the blasphemous New Member Posts:7  
1/30/2003 5:05 PM |
right you mugs....and I'm talkin to everyone who is sick of the Frames and their stupid fans and the over publicity they get in "that" rag...s**t PRESS.
Me and one of my compadres, are gettin t-shirts printed up for ourselves with "f**k the Frames" down the front. We wanna try and get evryone who is interested, to print up one of these t-shirts for yourself, it will cost you less than a tenner to get it done. I think there is a t-shirt print place in Stephen's Green they could be done in.
If we can get enough people to do this, they could be all over the city by the summer and Glen Hansard might get the message.
I am appealing to evryone out there to do this, the future of our kids depends on this.
P.S. It's the Winter of Love man....
vandala Basic Member Posts:267  
1/30/2003 6:09 PM |
Good man yourself. Now, if you can get your hands on a couple of three-piece-jigsaws you should be kept nicely occupied until the summer.
klootfan Advanced Member Posts:851  
1/31/2003 8:54 AM |
Good man...ive forgoten, how is this suppose to go...
ohh yeah... listo, clouded mouse and..who's the other one..
HI-Rise... are great and...ehh.. every other irish band is crap...
and every other irish band takes much needed attention from these bands....blah..blah..
and...respect-omondo... have i missed anything...
christ, ive never heard the music of any of the above bands...and from
reading the posts on this messageboard recently, im going to
go out of my way never to be in the same venue as them...
1/31/2003 10:38 AM |
I don't like the Frames either, but that seems a bit excessive. Why don't you put f*** Louis Walsh instead?
Way more practical..................
1/31/2003 11:23 AM |
i don't think that print shop in stephens green offers discount for bulk orders of one...tosspot! mind you one of the best t-shirts i ever saw was an Obituary one (i think) saying
eddiesheridan Basic Member Posts:169  
1/31/2003 12:08 PM |
dont do a f**k louis walsh t-shirt coz he will take you up on the offer.( If you are a bloke that is)
dirtypropaganda Basic Member Posts:183  
2/2/2003 7:11 PM |
i think thats a great idea.....
come talk to me about it oh blessed blasphemer...this could be a goer...
to be honest i dont mind the frames at all. they have put in the work over the years and to a degree they deserve much of the hometown acclaim that they recieve. i would definately sport a f**k the frames t-shirt though..just for the thrashy sensational tartyness of the excercise...and also just to piss off the hardened frames fanatic.
if they were to make a f**k listo or f**k clouded mouse t-shirt i would also wear them..basically i just like the gratuitous use of profanity...i seen clouded mouse for the first time on friday night in waterford.....they are funkier than the devil on a mitsubishi mash up...amazingly uplifting party any of the cu-nts out there that wanna knock a band before they try them just live safe in the knowledge that the likes of clouded mouse and listo will be kickin the flava on a 24-7 basis while ur at home wetting ur bed.
be good children
2/3/2003 1:01 PM |
I'm also sick of hearing about Clouded Mouse. I don't think anybody thinks there just a few good bands out there. There are heaps of tallented musicians out there and at least a forum like this gives them a chance to say their piece. Good on those bands for making people talk though, mabey it would be more ballanced if other bands started writing in. I know they are really good but there is a saturation point.I think the Frames are a really good band.
Iain from the Mouse.
mick Basic Member Posts:411  
2/3/2003 5:14 PM |
if you really want to get rid of the frames blasphemous, surely you shouldnt advertise them
any publicity is good publicity
by having those tshirts all over the city you'd be helping them and nothing else
for the record i think the frames are a brilliant band, and amazing live and i reckon they'd piss all over any band posted about on this board onstage
i'll just go wet my bed now
dr.bongo badly New Member Posts:31  
2/5/2003 1:31 PM |
Doylers is only an oul' windbag. He's actually a rocker in disguise.Leave the poor oul frames alone. They're to old to shtand up for themselves.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/5/2003 3:35 PM |
Heeheehee! Good 'un Bongo Boy! You know the Frames have had their moments where they've stomped out a good tune or two - But to be honest i find the really off putting thing is Glen Hansolo - cos he is doing what I would call a 'Bono' on it - let me explain.....U2, whether they are your cup of tea or not, not a band i'm too fond of either...are bloody good at what they do - and are loved all over the world - fine. However Bono can't leave it at that he has to preach to his 'people' and that's the bit I hate, petty yes, but I'm sorry i can't help it - he drives me nuts...he comes across as smug and patronising with his holier then thou attitude - ok give him his dues he uses his position to do useful charitable things etc etc but does he have to take himself so bloody seriously? And that's what i dislike about Hansolo he thinks his music is so deep, so meaningful, his in-between songs dry and witty - when in fact it's tiresome, monotonous, self-absorbed, self-important and self-righteous. If you are making good music by all means be proud of it, you've the right to be. Just don't look down your nose at the 'non artistic' among us. If you make music you need to believe in yourself and what you are doing, cos at times no one else will (*lol*) but it doesn't make you better then anyone else cos you are in a f**king band or because people know your name. And music doesn't have to be so bloody serious all the time. Y'kno I think we should all try and find the name of some new bands that haven't been talked about here before - Irish or not Irish - and start getting each other into new music rather then wasting so much time talking about if one band is getting more back slapping then another - Now I'm about to go and buy the new Moloko album and was told that that band The Faint are quite good - any opinions????
placidpr New Member Posts:8  
2/5/2003 7:59 PM |
I with eddie, stop Louis Walsh!! he is part of the Bilderberg group.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
2/6/2003 1:11 PM |
Amen to that Dromed. As I have said here previously, I went to Glen Hansard solo in Whelans before Xmas and it was appaling. Particularly irritating was the support from Mark Geary who spent as much time talking as singing. He regailed us with stories of Mikado biscuits being like manna from heaven at Christmas cos we was all just poor chisslurs before the Celtic Tiger, not that any of you youngsters in the crowd would remember. Me, I grew up in the seventies - things weren't great but they damn sure weren't that bad. GET A LIFE and play some tunes instead of pontificating on.
Glen is equally as bad on his day. If you are going to do banter, you need to be entertaining (ala Hamell on Trial) or don't do it at all.
ted_maul New Member Posts:7  
2/8/2003 9:31 PM |
Ah f**k off you poxy listo, hi-rise and all other of those stupid haired bands who 'shine' around with their Peter Mark hairstyles and make empty music about NOTHING. You clown looking easily mockable twats.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
2/10/2003 1:35 PM |
ehh...sorry Ted do you have a point to make or have you just stumbled on to this site by mistake while looking for the 'Lets make irrelevant points about people's haircuts since we have nothing more intelligent to add to the discussion' web's called why don't you hurry along...there's a good boy
peace03 New Member Posts:46  
2/10/2003 4:01 PM |
We live in an amazing country, music wise. We all like to have opinions on them all and there's nothing wrong with that.
Personally I love every band or musician or d.j. or producer in Ireland, whether it's trad or techno, rock or classical, hip hop or reggae.
I just love music with a passion and I love this country, bar the rain.
We have to break down these barriers & cliques that are stupidly put around the differnt genres and bands. We have to support each other and get rid of this "tabloid" idea of begrudgery.
Irish bands won't get anywhere if there own people continue to shoot them down. Neither will the bands get anywhere if they, themselves have a superior attitude or if their own followings continue to look down on "outsiders".
Lets just love ALL the music and respect ALL the musicians and performers that have the balls to get up and perform in front of the increasingly hard to please audiences in our green and pleasant land.
As Columbo would say....just one more thing;
Lets have a show of unity amongst musicians/perfomers and music lovers this Saturday at the anti-War march in Dublin. We are the future......
Respect & Peace.
DARKHORSE New Member Posts:7  
2/13/2003 3:46 PM |
Hansolo... Stupid Haired Bands... that's hilarious!! LOL!