves ?
Freuidan Shemoydian....who's something I wrote 3 years ago for frigs sake. I can't remember what I was doing 3 days ago.
Mully Advanced Member Posts:849  
4/4/2006 3:01 PM |
Again, like most ... Didnt check the date. Apologies.
We've all been fooled by that cheeky chap, Joe Dolan. Presenter of RTEs new cutting edge hidden camera show, You've Been Forumed !
4/4/2006 3:35 PM |
arcade fire electric picnic, i had to work and it was my birthday.
kings of leon in tbmc, saw them at oxegen and really wanted to go but i went to alton towers that day.
the strokes tbmc, i was under 18.
although i got to see the arctic monkeys in whelans on there first gig abroad and in a venue with a balcony and that was great. and ur definitely not goin to see them there again.
4/4/2006 3:38 PM |
wrong place