1/14/2003 3:56 PM |
What do you make of this unravelling episode on Pete T? Some sort of weird loyalty (I'm no Who fan BTW) makes me give him the benefit of the doubt. Nonethewlss even if it what he says is indeed the Gospel it was profound stupidity that made go and pay child pornographers some cash with his credit card. I hope the computer forensic team find evidence that is consistent with his admissions to date.
No matter what it is a sad, sad chapter ether way for one of the great men of rock.
1/14/2003 4:17 PM |
Im a huge Who fan and im gutted at this news. I'd like to convince myself that its not true. Its to close to call yet, but id say he's guilty and if he is Who records just wont be the same again.Dunno about you but 'piture's of Lily' how perverted is that! But everybodys innoncent till proven guilty.....
1/14/2003 4:51 PM |
I despise anybody who indulges themselves in child pornography, how sick can you get? I read recently that Pete was viewing it for research purposes, that he was going to campaign against it. That may well be true, but the fact is that viewing child pornography is illegal. If there's evidence that he viewed it regardless of his reasons, then it's difficult to see him get away scot-free. With all that in mind, I don't think I would end up feeling sorry for him
1/14/2003 5:59 PM |
down with the bed clothes up with your night shirt
fiddle about, fiddle about, fiddle about, fiddle about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1/15/2003 6:52 AM |
One thing nobody in the press seems yet to be talking about is the credit card companies. The kiddie pornographers made money out of Townshend because, it is reported, he paid with his credit card to view some of their online content. This implies that the credit card company also made money out of the kiddie porn. But has anybody seen any intellgent discussion in the press on credit companies and the fact that they too are making money out of child pornography? I for one haven't.
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
1/15/2003 9:17 AM |
In fairness to the credit card companies, as anyone who has worked on the internet knows, it is pretty straight forward to set yourself up as a vendor able to accept credit card transactions. Equally it is pretty easy to hide what you are actually selling (hotels have been charging pay per view porn as "mini-bar" or something similar for decades). I *think* it would be impossible for them to police what is actually being sold.
As for Pete, I'm personally not sure what to think. I've been an admirer of the Who for years but this is a step too far. A couple of things smell bad on this one.
1) I've worked/surfed the web since it was newsgroups (over 12 years). I've seen plenty of porn (by choice and inadvertently) in that time. I have *never* accidentally stumbled across child porn so I really don't believe that excuse. Equally, these sites are not advertised and are usually by reference only
2) As I read on the newswires yesterday, saying you were doing research is almost always cited as an excuse by people caught indulging in such activities and has never been used successfully for a defence.
3) There is a BIG difference between seeing images and handing over your credit card info to view them. At this point you patently know what you are doing
4) In the eyes of the law, whether it is once or thousands of times, it is still a crime.
Whether his intentions were completewly honourable or not, he is in a world of pain.
1/15/2003 9:19 AM |
Just one thing, apparently its NOT illegal to look at pornography (child or otherwise) but to download it is,,,
Vent My Spleen Advanced Member Posts:500  
1/15/2003 1:39 PM |
I'm no laywer but most browsers create temporary files on your hard disk of images browsed so the whole idea of actually choosing to save images is very grey. Whatever the nuances of the law, child porn is inexcusible. That said, if he is genuine, I hope he is fully vindicated if the evidence supports this. One of the great musicians of the 70s.
ramalama New Member Posts:11  
1/15/2003 1:42 PM |
Its all bulls**t. I've been a big Who fan for a long time. I've read biogs on all the members and from the Pete i know. Perv no. Research yes. I've heard about his abuse as a child and about the book he started 7 years ago.
Notice how its slipping down the pages in the newspaper. The English papers have ruined yet another mans reputation for no reason. How the hell are peaple gonna research this topic, when you can't even look at it.You can't stop what you can't see..........
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/16/2003 1:50 PM |
I'm sorry but to say that it was done in the mane of research just isn't good enough - the sados that run these sites survive with the support of those other sados that access them - they don't care why they are doing it once they are doing it - to access a site is to support it - I would credit Townsend with a little more intelligence then to think he could do that in the name of research and get away with it - so it remains to be seen what the truth is. And by the way BadBoy...grow up...jokes about paedephilia, c'mon
1/16/2003 4:53 PM |
cool your boots dromed!!! for i was merely reciting some who lyrics
flagman Basic Member Posts:150  
1/16/2003 5:03 PM |
Yeah. If Badboy was making a joke he would have wangled in "The Kids Are Alright" some how.
Eric Basic Member Posts:179  
1/16/2003 6:28 PM |
Jezz, it seems they're all at it now, Matthew Kelly being the latest.
Word on the street is that he will be appearing on Stars in your Eyes as Rolf Harris.
He will be doing 2 little boys.
Dromed Advanced Member Posts:900  
1/17/2003 1:19 PM |
Jaysus...even Darina Allen's bloke is in on the act now too.....I'll never eat another Ballymaloe Pickle & Cheese sambo again...ahhh they were me favourites too
kierry Basic Member Posts:244  
1/17/2003 2:07 PM |
i can't believe a guilty man like tim allen (home improvement anyone?) got community service. if he wasn't well known or have a business that employs a lot of locals the what would have happened?
GROOVY STE New Member Posts:3  
1/18/2003 3:30 PM |
I am a massive Who fan, I went over to check them out in London in 2000 and it was the most amazing gig I was ever at, even though they are aul codgers at this stage. I hope very much that Pete hasn't been up to no good. What I would say, is that he HAS been campaigning against child pornography on the net for a couple of years now, Jerry Hall has backed him up on that one, cos she has been campaigning with him.
b****x to all those english f**kin rags that have been printing pics of Pete with his EX-mate Gary Glitter. They're not helping his case much.
To Duncan, "Pictures of Lily", it's just a song about a young man finding himself, I wouldn't call it perverted. I'm sure you've had a hand shandy or 2 in your time. Remember Jimmy in Quadrophenia???
If Pete is guilty though, as much as it would pain me, I think I'd have to throw all the albums in the bin.
The OX & the Mooner.....R.I.P.
eddiesheridan Basic Member Posts:169  
1/21/2003 6:12 PM |
I have been a fan of the Who since I can remember but writing a good tune does not mean you would never abuse kids.Hes caught pure and simple and being a celeb means we all hear about it. shame on him, and saying he was researching it is a copout. he might as well have said he was doing it so he could release a new song called hope i die before they get old!!